Outokumpu Annual Accounts Bulletin 2007 - Good results in a turbulent year II/II

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Stock Exchange Release (second part of the release)
January 31, 2008 at 1.00 pm


This annual accounts bulletin is prepared in accordance with IAS 34
(Interim Financial Reporting). The same accounting policies and
methods have been followed in the interim financial statements as in
the annual financial statements for 2006. The following amended and
new International Financial Reporting Standards and new
interpretations have been adopted as of January 1, 2007:
IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Capital management

The adoption of amended and new standards had impact only on the
format and extent of disclosure information and comparative
information for 2006 has been amended accordingly.

IFRIC 7 Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS 29 Financial
Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
IFRIC 8 Scope of IFRS 2
IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives
IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment

The adoption of new interpretations had no material impact on the
Group's consolidated accounts.
Use of estimates
The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS
requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities, as well as the disclosure
of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during
the reporting period. Accounting estimates are employed in the
financial statements to determine reported amounts, including the
realizability of certain assets, the useful lives of tangible and
intangible assets, income taxes, provisions, pension obligations,
impairment of goodwill and other items. Although these estimates are
based on management's best knowledge of current events and actions,
actual results may differ from the estimates.
Shares and share capital
The total number of Outokumpu Oyj shares was 181 321 796 and the
share capital amounted to EUR 308.2 million on December 31, 2007.
Outokumpu Oyj held 1 218 603 treasury shares on December 31, 2007.
This corresponded to 0.7% of the share capital and the total voting
rights of the Company on December 31, 2007.
The Annual General Meeting held in 2003 passed a resolution on a
stock option program for management (2003 option program). The stock
options have been allocated as part of the Group's incentive programs
to key personnel of Outokumpu. Trading with Outokumpu Oyj's stock
options 2003A has commenced on the Main List of the Helsinki Stock
Exchange as of September 1, 2006. On December 31, 2007 a total of 56
862 Outokumpu Oyj shares had been subscribed for on the basis of
2003A stock option program. An aggregate maximum of 602 440 Outokumpu
Oyj shares can be subscribed for with the remaining 2003A stock
options. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the option
program, the dividend adjusted share price for a stock option was EUR
8.45 on December 31, 2007. The share subscription period for the
2003A stock options is September 1, 2006 - March 1, 2009.
Trading with Outokumpu Oyj's stock options 2003B has commenced on the
Main List of the Helsinki Stock Exchange as of September 3, 2007. On
December 31, 2007 a total of 14 379 Outokumpu Oyj shares had been
subscribed for on the basis of 2003B stock option program. An
aggregate maximum of 1 014 441 Outokumpu Oyj shares can be subscribed
for with the remaining 2003B stock options. In accordance with the
terms and conditions of the option program, the dividend adjusted
share price for a stock option was EUR 11.51 on December 31, 2007.
The share subscription period for the 2003B stock options is
September 3, 2007 - March 1, 2010. The current amounts that Outokumpu
Oyj shares could be subscribed for with the 2003C stock options are
102 500 shares. The subscription period for shares with stock option
2003C is from September 1, 2008 to March 1, 2011. As a result of the
share subscriptions with the 2003 stock options, Outokumpu Oyj's
share capital may be increased by a maximum of EUR 2 922 948 and the
number of shares by a maximum of 1 719 381 shares. This corresponds
to 1.0% of the Company's shares and voting rights.
Outokumpu's Board of Directors confirmed on February 2, 2006 a
share-based incentive program for years 2006-2010 as part of the key
employee incentive and commitment system of the Company. If persons
to be covered by the first earning period 2006-2008 and the second
earning period 2007-2009 of the program were to receive the number of
shares in accordance with the maximum reward, currently a total of
598 865 shares, their shareholding obtained via the program would
amount to 0.3% of the Company's shares and voting rights.
The detailed information of the 2003 option program and of the
share-based incentive program for 2006-2010 can be found in the
annual report of Outokumpu.
Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
Outokumpu Copper Tube and Brass

