New Group Executive Board at Orkla

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Group President and CEO Dag J. Opedal has emphasised continuity, experience and renewal in constituting the new top management team.
Three of the nine members have been brought in from outside Orkla's present key management staff: Hilde Myrberg from Hydro Oil & Energy, Inger Johanne Solhaug from Orkla Foods and Ole Enger from Elkem. The others come from central management positions in the Group. Halvor Stenstadvold, who will be retiring next spring, will now step down from the Group Executive Board.
Orkla's new Group Executive Board will consist of Torkild Nordberg (Branded Consumer Goods), Bjørn Wiggen (Media), Ole Enger (Speciality Materials), Anders Berggren (Financial Investments), Roar Engeland (Strategy/Corporate Development), Inger Johanne Solhaug (Marketing/Innovation), Hilde Myrberg (Orkla's corporate staffs) and Terje Andersen (CFO).
An extended Group Management Committee is also being established, which will consist of key managers from the business areas and corporate staffs. They will meet regularly with the Group Executive Board.
"Orkla's new Group Executive Board comprises members varying in age from 36 to 57, who represent a broad range of experience and expertise. I look forward to working closely with this management team to ensure Orkla's continued profitable growth. At the same time, I take this opportunity to thank Halvor Stenstadvold for his many years of outstanding effort on behalf of the Group," says Group President and CEO Dag J. Opedal.
The members of the new Group Executive Board
The extended Group Management Committee
Orkla's new Group Executive Board
  • Group President and CEO
Dag J. Opedal (46)
Dag is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) and has an MBA from INSEAD in France. Acting Group President and CEO from January 2005, Group President and CEO from 31 May. Previously head of Orkla Foods and Stabburet. Prior to that, Finance Director at Nora, head of Business Development at Nora and Company Secretary/Controller at Dyno Industrier.
  •         Branded Consumer Goods
  • Torkild Nordberg, Managing Director, Orkla Brands (48)
    Torkild is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), and has held a variety of posts within Orkla Brands. He has been Director for Home and Personal Care, Personal Care Products/Hygiene and Industrial Detergents at Lilleborg, prior to which he held management positions in marketing.
  •         Media
  • Bjørn Wiggen, Managing Director, Orkla Media (46)
    He is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). Held various management positions at Orkla in the media business and in Pripps Ringnes, before becoming head of Orkla Media this spring. Was Managing Director of Ringnes prior to becoming Director of Carlsberg Breweries for the past three years, where his responsibilities included breweries in Eastern Europe and Turkey.
  •         Speciality Materials
  • Executive Vice President Ole Enger (57)
    Ole is a graduate Agricultural Economist of Norwegian University of Life Sciences, a Business Candidate of NHH. He has studied at IMD in Switzerland. Chairman of the Board of Sapa and Borregaard, member of the Board of Elkem and REC. Member of the Committee of Shareholders' Representatives of Storebrand. He was Group CEO of Elkem from 1992-2005. Prior to that, he was Director at Norsk Hydro in charge of the Biomarine Division & Hydro Seafood.
  •         Financial Investments:
  • Executive Vice President Anders Berggren (40)
    He is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). Financial analyst in Orkla's Portfolio Investments Department 1990-2000, when he took over responsibility for Norwegian investments. Since 2003 head of the entire Financial Investments division.
    Executive Vice President Roar Engeland (45)
    Master of Philosophy, MBA from INSEAD and graduate of the Norwegian Military Academy. Has headed Corporate Development since 1996, and has been a member of Orkla's Group Executive Board since 2001. Formerly a consultant at McKinsey, prior to which he held various positions in the Armed Forces, incl. at Chief of Defence, as Commanding Officer of an Officer Candidates School and other officer positions in the Army.

    Executive Vice President, Marketing/Innovation Inger Johanne Solhaug (36)
    Inger Johanne is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). She is currently Category Director at Orkla Foods with responsibility for the Nordic category Tasty Meal. She has previously held various marketing positions at Orkla Brands and Orkla Foods. At present she is on maternity leave and will take up her post around 1 September. Inger Johanne is to build up a team to support and strengthen the efforts to increase top line growth, primarily for companies in the branded consumer goods area, with particular focus on innovation and brand development.
    Executive Vice President Hilde Myrberg (48)
    Degree in Law and MBA from INSEAD. Head of the Markets Sector at Hydro Oil & Energy. Has held a number of positions at Hydro including posts in corporate development at Hydro Energy and the Legal Department, and has served as Secretary to the Board of Directors. Member of the Board of Directors of Kongsberg Automotive, Hydro Aluminium Deutschland and previously of Kredittilsynet (Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). She will take up her post at Orkla around 1 February.
    Chief Financial Officer Terje Andersen (47)
    Terje is a graduate of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). Currently CFO at Orkla, before which he was Finance Director at Orkla Brands and Lilleborg. He has also held positions at Deloitte Consulting and Nevi Finans.
    Orkla's Group Management Committee:
    This committee will meet on a regular basis along with the above-mentioned persons.
    Branded Consumer Goods  -  Atle Vidar Johansen, Mikael Aru, Bente Brevik
    Media  -  Joachim Malling
    Speciality Materials  -  John G. Thuestad, Kåre Wetterberg, Per Sørlie
    Financial Investments  -  Audun Bø
    Corporate Development  -  Frode S. Marthinsen, Pål Eikeland, John Jørgensen
    Corporate Staffs  -  Tor Aamot, Karl Otto Tveter, Ole Kristian Lunde, Håkon Mageli
