Outokumpu's third quarter 2010 - seasonally lower demand resulted in a loss-making quarter

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October 21, 2010 9.00 am EET
Third-quarter 2010 highlights

- Operating loss EUR 49 million (II/2010: EUR 71 million profit) including some
EUR 39 million of raw material-related losses (II/2010: EUR 55 million gains),
underlying operational result some EUR -10 million (II/2010: EUR 16 million).
- EBITDA EUR 13 million (II/2010: EUR 128 million), operative cash flow turned
positive in September but was EUR -112 million for the quarter (II/2010: EUR
-314 million) due to higher metal prices and increased inventory levels.
- Annual maintenance breaks at Group sites and normal seasonality reduced
delivery volumes, which totalled 307 000 tonnes (II/2010: 339 000 tonnes).
- Strategic priorities adjusted, vision and strategic direction remain

Group key figures

                                        III/10 II/10 III/09  2009
Sales                       EUR million    999 1 110    587 2 611

Operating profit            EUR million    -49    71    -65  -438

EBITDA                      EUR million     13   128      2  -212

Non-recurring items

in operating profit         EUR million      -     -    -15   -20

Profit before taxes         EUR million    -88    63    -81  -474

Net profit for the period

from continuing operations  EUR million    -55    43    -55  -332

Net profit for the period   EUR million    -56    44    -56  -336

Earnings per share

from continuing operations          EUR  -0.30  0.24  -0.30 -1.83

Earnings per share                  EUR  -0.31  0.24  -0.31 -1.86

Return on capital employed            %   -4.6   7.2   -7.6 -11.7

Net cash generated from

operating activities 1)     EUR million   -112  -314    -10   198

Capital expenditure,

continuing operations       EUR million     40    40     55   245

Net interest-bearing debt

at end of period            EUR million  1 818 1 683  1 014 1 183

Debt-to-equity ratio at

end of period                         %   74.4  67.6   41.4  48.2

Stainless steel deliveries 1 000 tonnes    307   339    238 1 030

Stainless steel

base price 2)                 EUR/tonne  1 245 1 317  1 307 1 161

Personnel at the

end of period,

continuing operations                    7 887 8 617  7 699 7 606

1) Cash flows presented for continuing operations.

2) Stainless steel: CRU - German base price (2 mm cold rolled 304 sheet).


Some pick-up in demand for standard grades has occurred after the summer period
in Europe. The increasing price of nickel has also had a positive effect
primarily on distributors' buying behaviour. Distributors' inventory levels are
estimated to be close to normal levels. Demand for special grades and products
however continues to be softer and no clear recovery among investment-driven
end-use segments has taken place.

Lead times on mill-deliveries are still normal at 6-8 weeks. Outokumpu's
deliveries of stainless steel in the fourth quarter are expected to improve
compared to the third quarter and be close to volumes in the second quarter
(339 000 tonnes). Outokumpu's average base price for all flat products is
expected to decline by up to 50 EUR/tonne compared to the third quarter due to
weaker geographic and product mix. Comparable market and product specific base
prices are however expected to be relatively unchanged in the fourth quarter.
The weaker US dollar and stronger Swedish krona will have a negative impact on
Outokumpu's profitability.

Outokumpu's underlying operational result*) in the fourth quarter is expected to
be around break-even. At current metal prices, raw material-related timing gains
amounting to some tens of millions of euros are expected in the fourth quarter
as a result of the increase in metal prices after the summer. Subject to metal
price and currency developments, cash flow (before investments) is expected to
be positive in the fourth quarter as a consequence of reduced inventories.

*) Underlying operational result= Operating profit without raw material-related
inventory gains / losses and non-recurring items.

