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The first quarter net sales were EUR 1 483 million (IV/2002:
EUR 1 391 million) and operating profit was EUR 28 million
(IV/2002: EUR 15 million). Earnings per share totaled EUR -0.03
(IV/2002: EUR 0.06). Cash flow from operating activities was
EUR -22 million (IV/2002: EUR -58 million).


- In relatively stable market the Group’s first quarter
operating profit improved from the last quarter of 2002 due to
higher deliveries of stainless steel.

- The operating profit, however, remained well below the
first quarter a year ago. This was mainly due to lower profits
of Stainless Steel, Copper and Other operations.

- The Tornio expansion is progressing well and it is
keeping the Group’s capital expenditure high. Capital
expenditure for the full year 2003 is estimated at EUR 700

- As a result of weak cash flow from operating
activities and high capital expenditure the Group’s gearing
increased to 137.8%.

- The key for the Group’s operating profit in 2003, in
addition to market conditions, will be the successful ramp-up
of the Tornio expansion. Stainless steel deliveries are
expected to increase markedly compared to last year. The Group
is still aiming for better operating profit for 2003 compared
to the previous year. However, the market situation remains
uncertain and therefore the target looks increasingly

CEO Jyrki Juusela comments as follows:

"The market situation for our products remained largely
unchanged during January to March, and the demand for metals
actually increased in spite of sluggish economy. Our
performance in the first quarter was an improvement compared to
the previous quarter, however, far from satisfactory. As a
result of weak free cash flow, the Group’s indebtedness has
increased and therefore we are prepared to take further
measures in order to bring the capital structure back to
acceptable level. This year the key for the entire Group’s
earnings development will be the successful ramp-up of the
expansion at Tornio. This is a priority that we are not willing
to compromise."


Improvement in comparable operating profit compared with the
previous quarter

The following table presents the Group’s net sales and
comparable operating profit (i.e. operating profit excluding
inventory gains or losses relating to inventory valuation as
well as one-off items) by main businesses.

EUR million          I/02  II/02 III/02  IV/02   2002   I/03
Net sales                                                  
Stainless Steel       769    823    671    739  3 002    876
Copper 1)             409    452    392    416  1 669    409
Zinc                   99    120    101     98    418     93
Technology             71    114     90    124    399     88
Other operations       89     90     65     92    336     87
Intra-group sales    (61)   (68)   (59)   (78)  (266)   (70)
The Group           1 376  1 531  1 260  1 391  5 558  1 483
operating profit                                            
Stainless Steel        75     83     20     21    184     49
Copper 1)              15     22     15      8     60      2
Zinc                    3      1      1    (0)      5      5
Technology            (8)      5    (1)      8      4    (9)
Other operations      (4)      9   (15)   (25)   (35)   (23)
Intra-group items     (0)    (1)      5      1      5      1
The Group              81    119     25     13    223     25
Items affecting                                             
businesses             14     53   (20)      2     64      3
Items affecting                                             
the Group               -   (21)      1      -   (20)      -
The Group,                                                  
operating profit       95    151      6     15    267     28

1) Harjavalta Metals was transferred from Metallurgy to the
newly-named Copper business area as of January 1, 2003. The
comparison figures have been restated accordingly.

In relatively stable market conditions the Group’s comparable
first quarter operating profit improved compared with the
previous quarter. The operating profit of AvestaPolarit
doubled, whereas the results for Copper and Technology weakened
compared to the fourth quarter of 2002.

In January-March the euro strengthened against the US dollar by
7% compared with the previous quarter and by as much as 22%
compared with the corresponding quarter in 2002. However, the
adverse effect that this had on the Group’s financial results
was largely offset by the Group’s currency hedging measures.

Satisfactory performance for Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel key figures                         
EUR million                          I/02   II/02  III/02
Net sales                                            
Coil Products                          599     628     517
Special Products                       325     375     299
North America                           71      72      60
Others                               (226)   (252)   (205)
Stainless Steel total                  769     823     671
operating profit                                          
Coil Products                           54      60      16
Special Products                         9      11       1
North America                            1       3       1
Others                                  11       9       8

AvestaPolarit total                     75      83      26
Amortization of                                           
positive goodwill                        -       -     (6)
Stainless Steel total                   75      83      20
Market valuation provision                               
in inventories 1)                        -       -       -
Amortization of positive                                  
goodwill arising from the                                 
acquisition of the                                        
minority interest 2)                                      
Insurance compensation                  -      20       -
Stainless Steel,                                         
official operating profit               75     103      20
Operating capital                                         
at the end of period                 1 992   2 154   2 819
Production of main                                        
products (1 000 tonnes)                                   
Coil Products                                             
Steel slabs                            411     411     337
- of which Long                                           
Product’s share                        130     147     109
Cold rolling                                              
mill production                                           
- cold rolled                          205     222     179
- white hot strip                      102     104      75
Special Products                                          
Ferrochrome                             63      63      59
Tubes                                   18      19      14
Quarto plate                            25      26      19
Long products 3)                        40      54      33
Precision strip                          5       5       6
North America                                             
Quarto plate,                                             
bar and tubes                           19      21      17
Development of                                            
market prices 4)                                     
Stainless steel                                           
Transaction price           EUR/kg    1.54    1.75    1.82
Base price                  EUR/kg    1.31    1.41    1.45
Conversion margin           EUR/kg    0.88    0.98    1.03
Nickel                      USD/lb    2.81    3.15    3.10
                            EUR/kg    7.08    7.56    6.95
Ferrochrome (Cr-content)    USD/lb    0.29    0.30    0.32
                            EUR/kg    0.72    0.72    0.72

1) The accounting principle was adjusted in the annual closing
2002. The cost of inventories is now compared with the
estimated net realizable value at balance sheet date instead of
previous practice of reporting calculated inventory valuation
gains and losses. The comparison periods have been restated
2) In the fourth quarter of 2002, an EUR 15 million
amortization of positive goodwill not belonging to the period
was made so that the total amount corresponds to the annual
amortization level.
3) Other than slabs.
4) Sources: Stainless steel: CRU - German conversion margin (2
mm cold rolled 304 sheet), price estimate for deliveries during
the period. Nickel: London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotations
converted into USD/lb and EUR/kg. Ferrochrome: CRU - US
imported high carbon 50-55% Cr.