The assets and liabilities of Outokumpu Copper Tube and Brass are
presented as held for sale. Outokumpu Copper Tube and Brass business
comprises European sanitary and industrial tubes, including
air-conditioning and refrigeration tubes in Europe, as well as brass
rod. Outokumpu is implementing a vigorous improvement project in this
business and it is Outokumpu's intention to divest the tube and brass


Outokumpu Oyj sold 88% of Outotec (former Outokumpu Technology) by a
sale of shares through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in September
2006. In April, Outokumpu sold its remaining 12% shareholding in
Outotec Oyj to institutional investors. The net proceeds from the
sale totaled EUR 158 million and a tax-free non-recurring gain of EUR
142 million was recognized in financial income.

In the following tables Outokumpu Tube and Brass is referred as TB
and Outotec as OT.

Specification of non-current
assets held for sale and
discontinued operations
Income statement
                                 Jan-Dec        Jan-Dec
                                    2007         2006
EUR million                           TB     Total   OT   TB
Sales                                599     1 178  501  678
Expenses                            -607    -1 124 -470 -654
Operating profit                      -8        54   31   23
Net financial items                   -6        -2    5   -7
Profit before taxes                  -15        53   36   17
Taxes                                 -1       -17  -14   -3
Profit after taxes                   -15        35   22   14

Gain on the sale of Outotec            -       328  328    -
Impairment loss recognized
on the fair valuation of
the Tube and Brass division's
assets and liabilities                -3        -6    -   -6
Taxes                                  -         -    -    -
After-tax result from the
disposal and impairment loss         -18       322  328   -6

Minority interest                      -         0    0    -
Net profit for the period
from discontinued operations         -18       357  349    8

Balance sheet
                                  Dec 31    Dec 31
EUR million                         2007      2006
Intangible and tangible assets         6         6
Other non-current assets               4         4
Inventories                           91       122
Other current non
interest-bearing assets               83       104
                                     184       235
Provisions                             4         3
Other non-current non
interest-bearing liabilities           5         6
Trade payables                        32        46Other current non
interest-bearing liabilities          11        18
                                      52        73

Cash flows
                                 Jan-Dec   Jan-Dec
EUR million                         2007      2006
Operating cash flows                  18       -13
Investing cash flows                  -3      -145
Financing cash flows                 -19        80
Total cash flows                      -4       -77

