Growth in value of the Orkla share

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This is documented in an overview prepared for Orkla's Investor Relations Department, which compares the return on the Orkla share with the Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index (OSEBX), Standard & Poor 500 and a so-called "synthetic Orkla share".
"The synthetic Orkla share is composed by European indices in sectors such as food, beverages, hygiene and media, weighted proportionally according to each business area's percentage of Orkla's turnover. OSEBX was used as benchmark for the Financial Investment Division's share, which is weighted on the basis of the market value of the portfolio divided by Orkla's Enterprise Value. We then compared the increase in the value of this type of composite share with the actual performance of the Orkla share. In a great majority of the periods, the Orkla share delivered a better return," says IR Manager Rune Helland.
Presentation of the results of the survey. The Powerpoint presentation shows the return on the Orkla share compared with the Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index, Standard & Poor 500 and a synthetic Orkla share.


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