General Meeting of Orkla ASA 2007 - The work of the Nomination Committee

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The following shareholder-elected members of the Corporate Assembly are up for election in 2007:
Harald Arnkværn                     (elected in 2005 for two years) -          Chairman
Elisabeth Grieg                        (elected in 2005 for two years)
Johan H. Andresen Jr.             (elected in 2005 for two years)
Svein Aaser                             (elected in 2005 for two years) -          Deputy Chairman
Idar Kreutzer                           (elected in 2005 for two years)
Arthur Sletteberg                     (elected in 2005 for two years)
Peter Ruzicka                          (elected in 2006 for one year)
The following shareholder-elected deputy members of the Corporate Assembly are up for election in spring 2007:

Terje Venold                           (elected in 2005 for two years)
Anne Birgitte Fossum              (elected in 2005 for two years)
Scilla Treschow Hokholt          (elected in 2005 for two years)
Westye Høegh                        (elected in 2005 for two years)
The Nomination Committee has started its work. Suggestions and proposals to the Nomination Committee may be sent to:

The Nomination Committee of Orkla ASA
Att: Chairman Harald Arnkværn,
Advokatfirmaet Haavind Vislie AS
Postboks 359 Sentrum
NO-0101 Oslo

or to:

Orkla ASA
Att: Karl Otto Tveter, SVP Legal Affairs
Postboks 423 Skøyen
Suggestions and proposals must be received by the Nomination Committee by the end of Week 7.  The General Assembly 2007 will take place on April 19.
Ref.:     Ole Kristian Lunde            SVP     Corporate Communications   Tel.:+47-2254 4431
Date:    January 17, 2007