CEO Juha Rantanen:

"Outokumpu's third-quarter loss is mainly a result of the seasonal decline in
delivery volumes. We'll get back on the improving profit trend as we foresee
better results in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter this year and
the fourth quarter a year ago. Underlying demand for standard grades continues
to be satisfactory while the expected recovery in demand from investment-driven
industries has not materialised yet. Customers are hesitant to make investment
decisions due to overall macroeconomic uncertainty. This is the main reason why
we are still operating at only 75% of our capacity. The recent currency
fluctuations are also having a negative impact on our performance and overall
market sentiment.

We are confident, however, of the attractiveness of the stainless industry.
Several global trends are supporting the long-term growth of stainless markets.
Outokumpu is uniquely positioned to capture these opportunities due to Tornio's
cost competitiveness and our capabilities in the specialties products. The
recently revised strategy provides concrete plans on how we will improve the
profitability for the Group."

The attachments present the Management Analysis for the third-quarter operating
result and the Interim Review by the Board of Directors for January-September
2010, the accounts and notes to the interim accounts. This report is unaudited.

For further information, please contact:
Päivi Lindqvist, SVP - Communications and IR
tel. +358 9 421 2432, mobile +358 40 708 5351

Ingela Ulfves, VP - Investor Relations and Financial Communications
tel. +358 9 421 2438, mobile +358 40 515 1531

Esa Lager, CFO
tel. + 358 9 421 2516

News conference and live webcast today at 1.00 pm

A combined news conference, conference call and live webcast concerning the
third-quarter 2010 results will be held on October 21, 2010 at 1.00 pm EET
(12.00 pm CET, 6.00 am US EST, 11.00 am UK time) at Hotel Kämp, conference room
Akseli Gallen-Kallela, address Pohjoisesplanadi 29, 00100 Helsinki, Finland.

To participate via a conference call, please dial in 5-10 minutes before the
beginning of the event:

UK +44 20 3043 2436
US & Canada +1 866 458 4087
Sweden +46 8 505 598 53
Password Outokumpu
The news conference can be viewed live via Internet at www.outokumpu.com. Stock
exchange release and presentation material will be available before the news
conference atwww.outokumpu.com/Investors.

An on-demand webcast of the news conference will be available at
www.outokumpu.com as of October 21, 2010 at around 3.00 pm.

Corporate Management


Group key figures

EUR million                  I/09  II/09     III/09  IV/09     2009

General Stainless             476    501        496    592    2 065

Specialty Stainless           371    278        258    332    1 239

Other operations               66     58         56     62      243

Intra-group sales            -233   -220       -224   -259     -935
The Group                     679    617        587    728    2 611

Operating profit

General Stainless            -157    -52        -38    -12     -259

Specialty Stainless           -82    -37        -21    -10     -149

Other operations              -12     -5         -4     -9      -31

Intra-group items               2      0         -3      2        1
The Group                    -249    -94        -65    -29     -438

EUR million                  I/10  II/10     III/10

General Stainless             754    962        860

Specialty Stainless           367    469        397

Other operations               89     86         85

Intra-group sales            -295   -407       -342
The Group                     916  1 110        999

Operating profit

General Stainless              -2     75        -52

Specialty Stainless           -21     22        -14

Other operations                2    -15         10

Intra-group items              -1    -10          8
The Group                     -22     71        -49

Stainless steel


1 000 tonnes                 I/09  II/09     III/09  IV/09     2009
Cold rolled                   133    145        124    143      545

White hot strip                59     69         66     69      263

Quarto plate                   19     18         14     16       67

Tubular products               16     13         12     12       53

Long products                  10      9         11     10       40


products                       10     14         12     27       63
Total deliveries              247    268        238    277    1 030

1 000 tonnes                 I/10  II/10     III/10
Cold rolled                   171    182        167

White hot strip                82     75         69

Quarto plate                   21     21         20

Tubular products               13     14         12

Long products                  13     15         15


products                       33     32         24
Total deliveries              333    339        307

Market prices and

exchange rates

                             I/09  II/09     III/09  IV/09     2009
Market prices 1)