EUR million                         IV/02    2002    I/03
Net sales                                            
Coil Products                          584   2 328     682
Special Products                       312   1 311     349
North America                           64     267      64
Others                               (221)   (904)   (219)
Stainless Steel total                  739   3 002     876
operating profit                                          
Coil Products                           32     162      45
Special Products                       (8)      13       0
North America                          (2)       3     (1)
Others                                   6      34      12
AvestaPolarit total                     28     212      56
Amortization of                                           
positive goodwill                      (7)    (28)     (7)
Stainless Steel total                   21     184      49
Market valuation provision                               
in inventories 1)                        0       0       1
Amortization of positive                                  
goodwill arising from the                                 
acquisition of the                                        
minority interest 2)                  (15)       -       -
Insurance compensation                  -      20       -
Stainless Steel,                                         
official operating profit                6     204      50
Operating capital                                         
at the end of period                 3 038   3 038   3 204
Production of main                                        
products (1 000 tonnes)                                   
Coil Products                                             
Steel slabs                            435   1 594     494
- of which Long                                           
Product’s share                        115     501     110
Cold rolling                                              
mill production                                           
- cold rolled                          201     807     204
- white hot strip                      104     385     112
Special Products                                          
Ferrochrome                             63     248      63
Tubes                                   17      68      20
Quarto plate                            25      95      27
Long products 3)                        53     180      54
Precision strip                          5      21       5
North America                                             
Quarto plate,                                             
bar and tubes                           17      74      20
Development of                                            
market prices 4)                                     
Stainless steel                                           
Transaction price           EUR/kg    1.76    1.72    1.77
Base price                  EUR/kg    1.44    1.41    1.43
Conversion margin           EUR/kg    1.00    0.97    0.98
Nickel                      USD/lb    3.22    3.07    3.78
                            EUR/kg    7.11    7.16    7.77
Ferrochrome (Cr-content)    USD/lb    0.35    0.31    0.36
                            EUR/kg    0.77    0.73    0.74

1) The accounting principle was adjusted in the annual closing
2002. The cost of inventories is now compared with the
estimated net realizable value at balance sheet date instead of
previous practice of reporting calculated inventory valuation
gains and losses. The comparison periods have been restated
2) In the fourth quarter of 2002, an EUR 15 million
amortization of positive goodwill not belonging to the period
was made so that the total amount corresponds to the annual
amortization level.
3) Other than slabs.
4) Sources: Stainless steel: CRU - German conversion margin (2
mm cold rolled 304 sheet), price estimate for deliveries during
the period. Nickel: London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotations
converted into USD/lb and EUR/kg. Ferrochrome: CRU - US
imported high carbon 50-55% Cr.

The market conditions for stainless steel remained relatively
stable during the quarter. According to CRU, German average
cold rolled base prices fell by 1% and conversion margins by 2%
compared to the last quarter of 2002. Demand for cold rolled
and hot rolled stainless steel was firm in Europe and Asia, but
slowed down towards the end of the period. In Europe, demand
for quarto plate improved during the quarter, however remaining
below normal levels. The market conditions for long products
remained depressed. Demand for precision strip improved during
the quarter and prices were stable. Prices for tubes and tube
fittings were mostly stable with pressure on standard stock

AvestaPolarit’s net sales for the first quarter rose by 19%
compared to the fourth quarter of 2002 as a result of increased
deliveries. Also the comparable operating profit, which
amounted to EUR 56 million, doubled compared to the previous
quarter mainly due to higher deliveries, but this is still
below the comparable operating profit reported for January-
March last year. High share of low margin semi-finished
products coupled with currency exchange rate losses caused by a
weakening US dollar had an adverse effect on the operating
profit. Special Products and North America suffered from weak
market and low prices.

Discussions to establish a new pension fund for those
AvestaPolarit employees in Britain that have remained as
beneficiaries of the British Steel Pension fund following the
AvestaPolarit merger in 2001 are underway. The closure of the
Degerfors melt shop in Sweden has been postponed until the end
of September 2003 to ensure the smooth transfer of production
to the Sheffield melt shop in Britain. Personnel negotiations
relating to production optimization measures in tubes and tube
fittings business were completed in January at Pietarsaari and
Veteli in Finland, resulting in 32 redundancies.

The short-term market outlook for stainless steel remains
uncertain. In the generally depressed economic environment
demand is not expected to improve in the near future and any
increase in stainless steel consumption is likely to be modest.
European cold rolled stainless steel base prices for second
quarter deliveries are expected to remain at the same level as
during the first quarter. The high volatility in the price of
nickel has increased uncertainty in the market. The US dollar
based ferrochrome price has increased by some 20% for the
second quarter.

The key issue for AvestaPolarit’s results, apart from market
conditions, will be the successful ramp-up of the Tornio
expansion. The commissioning and ramp-up of the new melt shop
have proceeded well. The production of white hot strip in the
new cold rolling mill has started and cold rolled production
will begin during the second quarter. The melt shop and the
cold rolling mill are scheduled to gradually reach full
production by the end of 2004. The full benefits of the
investment will be achieved once the production facility has
reached full capacity. Profitability during the ramp-up phase
will be affected by the low capacity utilization rate and
relatively high proportion of semi-finished products.

Copper struggling with general price pressure

Copper key figures                                   
EUR million                           I/02   II/02  III/02
Net sales                                            
Americas                                90      93      81
Europe                                 142     144     120
Heat Exchangers                         61      74      63
Appliance Heat                                            
Exchangers & Asia                       73      92      85
Harjavalta Metals                       96     103      87
Others                                (53)    (54)    (44)
Copper total                           409     452     392
operating profit                                          
Americas                                 4       5       5
Europe                                   2       7       0
Heat Exchangers                          4       8       6
Appliance Heat                                            
Exchangers & Asia                        2       4       0
Harjavalta Metals                        8     (1)       2
Others                                 (5)     (1)       2
Copper total                            15      22      15
Market price adjustments                                 
to inventories                           7     (1)     (9)
Pension provision (the                  -       -       -
Copper, official                                         
operating profit                        22      21       6
Operating capital                                         
at the end of period                 1 008     933     991
Deliveries of fabricated                                 
products (1 000 tonnes)                                   
Americas                                24      25      25
Europe                                  36      40      34
Heat Exchangers                         21      24      22
Appliance Heat                                            
Exchangers & Asia                       22      28      21
Internal deliveries                    (1)     (2)     (2)
Total deliveries                       102     115     100
Order backlog at the                                      
end of period                                             
(1 000 tonnes)                          67      61      60
Production of Harjavalta                                 
Metals (1 000 tonnes)                                     
Blister copper                          43      34      41
Cathode copper                          29      28      27
Price development                                         
Conversion margin of                                      
copper products,                                          
change on the                                             
previous period, % 1)                    3     (3)     (7)
Copper TC/RC,                                             
change on the                                             
previous period, % 2)                  (8)     (2)     (8)
Price of copper 3)        USD/lb      0.71    0.73    0.69
                          EUR/kg      1.78    1.85    1.54

1) The average conversion margin of Outokumpu’s copper
products. Includes changes in product mix.
2) Combined treatment and refining charges received by
3) London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotation.

