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  • Press release from Ortivus AB:s (publ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 4, 2006

Press release from Ortivus AB:s (publ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 4, 2006

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In his statement to the AGM Ortivus’ CEO praised the success of the recently developed CoroNet-system for monitoring and diagnosis of patients with heart diseases. Furthermore, a brief presentation was given of the acquisition strategy stated in the three-year-plan approved by the Board. Internationalization of Ortivus’ products as well as the pursuit of further acquisitions accentuates an overview and evaluation of the Group’s short and long term financing. The Annual General Meeting resolved as follows: - to adopt the Statement of Income and Balance Sheet for the parent company and the Group for the year of 2005. - to pay no dividend and to carry forward the accumulated profit of SEK 34,384,842. - to discharge the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer from liability. - that the Board of Directors shall consist of six regular members and no alternates. - to re-elect the following directors: o Akbar Seddigh o Jack Forsgren o Lennart Ribohn o Jan Würtz o Laurent Leksell - and to elect the following director to the Board: o Anna Söderblom - that the remuneration to Akbar Seddigh as working Chairman of the Board shall amount to SEK 1,100,000. The remuneration to the other directors shall amount to SEK 160,000 each, in total SEK 800,000. Remuneration to the auditors shall be paid on a current account basis. - to make changes in the Articles of Association in accordance with the Board’s proposal. - to approve the Board of Directors' recommendation, with exception from the preferential right of shareholders, to resolve to issue a maximum of 700,000 Class B shares, whereby the share capital would increase by a maximum of SEK 3,500,000. These shares shall be subscribed for in exchange of a contribution in kind. This authorization shall remain in force until the next regularly scheduled Annual General Meeting. - that, as proposed by the Board, approve the issue of options in accordance with Ortivus AB 2005 Share Unit Plan for 2006. - to appoint an election committee with Sture Hedlund as Chariman. Members of the committee shall be appointed through a procedure whereby the Chairman before the end of the second quarter of the fiscal year 2006 contacts representatives of a minimum of three and a maximum of the five largest shareholders of A- and B-shares, then existing. Ortivus AB (publ) Board of Directors

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