Trade subject to notification - Fast Search and Transfer ASA

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With reference to today's notice to the Oslo Stock Exchange from Microsoft Corp. that the company under certain conditions will make an offer to acquire all shares outstanding in Fast Search and Transfer ASA ("FAST") for a cash consideration of NOK 19 per share (the "Offer"). Reference is also made to today's notice to the Oslo Stock Exchange from FAST.
I connection with the Offer, Orkla ASA has today on Tuesday 8 January 2008 granted Microsoft Corp. a pre-acceptance for its 51,026,000 shares in FAST which represents 15.16 % of the share capital.
After accomplishment of the offer, Orkla will have no shares in Fast Search and Transfer ASA.
Reference is made to today's stock exchange notice from Microsoft Corp. for further details on the Offer.
Orkla ASA,
Oslo 8 January 2008
Orkla Financial Investments
Thomas Øybø, Tel.: +915 54401