Stainless steel

  Base price        EUR/t     925  1 117      1 307  1 297    1 161

  Alloy surcharge   EUR/t     893    634        923  1 049      875

  Transaction price EUR/t   1 818  1 751      2 229  2 346    2 036

Nickel              USD/t  10 471 12 920     17 700 17 528   14 655

                    EUR/t   8 036  9 478     12 375 11 860   10 507


(Cr-content)        USD/lb   0.79   0.69       0.89   1.03     0.85

                    EUR/kg   1.34   1.12       1.37   1.54     1.34

Molybdenum          USD/lb   9.15   9.41      15.36  11.76    11.42

                    EUR/kg  15.49  15.22      23.67  17.54    18.05

Recycled steel      USD/t  207.00 199.00     236.00 250.00   223.00

                    EUR/t  159.00 146.00     165.00 169.00   160.00

Exchange rates

EUR/USD                     1.303  1.363      1.430  1.478    1.395

EUR/SEK                    10.941 10.781     10.424 10.351   10.619

EUR/GBP                     0.909  0.879      0.872  0.905    0.891

                             I/10  II/10     III/10
Market prices 1)

Stainless steel

  Base price        EUR/t   1 235  1 317      1 245

  Alloy surcharge   EUR/t   1 094  1 701      1 621

  Transaction price EUR/t   2 329  3 018      2 866

Nickel              USD/t  19 959 22 476     21 191

                    EUR/t  14 433 17 686     16 415


(Cr-content)        USD/lb   1.01   1.36       1.30

                    EUR/kg   1.61   2.36       2.22

Molybdenum          USD/lb  16.19  16.45      15.15

                    EUR/kg  25.81  28.53      25.86

Recycled steel      USD/t     323    346        346

                    EUR/t     234    272        268

Exchange rates

EUR/USD                     1.383  1.271      1.291

EUR/SEK                     9.946  9.631      9.380

EUR/GBP                     0.888  0.852      0.833
1) Sources of market prices:

Stainless steel: CRU - German base price, alloy surcharge and

transaction price (2 mm cold rolled 304 sheet), estimates for

deliveries during the period.

Nickel: London Metal Exchange (LME) cash quotation

Ferrochrome: Metal Bulletin - Quarterly contract price,

Ferrochrome lumpy chrome charge, basis 52% chrome

Molybdenum: Metal Bulletin - Molybdenum oxide - Europe

Recycled steel: Metal Bulletin - Steel scrap HMS 1&2 fob Rotterdam

Seasonality impacted stainless steel consumption in Europe

In the third quarter, global demand for stainless steel softened and apparent
consumption is estimated to have been down by 13% compared to the second
quarter. In Europe, demand was impacted by normal seasonality and was down by
20%. In China, apparent consumption also declined and was down by 13% compared
to the previous quarter. Compared to the second quarter, production was down by
14% globally: down by 29% in Europe and by 10% in China. The main reasons for
lower production were the declined nickel price impacting overall demand and the
holiday season in Europe.

The average base price for 2mm cold rolled 304 stainless steel sheet in Germany
decreased by 5%  and totalled 1 245 EUR/tonne in the third quarter (II/2010:
1 317 EUR/tonne). The alloy surcharge decreased and was 1 621 EUR/tonne
(II/2010: 1 701 EUR/tonne) as part of the increase in metal prices was offset by
the weakening US dollar. The average transaction price during the third quarter
was consequently 2 866 EUR/tonne (II/2010: 3 018 EUR/tonne). The price
difference between Europe and Asia widened during the period and there was a
clear increase in volumes imported into Europe, especially from Asian producers.