EUR million                          IV/02    2002    I/03
Net sales                                            
Americas                                76     340      74
Europe                                 120     526     112
Heat Exchangers                         58     256      59
Appliance Heat                                            
Exchangers & Asia                      101     351     121
Harjavalta Metals                      105     391      93
Others                                (44)   (195)    (50)
Copper total                           416   1 669     409
operating profit                                          
Americas                                 5      19       2
Europe                                   0       9     (6)
Heat Exchangers                          5      23       3
Appliance Heat                                            
Exchangers & Asia                      (7)     (1)       1
Harjavalta Metals                        5      14       3
Others                                   0     (4)     (1)
Copper total                             8      60       2
Market price adjustments                                 
to inventories                           2     (1)       2
Pension provision (the                (6)     (6)       -
Copper, official                                         
operating profit                         4      53       4
Operating capital                                         
at the end of period                   935     935     947
Deliveries of fabricated                                 
products (1 000 tonnes)                                   
Americas                                24      98      24
Europe                                  35     145      35
Heat Exchangers                         21      88      22
Appliance Heat                                            
Exchangers & Asia                       19      90      26
Internal deliveries                    (1)     (6)     (1)
Total deliveries                        98     415     106
Order backlog at the                                      
end of period                                             
(1 000 tonnes)                          60      60      67
Production of Harjavalta                                 
Metals (1 000 tonnes)                                     
Blister copper                          43     161      43
Cathode copper                          31     115      31
Price development                                         
Conversion margin of                                      
copper products,                                          
change on the                                             
previous period, % 1)                  (3)     (4)     (4)
Copper TC/RC,                                             
change on the                                             
previous period, % 2)                    7     (8)     (9)
Price of copper 3)        USD/lb      0.70    0.71    0.75
                          EUR/kg      1.55    1.65    1.55

1) The average conversion margin of Outokumpu’s copper
products. Includes changes in product mix.
2) Combined treatment and refining charges received by
3) London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotation.

Markets for fabricated copper products were generally poor in
the first quarter. European and US demand was disappointing and
pressure on conversion margins was noted in all the major
regions. Asia was the only region to show signs of healthy
demand. Market drivers in China included consumer electronics,
the automotive industry and industrial investments. Japanese
demand recovered in certain sectors, particularly the
automotive industry, which performed well. In Europe,
construction activity remained subdued, affecting the demand
for strip, sheet and plate. Demand from the European automotive
industry was moderate, but the IT-related industries were flat.
In the US, demand has been underpinned by the growing housing
sector. However, in the first quarter housing starts showed
signs of slowing down. US automotive producers also announced
production cuts due to weakening demand.

Year-on-year demand for copper metal in the period increased by
some 1.5%. China was the only region where demand continued to
grow. Tightness of the concentrate markets continued despite
the growth in mine output. The spot treatment and refining
charges remained at record lows in the first quarter, whereas
the contract terms reported by CRU dropped by 6% compared with
the previous quarter. The copper market is forecast to be in
undersupply for the rest of 2003. The growth of metal supply is
constrained by the lack of concentrates, but the price of
copper is estimated to rise only moderately due to the high
level of stocks.

The Copper business area’s net sales in January-March fell 2%
compared to the last quarter of 2002, following the
strengthening of the euro against the US dollar. The comparable
operating profit for the first quarter was EUR 2 million. The
decline in comparable operating profit compared to the previous
quarter and to the corresponding quarter a year ago resulted
mainly from the lower average conversion margins.

As a part of the profitability improvement program of Copper’s
Europe division the regulatory employee/employer negotiations
at Pori, Finland concerning workforce reduction were completed
in March. The reduction of workforce involves 184 persons.
Measures will be carried out during the year mainly by pension
arrangements and termination of temporary jobs. A restructuring
provision of some EUR 5 million was entered in the first
quarter accounts.

Orders for fabricated copper products received during the first
quarter increased by some 13% compared with the previous
quarter. However, the general market conditions for the Copper
business area are not expected to recover in the near future.
Delivery volumes are expected to increase during the rest of
the year, but prices and product mix are not likely to improve
markedly. Operating profit is estimated to improve clearly
compared with the first quarter, but the operating profit for
the full year is expected to fall below that reported the
previous year.

Zinc’s performance suffered from continuing poor market

Zinc key figures                                    
EUR million                          I/02   II/02  III/02
Net sales                              99     120     101
operating profit                        3       1       1
Market price adjustments                                
to inventories                          1     (0)     (1)
Write down of                                            
reactors at Kokkola                    -       -     (4)
Zinc, official                                          
operating profit                        4       1     (4)
Operating capital                                        
at the end of period                  416     383     378
Production of zinc                                       
(1 000 tonnes)                        103      81      94
Price development                                        
Zinc TC,                                                 
change on the                                            
previous period, % 1)                 (4)     (6)     (9)
Price of zinc 2)         USD/lb      0.36    0.35    0.35
                         EUR/kg      0.91    0.85    0.78

1) Zinc TC received by Outokumpu. Includes so-called free zinc.
2) London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotation.