Acquisitions and disposals

In May, Outokumpu acquired from Swedish Sandvik its 11.6% minority
shareholding in OSTP for EUR 22 million. Goodwill of EUR 1 million
was recognized from the acquisition. Full ownership in OSTP enables
Outokumpu to develop the business further in line with its strategy
to increase the share of the more value-added special products.
Outokumpu divested the Talvivaara exploration project in 2004 and
held an option to subscribe shares with a 20% discount in a possible
Initial Public Offering (IPO), representing up to 5%  ownership in
the company. The IPO of Talvivaara Mining Company Ltd. was carried
out and the listing of the shares started on the London Stock
Exchange on May 30, 2007. Outokumpu participated in the IPO by
subscribing 10.9 million shares, resulting in a 4.9% ownership in the
company on a fully diluted basis, with a total consideration of EUR
32 million. Outokumpu also exercised its option, part of the
divestment agreement, to acquire a 20% stake in the Talvivaara nickel
mining project company (Talvivaara Project Ltd.) owned by Talvivaara
Mining Company Ltd., for a total consideration of one euro.
Talvivaara Project Ltd. is consolidated in the Group's income
statement as an associated company reflecting Outokumpu's 20%
holding. The fair valuation of Outokumpu's 20% stake resulted in a
tax-free non-recurring gain of EUR 110 million, which has been
recognized in financial income. The shareholding in the listed
Talvivaara Mining Company Ltd. has been classified as an
available-for-sale financial asset with changes in fair value
recognized directly in equity.
In the purchase price allocation the majority of the excess value was
allocated to the nickel ore reserves according to the fair value and
it will be amortized using the units-of-production method based on
the depletion of ore reserves in Talvivaara. A goodwill amounting to
EUR 9 million was recognized. Goodwill is not amortized, but tested
annually for impairment. The Talvivaara mine is estimated to start
production of nickel and other metals at the end of 2008. Its target
is to gradually ramp up its nickel output to some 33 000 tons
In March, OSTP (Outokumpu Stainless Tubular Products) sold its flange
business in order to focus on pipes, tubes, butt-welded and threaded
fittings. The purchaser is a subsidiary of Shree Ganesh Forgings Ltd,
an Indian company. The sale had no significant impact on Group's
In February, Outokumpu agreed to sell the Hitura nickel mine in
Finland to Belvedere Resources Ltd. of Canada. The Hitura mine was
the last remaining asset in Outokumpu's Exit Mining program. Hitura
produces some 2 200 tons of nickel in concentrate annually and
employs 90 people. The transaction was completed in June and the
total consideration of EUR 25 million, is in Belvedere shares and
warrants entitling to subscribe for additional Belvedere shares,
resulting in a maximum 19.2% ownership in Belvedere, on a
fully-diluted basis. Outokumpu recognized a non-recurring gain of EUR
25 million on the transaction, which has been included in the
operating profit. The shareholding in Belvedere is classified as an
available-for-sale financial asset with changes in fair value
recognized directly in equity and the warrants as derivative
instruments with changes in fair value recognized in financial income
and expenses.
Net assets of these disposed businesses were EUR 6 million. Net gain
on the disposals was EUR 23 million and net cash flow was EUR 1

Major non-recurring items
in operating profit
                                   Jan-Dec Jan-Dec
EUR million                           2007    2006
Gain on the sale of
Hitura mine in Finland                  25       -
Thin Strip restructuring in the UK     -11       -
Gain on the sale of
real estate in the UK                    -       9
OSTP Fagersta closure                    -      -8
                                        14       1

Major non-recurring
items in financial income
                                   Jan-Dec Jan-Dec
EUR million                           2007    2006
Gain on the sale
of Outotec shares                      142       -
Gain on the Talvivaara transaction     110       -
                                       252       -

Income taxes
                                   Jan-Dec Jan-Dec
EUR million                           2007    2006
Current taxes                         -107    -156
Deferred taxes                         -31     -22
                                      -138    -178

Property, plant
and equipment
                                   Jan 1,  Jan 1,
                                   2007 -  2006 -
                                  Dec 31, Dec 31,
EUR million                          2007    2006
Historical cost at the
beginning of the period             4 009   4 188
Translation differences               -76      37
Additions                             137     179
Disposal of subsidiaries              -20      -0
Disposals                             -67    -299
Reclassifications                       0      -8
Discontinued operations                 -     -88
Historical cost at
the end of the period               3 984   4 009

Accumulated depreciation at
the beginning of the period        -1 939  -2 063
Translation differences                47     -21
Disposal of subsidiaries               19       0
Disposals                              56     296
Reclassifications                      -0       8
Depreciation                         -190    -204
Impairments                             3      -3
Discontinued operations                 -      48
Accumulated depreciation at
the end of the period              -2 004  -1 939

Carrying value at
the end of the period               1 980   2 069
Carrying value at the
beginning of the period             2 069   2 125

                                   Dec 31  Dec 31
EUR million                          2007    2006
Mortgages and pledges
Mortgages on land                     122     126
Other pledges                           0       0

On behalf of subsidiaries
  For commercial commitments           41      97
On behalf of associated companies
  For financing                         5       5

Other commitments                      64      59

Minimum future lease
payments on
operating leases                       56      93

Group's major off-balance sheet investment commitments totaled
EUR 37 million on Dec 31, 2007 (Dec 31, 2006: EUR 15 million).

