OssDsign publishes the Annual Report for 2019
OssDsign AB (publ) today announces that the Annual Report for 2019 is available.
A pdf-version of the Annual Report 2019 is attached to this press release and is also available on the Company’s website www.ossdsign.com
For further information, please contact:
Anders Lundqvist, CEO, OssDsign AB
Tel: +46 73 206 98 08, email: al@ossdsign.com
Certified Adviser
The Company’s Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank AB. Contact information: Erik Penser Bank AB, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm, Sweden,
phone: +46 (0)8-463 80 00, email: certifiedadviser@penser.se.
About OssDsign
OssDsign is a Swedish medical technology company that develops and manufactures regenerative implants for improved healing of bone defects. Providing neuro and plastic surgeons with innovative implants, OssDsign improves the outcome for patients with severe cranial and facial defects worldwide. By combining clinical knowledge with proprietary technology, OssDsign manufactures and sells a growing range of patient-specific solutions for treating cranial defects and facial reconstruction. OssDsign's technology is the result of collaboration between clinical researchers at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm and material scientists at the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University.