EUR million                         IV/02    2002    I/03
Net sales                              98     418      93
operating profit                      (0)       5       5
Market price adjustments                                
to inventories                          2       2     (0)
Write down of                                            
reactors at Kokkola                    -     (4)       -
Zinc, official                                          
operating profit                        2       3       5
Operating capital                                        
at the end of period                  361     361     353
Production of zinc                                       
(1 000 tonnes)                        102     380      97
Price development                                        
Zinc TC,                                                 
change on the                                            
previous period, % 1)                 (2)    (20)     (9)
Price of zinc 2)         USD/lb      0.35    0.35    0.36
                         EUR/kg      0.77    0.82    0.73

1) Zinc TC received by Outokumpu. Includes so-called free zinc.
2) London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotation.

The market situation for zinc remained poor during the period.
Despite the year-on-year 4% growth in demand, the zinc metal
market remained oversupplied and stocks continued to rise. The
growth in demand was attributable to China, which enjoyed a
robust 10% growth in consumption. In Europe, demand fell by
some 1% due to the weak construction sector. In the US, demand
growth remained flat as the automotive industry slowed down.
The zinc concentrate markets were undersupplied and the
treatment charges remained at record lows.

Zinc production ran smoothly during the quarter both at Kokkola
and Odda even though production was temporarily restricted to
take advantage of peaks in the spot prices for electrical power
in order to maximize the financial results. The concentrate
supply for both zinc plants has been secured for the rest of
the year. Zinc division’s net sales and operating profit for
the first quarter remained at low levels in a lackluster
market. The comparable operating profit amounted to EUR 5

Weak profitability of world zinc producers has intensified
rationalization measures in the industry. European smelter
capacity was reduced by some 200 000 tonnes in March as two
smelters were closed down permanently. China is also likely to
cut production in 2003. These measures are expected to bring
some relief to the oversupplied zinc metals market. In addition
to this, the metal producers have run down their concentrate
stockpiles and the shortage of raw material will further
restrict metal output. The short-term outlook for zinc is
rather gloomy with the demand for zinc still being the key
factor for higher prices. Demand is expected to start picking
up, but not before the end of the summer period, at the
earliest. The tight concentrate market may keep treatment
charges low for a while still, and the operating profit of the
Zinc division is not expected to improve markedly towards the
end of the year. However, Outokumpu’s competitive production
plants, supported by strong commercial business concept in
zinc, are capable of producing high margins under normal market

Technology posted a loss

Technology key figures                                     
EUR million          I/02  II/02  III/02  IV/02   2002  I/03
Net sales              71    114      90    124    399    88
operating profit      (8)      5     (1)      8      4   (9)
Operating capital                                           
at the end of                                               
period                 33     36      26     35     35    28
Order backlog                                               
at the end of                                               
period                392    401     370    370    370   359

The market situation for technology sales did not improve
noticeably during the period and major project decisions were
further postponed, reflecting the continuing economic
uncertainty. The most significant order received during the
first quarter was a EUR 15 million pitch handling plant to
Dubai Aluminium. Technology’s operating loss for the first
quarter amounted to EUR 9 million as a result of the low sales
volume. Given the typical seasonality of technology sales, the
bulk of operating profit is again expected to accrue in the
last quarter.

Technology’s order backlog contracted slightly during the first
quarter and amounted to EUR 359 million. However, the market
situation for technology sales is not expected to further
deteriorate and there is still some optimism regarding the rest
of the year’s aggregate order intake. Following the integration
and reorganization of the recently acquired businesses, the
Technology division is well-poised to serve the market with its
wide range of products and services as general economic
conditions start to improve.

Other operations’ relative role in the Group portfolio has

Other operations key figures                             
EUR million          I/02 II/02  III/02  IV/02   2002   I/03
Net sales              89    90      65     92    336     87
operating profit      (4)     9    (15)   (25)   (35)   (23)
Gain on the sale                                            
of the real                                                 
estate in Espoo         -     -       -     13     13      -
Refund of                                                   
actuarial surplus       -     -       -      4      4      -
Refund of pension                                           
surplus from                                                
Henki-Sampo             -     -       -      2      2      -
Final settlement                                            
on the sale                                                 
of the Harjavalta                                           
nickel refinery         -     -     (6)      -    (6)      -
Capital gain on         -    34       -      -     34      -
AvestaPolarit Oyj
Abp shares
Gain on the sale                                            
of the Pyhäsalmi                                            
mine                    6     -       -      -      6      -
Other operations,                                           
operating profit        2    43    (21)    (6)     18   (23)
Operating capital                                           
at the end of                                               
period                147   223     100    209    209    228
Mine production                                             
(1 000 tonnes)                                              
Zinc in concentrates,                                       
the Tara mine           -     -       7     42     49     43

The Group’s remaining mining business accounted for almost half
of the operating loss posted under Other operations. The
operating loss reported by Mining was mainly attributable to
the low price of zinc. The Tara zinc mine has to a large extent
reached its operational efficiency targets and is moving into
the exploitation of better grade ore for the rest of the year.
The cost base of Other operations also covers Corporate
Management and business development expenses, which are not
allocated to the business areas or divisions.

The attachments present the interim review and accounts.

For further information, please contact:

Kari Lassila, SVP - Investor Relations and Corporate
Development, tel. +358 9 421 2555, kari.lassila@outokumpu.com
Eero Mustala, SVP - Corporate Communications,
tel. +358 9 421 2435, eero.mustala@outokumpu.com
Vesa-Pekka Takala, SVP - Corporate Controller,
tel. +358 9 421 4134,

News conference today at 3.00 pm

A combined news conference, conference call and live web cast
concerning the first quarter results will be held today, April
24, 2003 at 3.00 pm Finnish time (8.00 am US EST, 1.00 pm UK
time, 2.00 pm CET) at Hotel Kämp, conference room Akseli Gallen-
Kallela, Pohjoisesplanadi 29, 00100 Helsinki, Finland.

To participate via a conference call, please dial 5-10 minutes
before the beginning of the event +44 20 7162 0191 (UK) or +1
334 323 6203 (US & Canada). The password is Outokumpu. The news
conference can be viewed live via Internet at www.outokumpu.com

Stock exchange release and presentation material will be
available before the news conference at www.outokumpu.com ->
Investor information -> Downloads.

An on-demand web cast of the news conference will be available
at www.outokumpu.com as of April 24, 2003 at 4.30 pm Finnish
time. An instant reply service of the conference call will be
available until Saturday, April 26, 2003 in the following
numbers: +44 20 8288 4459 (UK) or +1 334 323 6222 (US &
Canada). The access code is 344962.