Fair values and nominal
amounts of
derivative instruments
                        Dec 31   Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31     Dec     Dec
                          2007     2007   2007   2006    2007    2006
                      Positive Negative    Net    Net
                          fair     fair   fair   fair Nominal Nominal
EUR million              value    value  value  value amounts amounts
Currency and interest
rate derivatives
  Currency forwards         19       12      8     -9   1 992   2 139
  Interest rate swaps       10        -     10     10     282     283

                                                       Number  Number
                                                           of      of
                                                      shares, shares,
                                                      million million
Stock options
  Belvedere Resources
Ltd.                         3        -      3      -     3.7       -

                                                         Tons    Tons
Metal derivatives
  Forward and futures
  copper contracts           0        3     -2     -1  11 775   6 000
  Forward and futures
  nickel contracts           4        4      0      9   3 114   3 636
  Forward and futures
  zinc contracts             0        0     -0      0   1 100   2 150
  Forward and futures
contracts                    -        0     -0      -       5       -
  Nickel options             0        -      0      -      24       -

Emission allowance
derivatives                  0        -      0      -  80 000       -

                                                          TWh     TWh
derivatives                 26       10     16      8     2.3     4.1
                            63       28     35     16

Segment information

General Stainless

EUR million             I/06 II/06 III/06 IV/06  2006
Sales                  1 013 1 066  1 130 1 561 4 770
of which Tornio Works    652   740    781 1 142 3 316

Operating profit          43    91    166   236   536
of which Tornio Works     37    70    120   213   440

Operating capital at
the end of period      2 397 2 404  2 602 2 847 2 847

Average personnel
for the period         3 926 3 940  3 857 3 529 3 735

Deliveries of main
products (1 000 tons)
Cold rolled              246   206    172   180   805
White hot strip           74    85     62    84   305
Semi-finished products   128   144    126   154   551
Total deliveries
of the division          448   434    360   419 1 661

EUR million             I/07 II/07 III/07 IV/07  2007
Sales                  1 700 1 670    879 1 073 5 321
of which Tornio Works  1 206 1 038    516   708 3 468

Operating profit         245   188   -224    11   220
of which Tornio Works    227   143   -195     3   178

Operating capital at
the end of period      3 047 3 007  2 789 2 607 2 607

Average personnel
for the period         3 506 3 794  3 807 3 549 3 682

Deliveries of main
products (1 000 tons)
Cold rolled              187   151     94   155   587
White hot strip           81    82     41    66   270
Semi-finished products   117   118     64    85   383
Total deliveries
of the division          386   350    198   305 1 240

Specialty Stainless

EUR million             I/06 II/06 III/06 IV/06  2006
Sales                    650   638    614   821 2 723

Operating profit          22    65     81   171   338

Operating capital at
the end of period      1 173 1 240  1 350 1 594 1 594

Average personnel
for the period         4 317 4 377  4 329 4 201 4 289

Deliveries of main
products (1 000 tons)
Cold rolled               56    54     39    47   196
White hot strip           49    41     33    42   166
Quarto plate              44    44     36    39   162
Tubular products          20    20     16    18    74
Long products             14    15     14    16    59
Total deliveries
of the division          182   173    139   162   656

EUR million             I/07 II/07 III/07 IV/07  2007
Sales                  1 003 1 028    687   738 3 456

Operating profit         182   196    -51     9   337

Operating capital at
the end of period      1 668 1 871  1 657 1 513 1 513

Average personnel
for the period         4 146 4 188  4 185 4 107 4 135

Deliveries of main
products (1 000 tons)
Cold rolled               51    52     33    38   174
White hot strip           43    38     23    31   135
Quarto plate              41    43     30    38   151
Tubular products          20    17     12    15    63
Long products             16    15     11    11    52
Total deliveries
of the division          170   164    109   133   574

Other operations

EUR million             I/06 II/06 III/06 IV/06  2006
Sales                     87    93     97    85   361

Operating profit           2    -8    -13   -16   -35

Operating capital at
the end of period        133   239    188   138   138

Average personnel
for the period           504   505    479   457   481

EUR million             I/07 II/07 III/07 IV/07  2007
Sales                     64    63     53    57   237