Among alloying metals, the price of nickel was on a rising trend in the third
quarter. At the beginning of the third quarter it was at the level of 19 000
USD/tonne, by the end of the quarter it had increased to the level of 23 500
USD/tonne. In the third quarter, the average nickel price was 21 191 USD/tonne
(II/2010: 22 476 USD/tonne). The nickel price declined from its year-high level
of 26-27 000 USD/tonne in the second quarter. Ferrochrome markets were close to
balance. The quarterly contract price for ferrochrome in the third quarter was
1.30 USD/lb (II/2010: 1.36 USD/lb) and has preliminarily been settled unchanged
at 1.30 USD/lb for the fourth quarter. The average price of molybdenum decreased
to 15.15 USD/lb in the third quarter (II/2010: 16.45 USD/lb) while the price of
recycled steel was unchanged and averaged 346 USD/tonne (II/2010: 346

Profitability deteriorated in the seasonally soft quarter

Group sales in the third quarter totalled EUR 999 million (II/2010: EUR 1 110
million). Deliveries of stainless steel declined to 307 000 tonnes (II/2010:
339 000 tonnes). The main causes of lower delivery volumes were the Group's
annual maintenance breaks and normal seasonality in the European holiday season.

Operating loss in the third quarter totalled EUR 49 million (II/2010: profit of
EUR 71 million). This figure includes some EUR 39 million of raw material-
related inventory losses (II/2010: some EUR 55 million gains) resulting from
declined metal prices. Consequently, the underlying loss totalled EUR 10 million
(II/2010: profit of EUR 16 million). The main causes of the weaker result were
lower delivery volumes and a slightly weaker geographic mix. Outokumpu's average
base prices for flat products realised in the third quarter were close to the
level in the second quarter but somewhat below the base prices reported by CRU
for German 304 sheet.

Return on capital employed in the third quarter was -4.6% (II/2010: 7.2%).
Earnings per share totalled EUR -0.31 (II/2010: EUR 0.24).

Interest expenses have increased due to higher amount of net debt and increased
proportion of fixed rate financing in the loan portfolio. Changes in exchange
rates typically cause variation in financial income and expenses and in the
third quarter these changes led to clearly higher financial expenses due to
major volatility particularly in the US dollar and the Swedish krona, both being
important to the Group.

Net cash from operating activities in continuing operations remained negative in
the third quarter and amounted to EUR -112 million (II/2010: EUR -314 million).
Primary reasons for the negative cash flow were increased metal prices during
the third quarter and higher than normal inventory levels. In the second
quarter, inventory levels had intentionally been increased to compensate for
lost production during the Group's annual maintenance breaks.  In the third
quarter, EUR 71 million of cash was tied up in working capital. In September,
after the maintenance breaks, inventories began to decline and cash flow turned

Outokumpu's gearing was 74.4% at the end of the third quarter (June
30, 2010: 67.6%), close to the Group's target maximum level of 75%. Net-interest
bearing debt increased by EUR 135 million and amounted to EUR 1 818 million
(II/2010: EUR 1 683 million) at the end of the third quarter.

Capital expenditure totalled EUR 40 million (II/2010: EUR 40 million) in the
third quarter.

Sales by General Stainless in the third quarter totalled EUR 860 million
(II/2010: EUR 962 million), deliveries declined to 282 000 tonnes (II/2010:
309 000 tonnes). General Stainless posted an operating loss of EUR 52 million
(II/2010: profit of EUR 75 million) of which Tornio Works' operating loss
totalled EUR 36 million (II/2010: profit of EUR 63 million). Tornio Works'
operating loss was adversely affected by negative internal hedging result.

Sales by Specialty Stainless in the third quarter totalled EUR 397 million
(II/2010: EUR 469 million) and deliveries declined to 98 000 tonnes (II/2010:
119 000 tonnes). Operating loss totalled EUR 14 million (II/2010: profit of EUR
22 million).

Other operations posted an operating profit of EUR 10 million (II/2010: EUR -15
million) in the third quarter, mainly due to positive internal hedging result.

Investment projects

The investment project to increase quarto plate production capability and
capacity in New Castle, Indiana, in the USA was completed in August 2010. This
EUR 45 million investment increases the annual production capacity at this
production site by 20 000 tonnes to 70 000 tonnes.