Corporate Management

Johanna Sintonen
Manager - Investor and Media Relations
tel. +358 9 421 2438, mobile +358 40 530 0778,
fax +358 9 421 2429
e-mail: johanna.sintonen@outokumpu.com


Official result contracted on the previous year

The Group’s net sales in the first quarter increased by 8% from
the corresponding period last year and stood at EUR 1 483
million (I/2002: EUR 1 376 million). The rise was primarily
attributable to higher transaction prices and increased
delivery volumes of stainless steel.

Operating profit for the first quarter fell to EUR 28 million
(I/2002: EUR 95 million). The unfavorable development was
mainly due to lower profits of Stainless Steel, Copper and
Other operations. Stainless Steel’s weaker operating profit
resulted primarily from a higher share of low margin, semi-
finished products for the Coil Products division, weak market
for Special Products and North America, currency exchange rate
losses caused by a weakening US dollar as well as an
amortization of positive goodwill resulting from the
acquisition of the AvestaPolarit minority interest. Copper’s
operating profit was hit by lower conversion margins arising
from weaker product mix and general price pressure. The
comparison period last year included an unusual gain of EUR 6
million resulting from the sale of the Pyhäsalmi mine.

During the period January-March the euro strengthened against
the US dollar by 22% compared with the corresponding period a
year ago. However, the adverse effect that this had on the
Group’s financial results was largely offset by the Group’s
hedging measures. The Group’s net financial expenses increased
in the first quarter to EUR 29 million (I/2002: EUR 11 million)
primarily due to the increased interest expenses from higher
net interest-bearing debt. The Group’s substantial hedging
position against the weakening of the US dollar relative to the
euro extends to twelve months, although the average exchange
rate of forward contracts is gradually getting less favorable.

The Group’s loss before extraordinary items for January-March
was EUR 4 million and loss for the period EUR 5 million
(I/2002: profit of EUR 84 million and profit of EUR 46
million). Earnings per share decreased to EUR -0.03 (I/2002:
EUR 0.34). The return on capital employed fell compared with
the first quarter of last year and was 2.5% (I/2002: 11.4%).

Capital structure weakened further

The cash flow from operating activities fell in January-March
and stood at EUR -22 million (I/2002: EUR 82 million). The cash
flow weakened due to lower income financing and increased
working capital, particularly in trade receivables. The Group’s
net interest-bearing debt rose to EUR 2 624 million (Dec. 31,
2002: EUR 2 385 million) as a result of the weak cash flow and
the ongoing Tornio expansion.

The Group’s capital structure has weakened below the target
level as expected due to the acquisition of the AvestaPolarit
minority. At the end of the first quarter, the equity-to-assets
ratio was 29.9% and the debt-to-equity ratio 137.8% (Dec. 31,
2002: 31.1% and 122.6%). The continuing uncertainty in the
world economy and the difficult market situation make it
challenging to bring the debt-to-equity ratio back to the
target level - below 75% - in the planned time frame, by the
end of 2004. However, the ongoing EUR 200 million divestment
program is well underway and divestments will be increased, if

Tornio expansion program is keeping the Group’s capital
expenditure high

The Group‘s total capital expenditure for January-March
amounted to EUR 178 million (I/2002: EUR 146 million). The high
level of capital expenditure is mainly due to the ongoing
Tornio expansion program. The capital expenditure for 2003 as a
whole is expected to be some EUR 700 million. Capital
expenditure in 2004 is estimated to decrease compared to 2003,
but will nevertheless exceed the level of depreciation.

The EUR 1 billion expansion program at Tornio is proceeding
well, despite some two months behind the original timetable, as
previously communicated. The cold rolling mill started
commissioning in February 2003 and the deliveries of white hot
strip began in March. The reconditioning of the first melt shop
at Tornio was announced in February and will be completed in
2004 at a total investment cost of EUR 55 million. The
acquisition of the quarto plate business of ThyssenKrupp
Nirosta for EUR 59 million was completed in February.
AvestaPolarit’s other major investment projects, the move to
underground mining at the Kemi chromium mine and the increase
of long products’ capacity in the US, are proceeding to plan.

The EUR 88 million modernization program being carried out at
the Odda zinc plant in Norway is progressing at planned cost
estimate and schedule. The project will be completed in the
autumn of 2004. The construction phase will not cause any
significant production losses.

Annual General Meeting of April 3, 2003

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) approved a dividend of EUR
0.40 per share for 2002. The AGM also approved the proposals of
the Board of Directors to amend the Articles of Association of
the Company, to authorize the Board to repurchase and transfer
the Company’s own shares and to increase the Company’s share
capital. The Board’s authorizations are explained in more
detail in the notes to the financial statements. Furthermore,
the AGM approved the issuance of stock options to the key
persons of the Outokumpu Group.

Mr. Arto Honkaniemi, Mr. Jorma Huuhtanen, Mr. Ole Johansson,
Mr. Heimo Karinen and Mr. Matti Puhakka were re-elected as
members to the Board of Directors, and Mr. Evert Henkes, Mr.
Juha Rantanen, Ms. Leena Saarinen, Ms. Soili Suonoja and Mr.
Seppo Ukskoski were elected as new members, for the term
expiring at the close of the next AGM.

At its first meeting, the Board elected Heimo Karinen as
Chairman and Juha Rantanen as Vice Chair-man. The Board also
appointed two permanent committees consisting of Board members
- the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Compensation
Committee. The members of the Audit Committee are Juha Rantanen
(Chairman), Jorma Huuhtanen and Leena Saarinen. The members of
the Nomination and Compensation Committee are Heimo Karinen
(Chairman), Evert Henkes, Arto Honkaniemi and Ole Johansson.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorized Public Accountants, was
re-appointed to Company’s Auditor with Mr. Markku Marjomaa
appointed as the new audit partner in charge.

Changes in management and organization

Mr. Pekka Erkkilä was appointed to the Outokumpu’s Group
Executive Committee in February 2003. He will assume the
responsibility for the Stainless Steel business area and be
President of AvestaPolarit as of June 1, 2003. Pekka Erkkilä
succeeds Mr. Ossi Virolainen who will retire on May 31, 2003.
Furthermore, as of June 1, 2003 the responsibility area of Mr.
Karri Kaitue, Executive Vice President in the Group Executive
Committee will be the Coil Products division of the Stainless
Steel business area.

