Recommendation of the Nomination Committee - Board of Directors

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All shareholder-elected members and deputy members are now up for election:
Kjell Almskog                          (elected in 2006 for two years)  (member since 2000)
Bjørg Ven                                (elected in 2006 for two years)  (member since 2006)
Lennart Jeansson                      (elected in 2006 for two years)  (member since 2006)
Stein Erik Hagen                       (elected in 2007 for one year)    (member since 2004)
Svein S. Jacobsen                     (elected in 2007 for one year)    (member since 2000)
Åse Aulie Michelet                   (elected in 2007 for one year)    (member since 2001)
Birgitta Stymne Göransson        (elected in 2007 for one year)    (member since 2005)
In addition Peter Ruzicka was in 2007 elected as permanently attending deputy board member for a period of one year.
The election committee recommends that the following members be re-elected:
Stein Erik Hagen                      
Svein S. Jacobsen                    
Åse Aulie Michelet      
Bjørg Ven                               
Lennart Jeansson
Peter Ruzicka and Kristin Skogen Lund are recommended as new members of the Board of Directors. The election committee also recommends that Stein Erik Hagen be re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Svein S. Jacobsen as Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Directors.
Ref.: Knut Brundtland, chairman of the nomination committee - Tel.:+47- 4006 2020