Announced in June 2010, the investment of EUR 104 million to increase quarto
plate production capability and capacity in Degerfors in Sweden is in its
initial face. Annual production capacity at Degerfors will be increased by
40 000 tonnes to 150 000 tonnes. Completion of this investment will increase the
Group's annual quarto plate production capacity to some 220 000 tonnes.

Also announced in June 2010, the EUR 440 million investment project to double
ferrochrome production capacity at Tornio in Finland is proceeding according to
plan. The project organisation has been established and the first phase of
construction work has begun. Detailed planning for the project is currently


Improving demand for stainless steel in 2010

Stainless steel markets began to recover from the beginning of 2010, with demand
- especially for standard grades - improving. In May, markets softened, the
nickel price started declining and distributors began to destock. After the
summer break in Europe, demand recovered again. Compared to the first nine
months of 2009, apparent consumption of stainless steel is estimated to have
increased by 21% globally and by 33% in Europe. In China, the increase is
estimated to have been 6%. The average German base price for 2mm cold rolled
304 stainless steel sheet in the first nine months of 2010 was 1 266 EUR/tonne
(I-III/2009: 1 116 EUR/tonne) and the average transaction price was EUR 2 738
EUR/tonne (I-III/2009: 1 933 EUR/tonne). (CRU)

During the first nine months of 2010, the nickel price averaged 21 209 USD/tonne
(I-III/2009: 13 697 USD/tonne) and the average contract price for ferrochrome
was 1.22 USD/lb (I-III/2009: 0.79 USD/lb). The average price of molybdenum
during the first nine months of 2010 was 15.93 USD/lb (I-III/2009: 11.31 USD/lb)
and of recycled steel 338 USD/lb (I-III/2009: 214 USD/lb).

Profitability improved

Group sales in the first nine months of 2010 were up by 61% to EUR 3 026 million
(I-III/2009: EUR 1 883 million) as a result of higher transaction prices and
increased delivery volumes. Stainless steel deliveries increased by 30% and
totalled 979 000 tonnes (I-III/2009: 753 000 tonnes). The Group's capacity
utilisation rate was approximately 75% in the first nine months of 2010.

Operating profit for the first nine months improved significantly and totalled
EUR 1 million (I-III/2009: EUR -409 million), including raw material-related
inventory gains of some EUR 26 million (I-III/2009: loss of EUR 78 million).
Operating profit did not include any non-recurring items (I-III/2009: expenses
of EUR 20 million). Consequently, the underlying operational result was a loss
totalling EUR 25 million    (I-III/2009: EUR -311 million) in the first nine
months of 2010. The main reasons for this improved result were increased
delivery volumes, higher base prices and higher ferrochrome price. Loss before
taxes totalled EUR 58 million (I-III/2009: EUR -438 million).

Net financial income and expenses in the first nine months of 2010 totalled EUR
-44 million (I-III/2009: EUR -21 million). Interest expenses increased due to
higher amount of net debt and increased proportion of fixed rate financing in
the loan portfolio. Volatility in exchange rates, mainly in the Swedish krona
and in the third quarter also the US dollar, led to clearly higher financial
expenses. Net loss totalled EUR 33 million (I-III/2009: EUR -330 million) and
earnings per share totalled EUR -0.18 (I-III/2009: EUR -1.82). Return on capital
employed during the first nine months of 2010 was 0.0% (I-III/2009: -14.9%).

Net cash generated from operating activities was negative and totalled EUR -512
million (I-III/2009: EUR 306 million positive). During the review period, some
EUR 516 million cash was tied up in working capital as a result of higher metal
prices and higher inventory levels. Net interest-bearing debt increased by EUR
804 million and totalled EUR 1 818 million at the end of September 2010 (Sept
30, 2009: EUR 1 014 million). Outokumpu's gearing was 74.4% at the end of the
third quarter, close to the Group's target maximum of 75%. In June, Outokumpu
issued a EUR 250 million five-year domestic bond which was listed on the NASDAQ
OMX Helsinki stock exchange.