Outokumpu’s copper smelting and refining business, Harjavalta
Metals, was transferred from Metallurgy to the newly-named
Copper business area effective from January 1, 2003 and it will
report to Executive Vice President Kalevi Nikkilä. As a result,
Metallurgy ceased to exist as a separate business area. Zinc
and Technology will continue to report as stand-alone divisions
to Executive Vice President Tapani Järvinen.

Outokumpu obtains full ownership in AvestaPolarit

On March 14, 2003, Outokumpu placed a security approved by the
Arbitration Tribunal to secure the payment of the redemption
price and thus obtained title to the entire share capital in
AvestaPolarit in accordance with Chapter 14 Section 21 of the
Finnish Companies Act. The redemption price will be paid to the
minority shareholders (0.2% of the total share capital) of
AvestaPolarit as soon as possible after the arbitration award
regarding the redemption price, which will be rendered at a
later date, has gained legal force.

AvestaPolarit’s shares were de-listed from the main list of the
Helsinki Exchanges on March 14, 2003. De-listing from Stockholm
had already taken place in December 2002.

Uncertainty over-shadowing prospects for 2003

The war in Iraq disturbed global economic growth during the
first quarter and the growth in the US and Europe fell to about
1%. However, in China the economic boom continued at a rate of
over 8%. Based on the confidence indicators, the US industrial
sector is not expected to recover during the next few months.
In Europe, the confidence indexes also dropped, and economic
growth in 2003 is likely to remain below 1%. The consequences
of the war in Iraq are shadowing the global economic outlook. A
general view supports a rather slow recovery.

Demand for metals increased in the first quarter, despite of
sluggish economic growth. However, without China’s double-digit
rate of demand growth the performance of metals would have been
weaker. The metals market was mainly close to balance during
the period. Demand for cold rolled and hot rolled stainless
steel was good in Europe and Asia, but slowed down towards the
end of the period. The short-term market outlook for stainless
steel remains uncertain.

The key issue for the Group’s full year operating profit, in
addition to market conditions, will be the successful ramp-up
of the Tornio expansion. Stainless steel deliveries are
expected to increase markedly compared to last year. The Group
is still aiming for better operating profit for 2003 compared
to the previous year. However, the market situation remains
uncertain and therefore the target looks increasingly

Espoo, April 24, 2003

The Board of Directors

INCOME STATEMENT          Jan-Mar Jan-Mar  Jan-Dec
EUR million                  2003    2002     2002
Net sales                   1 483   1 376    5 558
Costs and                                         
expenses                  (1 455) (1 297)  (5 332)
Unusual items                   0       6       49
Other operating                                   
income and expenses             1       2      (6)
Amortization of positive                          
and negative goodwill         (1)       8      (2)
Operating profit               28      95      267
Equity earnings in                                
associated companies          (3)       0      (7)
Financial income                                  
and expenses                                      
Net interest                                      
expenses                     (25)    (13)     (75)
Exchange gains                                    
and losses                    (3)       0       15
Other financial                                   
income and expenses           (1)       2       13
Profit (loss) before                              
extraordinary items           (4)      84      213
Extraordinary items             -       -        -
Income taxes                  (1)    (12)     (53)
Minority interest                                 
in earnings                     0    (26)      (1)
Profit (loss) for                                 
the financial period          (5)      46      159

BALANCE SHEET            Mar 31   Mar 31  Dec 31
EUR million                2003     2002    2002
Fixed assets and                                
other long-term                                 
Intangible assets           455       75     373
Property, plant                                 
and equipment             3 067    2 683   3 088
financial assets                                
Interest-bearing            153      171     157
Non interest-bearing         92       86     105
                          3 767    3 015   3 723
Current assets                                  
Inventories               1 261    1 139   1 235
Interest-bearing             41       20      76
Non interest-bearing      1 174    1 171   1 067
Marketable securities        10       14      31
Cash and bank               166      199     195
                          2 652    2 543   2 604
Total assets              6 419    5 558   6 327
Shareholders’ equity      1 863    1 617   1 906
Minority interest            40      568      40
Negative goodwill                               
on consolidation              -      276       -
Long-term liabilities                           
Interest-bearing          1 549      879   1 493
Non interest-bearing        455      448     463
                          2 004    1 327   1 956
Current liabilities                             
Interest-bearing          1 444      732   1 352
Non interest-bearing      1 068    1 038   1 073
                          2 512    1 770   2 425
Total shareholders’                             
equity and liabilities    6 419    5 558   6 327

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS    Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar  Jan-Dec
EUR million                   2003     2002     2002
Income financing                87      141      450
Increase in                                         
working capital              (108)     (55)    (100)
Other adjustments              (1)      (4)     (16)
Cash provided by                                    
operating activities          (22)       82      334
Capital expenditure          (178)    (146)  (2 042)
Other investing                                     
activities                    (14)       12       73
Cash flow before                                    
financing activities         (214)     (52)  (1 635)
Cash provided by                                    
financing activities           176     (20)    1 569
Adjustments                   (12)        1        7
Decrease in cash                                    
and marketable                                      
securities                    (50)     (71)     (59)
                           Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar  Jan-Dec
GROUP KEY FIGURES             2003     2002     2002
Operating profit                                    
margin, %                      1.9      6.9      4.8
Return on capital                                   
employed, %                    2.5     11.4      7.0
Return on                                           
equity, %                     neg.     13.6      8.0
Capital employed                                    
at end of period,                                   
EUR million                  4 528    3 393    4 331
Net interest-bearing                                
debt at end of                                      
period, EUR million          2 624    1 207    2 385
ratio at end                                        
of period, % 1)               29.9     42.2     31.1
Debt-to-equity ratio                                
at end of period, %          137.8     55.3    122.6
Earnings per share                                  
(excluding extraordinary                            
items), EUR                 (0.03)     0.34     1.15
Earnings per                                        
share, EUR                  (0.03)     0.34     1.15
Average number of                                   
shares outstanding,                                 
in thousands 2)            171 375  136 278  137 658
Fully diluted                                       
earnings per share                            
(excl. extraordinary                          
items), EUR                 (0.03)     0.34     1.14
Fully diluted average                               
number of shares,                                   
in thousands 2)            172 189  137 765  139 293
Shareholders' equity per                            
share at end of                                     
period, EUR                  10.86    11.87    11.14
Number of shares                                    
outstanding at                                      
end of period,                                      
in thousands 2)            171 534  136 278  171 111
Capital expenditure,                                
EUR million 3)                 178      146    2 042
EUR million 4)                  75       67      264
Average personnel                                   
for the period              21 242   19 312   20 196

1) The negative goodwill is netted against assets.
2) The number of own shares repurchased is excluded.
3) The acquisition of AvestaPolarit shares is included.
4) The amortization of negative and positive goodwill is


Shares and share capital

Following the registration of the secondary subsciptions in the
Outokumpu rights offering on January 3, 2003 the total number
of Outokumpu Oyj shares was 172 659 119 and the share capital
amounted to EUR 293.5 million. Since, there has been no changes
in the number of shares or share capital.

