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  • 2008-06-12 Notice to attend extraordinary General Meeting in Ortivus AB June 27 2008

2008-06-12 Notice to attend extraordinary General Meeting in Ortivus AB June 27 2008

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Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Ortivus AB Shareholders, June 27 2008.

Shareholders in Ortivus AB (publ), 556259-1205, are hereby notified to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting at 10 a.m. on Friday June 27 2008, at the Ortivus office, Karlsrovägen 2D, Danderyd.

Right to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting
Shareholders who wish to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting shall:
- be entered in the register of shareholders maintained by VPC (The Swedish Securities Register Centre) by June 20, 2008
- give notice of attendance to Ortivus AB, P.O. Box 713, SE-182 17 Danderyd, Sweden, telephone +46-8-446 45 00, telefax +46-8-446 45 19, e-mail info@ortivus.com, no later than 4 p.m. Wednesday June 25, 2008.

Notification should include the shareholder's name, personal identification or company
registration number, shareholding, any representative or assistance (maximum 2), contact data.

Shareholders represented by proxy must present their proxy in original at the General Meeting. Proxy form can be found on the company website, www.ortivus.com. Representatives for legal entities must present a copy of the relevant certificate of registration or equivalent authorization documents showing qualified signatories.

Shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee must temporarily
register their shares in their own name in order to be entitled to participate at the Extraordinary
General Meeting. Such registration must be done well before June 20, 2008.

The total number of shares in the Company is 20.708.188, of which 1.108.455 are A shares and 19.599.733 B shares, in total equivalent to 30.684.283 votes.

Proposal for Agenda
1. Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting
2. Election of meeting chairman
3. Preparation and approval of voting register
4. Adoption of agenda
5. Election of one or two persons to check the minutes
6. Confirmation that the meeting has been duly and properly convened
7. Resolution to approve the Board of Director’s proposal to issue warrants
8. Other issues
9. Closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Resolution related to the Proposal from the Board of Directors regarding issue of warrants (item 7)

The Board of Directors proposes the 2008 Extraordinary General Meeting to approve the issue of 500.000 warrants, and that the warrants be transferred to the company CEO and other key managers of Ortivus AB, under the following main conditions.
•The warrants shall, with deviation from the shareholders preferential rights, be subscribed for by the wholly owned subsidiary Elementanalys-Analytica AB, or any other wholly owned subsidiary, which after directives from the Board of Directors of Ortivus AB shall transfer the warrants to the company CEO and other Ortivus AB key managers. The subscription for the warrants shall be done no later than July 7, 2008. The term of the warrants is July 7, 2008 to June 30, 2011.
•Each warrant carries the right to subscribe for one (1) new series B share in Ortivus AB from June 1 2011 to June 30 2011. The issue price shall be equal to 145% of the average volume weighted mean price paid per day for the company’s share as traded on OMX Nordiska Börs (small cap) from June 23 to July 4, 2008.

At full subscription and exchange of all 500.000 warrants, the company’s share capital will increase by 2.500.000 SEK, allocated to 500.000 series B shares, corresponding to a dilution of app. 2.36%.

The purpose of the proposal to issue warrants as per above is to be able to offer the company CEO as well as other key managers of Ortivus AB an incentive with a potential to share the future financial growth in accordance with the proposal in full, available in swedish at the company web site (www.ortivus.com).

For approval, the proposal must according to chapter 16 in the Companies Act be supported by at least 9/10 of the shares as well as the votes represented in the Extraordinary General Meeting.

The proposal in full (in swedish) from the Board of Directors related to item 7 above will be available at the Company’s office at Karlsrovägen 2D in Danderyd, and on the Company’s website. Documents according to chapter 14, §8 Companies Act, will be available at the Company’s office. Copies of the above documents will be sent on request to sharesholders who state their mailing adress.

Danderyd June 12, 2008

Ortivus AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

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