Capital expenditure and investment projects

Capital expenditure in the first nine months of 2010 totalled EUR 107 million
(I-III/2009: EUR 163 million) and covered both ongoing investment projects and
maintenance. Including the new investment projects already announced capital
expenditure by the Group in 2010 is expected to be below EUR 200 million.

The investment project to increase quarto plate production capability and
capacity in New Castle, Indiana, in the USA was completed in August 2010. This
EUR 45 million investment increases the annual production capacity at this
production site by 20 000 tonnes to 70 000 tonnes. Announced in June, the
investment of EUR 104 million to increase quarto plate production capability and
capacity in Degerfors in Sweden is in its initial face. Annual production
capacity at Degerfors will be increased by 40 000 tonnes to 150 000 tonnes.
Completion of this investment will increase the Group's annual quarto plate
production capacity to some 220 000 tonnes.

Also announced in June, the EUR 440 million investment project to double
ferrochrome production capacity at Tornio in Finland is proceeding according to
plan. The project organisation has been established and the first phase of
construction work has begun. Detailed planning for the project is currently

Investment projects in China and the UK were completed in June 2010. The Group's
new service centre in Kunshan represents an investment of some EUR 20 million,
employs approximately 50 people and has an annual capacity of some 30 000 tonnes
of stainless steel. In Sheffield in the UK, a new stainless steel bar and rebar
facility was opened in the summer. This investment totalled some EUR 10 million.

Outokumpu's strategic priorities adjusted

Outokumpu's strategy was reviewed in the Group's annual strategy process and the
conclusion was that the overall strategic direction remains unchanged.
Outokumpu's vision: 'to be the undisputed number one in stainless steel' also
remained unchanged. The primary meaning of "the number one" position is to have
the best financial performance in the industry.

Some adjustments to strategic priorities and in strategy implementation were
however made. The focus of the Group's adjusted priorities is on improving the
performance of current operations (loading Tornio Works with high-volume
products, transforming rapidly to special grades and products, excel in sales
and customer service and excel in operations) and investing more effort in
developing future growth (ferrochrome production expansion and growth outside

Risks and uncertainties

Outokumpu operates in accordance with the risk management policy approved by its
Board of Directors. This policy defines the objectives, approaches and areas of
responsibility in risk management. Risks and uncertainties may, if they
materialise, have a substantial impact on earnings and cash flows. Key risks are
assessed and updated on a regular basis.

Key strategic and business risks include structural overcapacity in stainless
steel production, competition in stainless steel markets, the Euro-centricity of
the Group's operations and a continuing weak market situation as a consequence
of global recession. To mitigate the risks related to structural overcapacity
and fierce competition in stainless steel markets, Outokumpu aims to utilise its
cost-leadership position in Europe and increase productivity in its operations,
and to develop its market position within duplex and other special grades. One
example of this is the investment in quarto plate production in Sweden. To
mitigate the impact of Euro-centricity, Outokumpu aims to develop its global
sales network with a strong focus on end-customers and project sales.

Outokumpu continues to monitor the situation in stainless steel markets and will
adjust its operations in response to possible changes. Group strategy was
reviewed and strategic priorities were adjusted during the annual strategy
process to meet current challenges and also to mitigate possible impacts if the
stainless markets remain weak for an extended period.

Operational risks arise as a consequence of inadequate or failed internal
processes, employee actions, systematic or other events such as natural
catastrophes, misconduct or crime. Key operational risks are a major fire or
accident and risks related to currently ongoing investment projects. Failures or
delays in these projects may have a negative impact on strategy implementation
and the achievement of financial targets. Key operational risks also include
people risks related to corporate culture and performance management. Protection
of the Group's personnel, assets, processes, information and reputation against
a wide range of potential losses is an essential component in Outokumpu's
operations. These types of risks are primarily mitigated through preventive
actions and insurances. To reduce the risk of property damage and interruptions
to the Group's businesses, Outokumpu has systematic fire-safety and security-
audit programmes in place.