Bonds relating to the subordinated bond loan have been
converted into 1 042 551 shares by March 31, 2003. No 1998
management option warrants have been converted into shares. The
number of Outokumpu Oyj shares may be increased to a maximum of
176 309 298 following the share subscriptions under the
convertible bonds to personnel and the 1998 management option

On February 20, 2003, Outokumpu Oyj transferred 282 660
treasury shares to the persons participating in the 2000 share
remuneration scheme for management. However, 2 150 shares were
returned to the Company, and on March 31, 2003 Outokumpu Oyj
held a total of 1 125 490 treasury shares. The total account
equivalent value of the treasury shares is EUR 1.9 million.
This equals to 0.7% of the share capital and the total voting
rights of the Company.

The Annual General Meeting of April 3, 2003 approved a stock
option program for management. Under the terms and conditions
of the stock option program, 5 100 000 stock options will be
issued entitling their holders to subscribe for 5 100 000 new
shares in the Company during the years 2006 and 2011. As a
result of the share subscriptions with the 2003 stock options,
the share capital of Outokumpu Oyj may be increased by a
maximum of EUR 8 670 000 and the number of shares by a maximum
of 5 100 000 shares. The shares that can be subscribed with the
2003 stock options equal to 2.9% of the Company’s shares and
voting rights following the potential share capital increase.
By April 24, 2003, the Board of Directors of Outokumpu Oyj had
not made any decision to distribute the stock options on the
terms and conditions of the 2003 stock options.

Authorizations of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has a valid authorization by the Annual
General Meeting of April 3, 2003 to repurchase and transfer the
Company's own shares. Shares may be repurchased through
purchases in public trading on the Helsinki Exchanges at the
market price prevailing at the time of the purchase. The
maximum number of shares to be repurchased or transferred is 8
632 955, which equals 5% of the total number of shares of the
Company registered on April 3, 2003. Own shares can be
repurchased for improving the Company's equity structure or to
be used as consideration when acquiring assets for the
Company's business or as consideration in possible corporate
acquisitions, in the manner and to the extent decided by the
Board of Directors. Repurchased shares may also be used as a
part of incentive and bonus schemes directed to the personnel
of the Company. Authorizations to repurchase and transfer the
Company’s own shares are valid until AGM in 2004, however no
longer than April 2, 2004. By April 24, 2003 the Board of
Directors had not used these authorizations.

The Board of Directors has a valid authorization by the Annual
General Meeting of April 3, 2003 to increase the share capital
through an issue of new shares, stock options, option warrants
and/or convertible bonds. The share capital may be increased by
no more than EUR 29 352 050 and the aggregate maximum number of
new shares shall not exceed 17 265 911 shares. This equals 10%
of the share capital and voting rights of the Company
registered on April 3, 2003. By April 24, 2003 the Board of
Directors had not used this authorization.

                          Jan-Mar  Jan-Mar  Jan-Dec
EUR million                  2003     2002     2002
Unusual items                                
Gain on the sale                             
of the real estate                           
in Espoo                        -        -       13
Refund of                                  
actuarial surplus                          
Outokumpu Oyj                   -        -        3
Other companies                 -        -        1
Refund of pension surplus                  
from Henki-Sampo,                          
Outokumpu Oyj                   -        -        2
Final settlement on the                    
sale of the Harjavalta                     
nickel refinery                 -        -      (6)
Write down of                              
reactors at Kokkola             -        -      (4)
Capital gain on                            
Oyj Abp shares                  -        -       14
insurance compensation          -        -       20
Restructuring provision                            
of AvestaPolarit                -     (16)     (32)
Additional amortization of                         
negative goodwill of                               
AvestaPolarit                   -       16       32
Gain on the sale                                   
of the Pyhäsalmi mine           -        6        6
                                -        6       49
Income taxes                                 
Current taxes                 (4)      (9)     (53)
Deferred taxes                  3      (3)        0
                              (1)     (12)     (53)

Commitments             Mar 31  Mar 31  Dec 31
EUR million               2003    2002    2002
Mortgages and pledges                   
To secure borrowings                    
of Group companies         165     105     119
On behalf of                                  
associated companies         7       8       7
On behalf of                                  
other parties               35      77      41
                            42      85      48
Minimum future lease                          
payments on                                   
operating leases           128     130     133

Open derivative instruments                
                        Carrying       Fair
                           value      value
                          Mar 31     Mar 31
EUR million                 2003       2003
Financial derivatives                      
Forward foreign                            
exchange contracts            14         14
Currency options                           
Purchased                      2          2
Written                        0          0
Currency swaps               (3)        (4)
Interest rate swaps          (1)        (1)
Metal derivatives 1)                       
Forward and futures                        
copper contracts             (1)        (1)
Forward and futures                        
nickel contracts               2          2
Forward and futures                        
zinc contracts                 0          0
Zinc options                               
Purchased                      0          0
Written                        0          0
Forward and futures                        
aluminium contracts            0          0
Forward and futures                        
gold contracts                 1          1
Forward and futures                        
silver contracts               0          0
derivatives 2)                             
Traded electricity                         
forwards and futures           -        0.5
Other financial                            
contracts                      -        6.5

1) Contract amounts of base metal derivatives in tonnes and
precious metal derivatives in troy ounce.
2) Contract amounts of electricity derivatives in TWh.

