Year-End Report January – December 2005

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• Sales jumped 23% to MSEK 173.6 (140.8). Excluding newly acquired German Medos and previous license revenues, sales for underlying activities increased by 22%. • Operating loss totaled MSEK 21.8 (profit: 20.6). The 2004 figures include previous license revenues equivalent to MSEK 46.7. Operating income was charged with write-downs for intangible fixed assets totaling MSEK 6.9. • Loss after financial items was MSEK 18.2 (profit 24.1). • Net result after tax was MSEK -17.7 (18.6). • Loss per share was SEK 1.28 (profit: 1.35). • The Board of Directors proposes that no dividend be paid for the 2005 financial year. • The Board predicts a loss for the first six months of 2006. However, profitability will improve substantially for the twelve-month period compared with 2005. For more information: Mikael Strindlund, CEO, Ortivus, telephone +46 (0)8-446 45 00 or cell phone: +46 (0)70-269 53 03 or E-mail: Please visit: Ortivus AB (company reg. no. 556259-1205), Karlsrovägen 2 D, Box 713, 182 17 Danderyd, telephone 46 (0)8-446 45 00. Future reporting dates: Annual Report for fiscal year 2005 will be published and available in the Ortivus office on March 10. Shareholders will receive the annual report by mail. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 3 pm on Tuesday April 4, 2006, at Konferens Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57 A, Stockholm. Interim report for Q1 will be published May 19 Interim report for Q2 will be published August 25 Interim report for Q3 will be published November 7

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