Operating profit           1    19      8    -6    21

Operating capital at
the end of period       -125   101    184   236   236

Average personnel
for the period           477   459    424   431   453

Income statement by quarter

EUR million                    I/06 II/06 III/06 IV/06   2006
Continuing operations:
General Stainless             1 013 1 066  1 130 1 561  4 770
of which intersegment sales     205   277    273   389  1 144
Specialty Stainless             650   638    614   821  2 723
of which intersegment sales      94    92     82   129    397
Other operations                 87    93     97    85    361
of which intersegment sales      44    36     38    41    159
Intra-group sales              -342  -405   -394  -560 -1 700
Total sales                   1 408 1 392  1 447 1 907  6 154

Operating profit
General Stainless                43    91    166   236    536
Specialty Stainless              22    65     81   171    338
Other operations                  2    -8    -13   -16    -35
Intra-group items                -0     1     -3   -13    -15
Total operating profit           67   149    231   378    824

Share of results
in associated companies           0     2      1     4      8
Financial income and expenses    -7   -10    -18   -13    -48
Profit before taxes              60   141    214   369    784
Income taxes                    -18   -29    -48   -83   -178
Net profit for the period
from continuing operations       41   112    166   286    606

Net profit for the period
from discontinued
operations                       15    20      6   317    357
Net profit for the period        56   133    172   603    963

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company    56   132    171   603    962
Minority interest                -0     0      1     1      2

EUR million                    I/07 II/07 III/07 IV/07   2007
Continuing operations:
General Stainless             1 700 1 670    879 1 073  5 321
of which intersegment sales     421   430    230   234  1 315
Specialty Stainless           1 003 1 028    687   738  3 456
of which intersegment sales     169   193    119   124    605
Other operations                 64    63     53    57    237
of which intersegment sales      48    45     43    45    181
Intra-group sales              -638  -669   -391  -403 -2 101
Total sales                   2 129 2 092  1 227 1 465  6 913

Operating profit
General Stainless               245   188   -224    11    220
Specialty Stainless             182   196    -51     9    337
Other operations                  1    19      8    -6     21
Intra-group items                -4     2     11     2     11
Total operating profit          424   406   -256    15    589

Share of results
in associated companies           2     4     -2    -1      4
Financial income and expenses   -10   242    -19    -7    206
Profit before taxes             416   652   -277     7    798
Income taxes                   -105  -100     67    -0   -138
Net profit for the period
from continuing operations      311   553   -210     7    660

Net profit for the period
from discontinued
operations                       -4    12     -4   -23    -18
Net profit for the period       307   565   -214   -16    641

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company   305   563   -214   -16    638
Minority interest                 2     2     -0    -0      4

Major non-recurring
items in operating profit

EUR million                    I/06 II/06 III/06 IV/06   2006
General Stainless
    Gain on sale of real
    estate in the UK              -     -      -     9      9
Specialty Stainless
Thin Strip restructuring
in the UK                         -     -      -     -      -
OSTP Fagersta closure             -     -      -    -8     -8
Other operations
    Gain on sale of
Hitura mine in Finland            -     -      -     -      -
                                  -     -      -     1      1

EUR million                    I/07 II/07 III/07 IV/07   2007
General Stainless
    Gain on sale of real
    estate in the UK              -     -      -     -      -
Specialty Stainless
Thin Strip restructuring
in the UK                         -     -    -11     -    -11
OSTP Fagersta closure             -     -      -     -      -
Other operations
    Gain on sale of
Hitura mine in Finland            -    25      -     -     25
                                  -    25    -11     -     14

Major non-recurring
items in financial income

EUR million                    I/06 II/06 III/06 IV/06   2006
Gain on the sale of
Outotec shares                    -     -      -     -      -
Gain on the Talvivaara
transaction                       -     -      -     -      -
                                  -     -      -     -      -