                        Contract    amounts
                          Mar 31     Dec 31
EUR million                 2003       2002
Financial derivatives                      
Forward foreign                            
exchange contracts         1 600      1 100
Currency options                           
Purchased                     50         60
Written                       50         60
Currency swaps                40         60
Interest rate swaps          170         70
Metal derivatives 1)                       
Forward and futures                        
copper contracts         117 400    121 200
Forward and futures                        
nickel contracts           4 500      2 200
Forward and futures                        
zinc contracts           133 700    197 300
Zinc options                               
Purchased                  2 300      3 000
Written                    2 300      3 000
Forward and futures                        
aluminium contracts        1 600      1 300
Forward and futures                        
gold contracts            55 800     63 400
Forward and futures                        
silver contracts         456 300    529 300

derivatives 2)                             
Traded electricity                         
forwards and futures         0.2        0.2
Other financial                            
contracts                    4.1        4.5

1) Contract amounts of base metal derivatives in tonnes and
precious metal derivatives in troy ounce.
2) Contract amounts of electricity derivatives in TWh.

The derivate transactions have been made for hedging purposes.
The market value of derivatives indicates the result of those
transactions if the deals were closed at the balance sheet
date. The realized gains and losses of derivative instruments
are booked in the income statement according to hedge
accounting principle i.e. against the underlying transaction.
The carrying amount of forward foreign exchange contracts,
currency options and currency swaps include unrealized gains
and losses relating to hedges on firm and anticipated
commitments, which have been deferred.

EUR million              I/02 II/02 III/02  IV/02    I/03
Net sales                                          
Stainless Steel                                   
Coil Products             599   628    517    584     682
Special Products          325   375    299    312     349
North America              71    72     60     64      64
Others                  (226) (252)  (205)  (221)   (219)
Stainless Steel                                          
total                     769   823    671    739     876
Americas                   90    93     81     76      74
Europe                    142   144    120    120     112
Automotive Heat                                          
Exchangers                 61    74     63     58      59
Appliance Heat                                           
Exchangers & Asia          73    92     85    101     121
Harjavalta Metals          96   103     87    105      93
Others                   (53)  (54)   (44)   (44)    (50)
Copper total              409   452    392    416     409
Zinc                       99   120    101     98      93
Technology                 71   114     90    124      88
Other operations           89    90     65     92      87
Intra-group sales        (61)  (68)   (59)   (78)    (70)
The Group               1 376 1 531  1 260  1 391   1 483
Operating profit                                         
Stainless Steel                                          
Coil Products              54    60     16     32      45
Special Products            9    26      1    (8)       0
North America               1     3      1    (2)     (1)
Others                     11    14      8      6      13
total                      75   103     26     28      57
Amortization of                                          
positive goodwill                      (6)   (22)     (7)
Stainless Steel                                          
total                      75   103     20      6      50
Americas                    7     6      1    (0)       3
Europe                      2     6    (2)      0     (7)
Automotive Heat                                          
Exchangers                  4     7      5      5       4
Appliance Heat                                           
Exchangers & Asia           5     4    (2)    (6)       2
Harjavalta Metals           8   (1)      2      5       3
Others                    (4)   (1)      2      0     (1)
Copper total               22    21      6      4       4
Zinc                        4     1    (4)      2       5
Technology                (8)     5    (1)      8     (9)
Other operations            2    43   (21)    (6)    (23)
Intra-group items           0  (22)      6      1       1
The Group                  95   151      6     15      28
Equity earnings in                                       
associated companies      (0)   (2)    (3)    (2)     (3)
Financial income                                         
and expenses             (11)    10   (21)   (25)    (29)
Profit (loss) before                                     
extraordinary items        84   159   (18)   (12)     (4)
Income taxes             (12)  (48)   (12)     19     (1)
Minority interest                                        
in earnings              (26)  (28)     50      3       0
Profit (loss) for                                        
the period                 46    83     20     10     (5)

Operating profit                                  
margin, %                            6.9       9.9
Return on capital                                 
employed, %                         11.4      17.7
Return on                                         
shareholders' equity, %             13.6      20.1
Capital employed at                       
end of period, EUR million         3 393     3 443
Net interest-bearing debt                         
at end of period, EUR million      1 207     1 229
Equity-to-assets ratio                            
at end of period, % 1)              42.2      41.2
Debt-to-equity ratio                              
at end of period, %                 55.3      55.5
Earnings per share                        
(excluding extraordinary                  
items), EUR                         0.34      0.60
Earnings per share, EUR             0.34      0.60
Average number of shares                          
outstanding, in thousands 2)     136 278   136 774
Shareholders' equity                              
per share at end of                               
period, EUR                        11.87     11.70
Number of shares                                  
outstanding at end of                             
period, in thousands 2)          136 278   137 082
Capital expenditure,                      
EUR million 3)                       146       194
EUR million 4)                        67        64
Average personnel                                 
for the period                    19 312    19 727

1) The negative goodwill is netted against assets.
2) The number of own shares repurchased is excluded.
3) The acquisition of AvestaPolarit shares is included.
4) The amortization of negative and positive goodwill is

                                  III/02     IV/02     I/03
Operating profit                                           
margin, %                            0.5       1.0      1.9
Return on capital                                          
employed, %                          0.7       1.3      2.5
Return on                                                  
shareholders' equity, %             neg.       1.6     neg.
Capital employed at                                          
end of period, EUR million         4 083     4 331    4 528
Net interest-bearing debt                                  
at end of period, EUR million      2 414     2 385    2 624
Equity-to-assets ratio                                     
at end of period, % 1)              27.7      31.1     29.9
Debt-to-equity ratio                                       
at end of period, %                144.7     122.6    137.8
Earnings per share                                           
(excluding extraordinary                                     
items), EUR                         0.15      0.06   (0.03)
Earnings per share, EUR             0.15      0.06   (0.03)
Average number of shares                                   
outstanding, in thousands 2)     137 138   140 498  171 375
Shareholders' equity                                       
per share at end of                                        
period, EUR                        11.78     11.14    10.86
Number of shares                                           
outstanding at end of                                      
period, in thousands 2)          137 168   171 111  171 534
Capital expenditure,                                 
EUR million 3)                     1 403       299      178
EUR million 4)                        62        71       75
Average personnel                                          
for the period                    20 886    21 173   21 242

1) The negative goodwill is netted against assets.
2) The number of own shares repurchased is excluded.
3) The acquisition of AvestaPolarit shares is included.
4) The amortization of negative and positive goodwill is
