Notice of Annual General Meeting

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Opera Software ASA Notice of Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of Opera Software ASA of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday June 24, 2009 from 08:00 to 09:00 CET at Thon Vika Atrium, Munkedamsveien 45, 0250 Oslo, Norway. The following matters will be on the agenda: 1. Opening of the meeting by the Chairman of the Board and summary of shareholders present 2. Election of a Chairman for the meeting and one individual to countersign the minutes 3. Approval of Notice and Agenda 4. Approval of the annual accounts for 2008 for Opera Software ASA and the Opera Group and the annual report of the Board of Directors including the proposal for the distribution of group contribution (see appendix) 5. Authorization to acquire own shares (see appendix) 6. Authorization to increase share capital (see appendix) 7. Distribution of Dividend (see appendix) 8. Election of Board and Nomination Committee (see appendix) 9. Determination of the Board’s remuneration (see appendix) 10. Determination of the remuneration to the Nomination Committee (see appendix) 11. Approval of the auditor’s remuneration (see Note 3 to Annual Accounts) 12. Approval of the Board of Director’s Declaration of executive compensation policies (see appendix) 13. Management’s status report Shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting, either in person or by proxy, are requested to complete and return the attendance slip or to register online at, specifying any proxies by 12.00 a.m. (CET) Monday, June 22, 2009. The Board of Directors’ report and the annual accounts, together with the auditor’s report for 2008, are contained in the annual report that has been sent to all shareholders. Opera Software’s annual report for 2008 (English version) is also available at The Board and the Nomination Committee are both proposing better aligning shareholder and option holder interests by increasing the exercise period from one to three years as the options represents long-term value, by reducing the strike price for any dividend payments and by providing for vesting under certain circumstances if there is a change in control for the Company. The current one year exercise period maximizes the number of options and thus dilution to achieve any economic effect and in the judgment of the Board are an inefficient use of equity. Opera Software ASA has a share capital of NOK 2,391,495.64 divided into 119,574,782 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.02. Opera Software ASA currently holds 575 419 own shares. Each share carries one vote at the Company’s general meetings, except own shares which do not carry the right to vote. The shareholders have the following rights in respect to the general meeting: - The right to attend the general meeting, either in person or by proxy. - The right to speak at the general meeting. - The right to be accompanied by an advisor at the general meeting and to give such advisor the right to speak. - The right to require information from the members of the board of directors and the chief executive officer in accordance with further regulations in the Norwegian public limited companies act section 5-15. - The right to present alternatives to the board's proposals in respect of matters on the agenda at the general meeting. Oslo, June 8, 2009 William J. Raduchel Chairman of the Board of Directors

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