EUR million                    I/07 II/07 III/07 IV/07   2007
Gain on the sale of
Outotec shares                    -   142      -     -    142
Gain on the Talvivaara
transaction                       -   110      -     -    110
                                  -   252      -     -    252

Key figures by quarter

EUR million                            I/06   II/06  III/06   IV/06
Operating profit margin, %              4.7    10.7    16.0    19.8
Return on capital employed, %           7.5    16.5    24.3    36.5
Return on equity, %                    11.0    25.2    30.4    89.0
Return on equity,
continuing operations, %                8.1    21.4    29.4    42.3

Capital employed at end of period     3 513   3 679   3 910   4 371
Net interest-bearing
debt at end of period                 1 483   1 509   1 560   1 300
Equity-to-assets ratio
at end of period, %                    37.4    38.4    37.7    47.9
Debt-to-equity ratio
at end of period, %                    73.0    69.5    66.4    42.3

Earnings per share, EUR                0.31    0.73    0.94    3.33
Earnings per share from
continuing operations, EUR             0.23    0.62    0.91    1.58
Earnings per share from
discontinued operations, EUR           0.08    0.11    0.03    1.75
Average number of shares
outstanding, in thousands 1)        181 032 181 032 181 032 181 037
Equity per share
at end of period, EUR                 11.14   11.91   12.89   16.87
Number of shares outstanding
at end of period, in thousands 1)   181 032 181 032 181 032 181 032
Capital expenditure,
continuing operations                    33      34      45      74
Depreciation, continuing operations      50      50      68      52
Average personnel for the period,
continuing operations                 8 746   8 822   8 665   8 187

EUR million                            I/07   II/07  III/07   IV/07
Operating profit margin, %             19.9    19.4   -20.9     1.0
Return on capital employed, %          38.8    35.5   -22.3     1.4
Return on equity, %                    39.3    66.2   -24.3    -2.0
Return on equity,
continuing operations, %               39.8    64.8   -23.9     0.8

Capital employed at end of period     4 377   4 753   4 421   4 125
Net interest-bearing
debt at end of period                 1 189   1 119   1 016     788
Equity-to-assets ratio
at end of period, %                    47.2    50.9    54.6    56.5
Debt-to-equity ratio
at end of period, %                    37.3    30.8    29.8    23.6

Earnings per share, EUR                1.69    3.11   -1.19   -0.09
Earnings per share from
continuing operations, EUR             1.71    3.04   -1.17    0.04
Earnings per share from
discontinued operations, EUR          -0.02    0.07   -0.02   -0.13
Average number of shares
outstanding, in thousands 1)        181 067 181 082 181 084 180 680
Equity per share
at end of period, EUR                 17.51   20.07   18.81   18.53
Number of shares outstanding
at end of period, in thousands 1)   181 082 181 082 181 084 180 103

Capital expenditure,
continuing operations                    25      75      47      43
Depreciation, continuing operations      51      50      51      52
Average personnel for the period,
continuing operations                 8 129   8 441   8 416   8 086

1) The number of own shares repurchased is excluded.

Definitions of financial key

                             Total equity + net
Capital employed          =  interest-bearing debt

                             Capital employed + net tax
Operating capital         =  liability

Return on equity          =  Net profit for the financial year  × 100
                             Total equity (average for the

Return on capital         =  Operating profit                   × 100
                             Capital employed (average for the
employed (ROCE)              period)

Net interest-                Total interest-bearing debt
bearing debt              =  - total interest-bearing assets

Equity-to-assets ratio    =  Total equity                       × 100
                             Total assets - advances received

Debt-to-equity ratio      =  Net interest-bearing debt          × 100
                             Total equity

                             Net profit for the financial year
Earnings per share        =  attributable to the equity holders
                             Adjusted average number
                             of shares during the period

                             Equity attributable to
Equity per share          =  the equity holders
                             Adjusted number of shares
                             at the end of the period

This is the end of the second part II/II.