Key financial risks are related to: variations in nickel and electricity prices;
exchange rates for the US dollar and the Swedish krona; euro and Swedish krona
interest rates; and the value of receivables as well as certain equities. The
strengthening of the Swedish krona during 2010 has had a negative impact on
Group earnings and gearing. A proportion of the Swedish krona exposure has been
hedged. As the increase in working capital has also had a negative impact on
gearing, actions aimed at maintaining financial flexibility (including enhanced
inventory level management) are given priority.

People and the environment

Outokumpu's continuing operations had an average of 8 014 full-time employees
during January-September 2010 (I-III/2009: 8 047). At the end of September,
Outokumpu had 7 887 employees (September 30, 2009: 7 699).

The lost-time injury rate (i.e. lost-time accidents per million working hours)
was 6.4 in the third quarter and 5.5 in the first nine months of 2010 (I-
III/2009: 5.8). The Group's 2010 target is less than four.

Emissions to air and discharges to water remained within permitted limits and
the breaches that occurred were temporary, were identified and caused only
minimal environmental impact. Outokumpu is not a party in any significant
juridical or administrative proceeding concerning environmental issues, nor is
it aware of any realised environmental risks that could have a material adverse
effect on the Group's financial position.
Emissions trading activities have been conducted in accordance with obligations,
with agreed procedures and with the Group's financial risk policy. Emissions
under the EU Emission Trading Scheme during the first nine months of 2010
totalled approximately 576 000 tonnes (I-III/2009: 367 000 tonnes). The main
reasons for the low emissions figure in 2009 were the temporary closure of the
ferrochrome production from April until end of September and cut backs in
stainless steel production. In the third quarter of 2010, Outokumpu sold
500 000 emission allowances for EUR 8 million. Outokumpu's carbon dioxide
allowances in the UK, Sweden and Finland proved adequate for the Group's planned
Outokumpu is investing in an energy savings project at Tornio Works in Finland.
A total of 50 separate electrical cooling units in the cold rolling mill will be
replaced by a new centralised district-cooling system.  The result will be a
reduction of 11 GWh in annual electricity consumption and a corresponding
decrease in carbon dioxide emissions.

Outokumpu is participating in the construction of a wind farm in Tornio in
Finland. Rajakiiri, a company specialising in wind power technology, has decided
to invest in a 30 MW wind farm at Röyttä, close to the Tornio Works site.
Outokumpu will be allocated 20% of the electrical energy produced.
The Life Cycle Inventory Study on Stainless Steel Production in the EU shows
that Outokumpu products have the smallest carbon footprint in Europe, 10-20%
less than the EU average for stainless steel producers. In February, Outokumpu
also published its new Energy and Low-carbon Programme.

In 2010, for the second time, Outokumpu was awarded "Sector Mover" status by
Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) for having the largest proportional annual
improvement in sustainability performance within the steel industry compared to
the previous year. Outokumpu also qualified for the OMX GES Sustainability
Nordic index.
Civil actions regarding the sold fabricated copper products business

In connection with the industrial copper tubes EU-cartel investigation,
completed in May 2009, Outokumpu has since 2004 been in the process of
addressing several civil complaints, including class actions, raised in the US
against the company and its former fabricated copper products business in the
US. The last remaining class action was one brought in the federal court of
Tennessee on behalf of certain indirect purchasers of industrial copper tubing.
Outokumpu considered the allegations in the proceedings to lack merit, but
settled with the claimants in August 2010 with a nominal settlement amount and
subsequently the action was dismissed by the Federal Judge.

A pending civil complaint in the US, an individual action filed in 2006 in the
federal district court in Memphis, Tennessee, seeks an unstated amount of
damages in connection with an alleged world-wide price-fixing and market-
allocation cartel. The court dismissed this complaint in 2007, and an appeal
against that dismissal is currently pending.

In 2010, a civil action was brought in the UK courts against Outokumpu (and two
other defendant groups) by the same claimant group as that in the Memphis suit.
The claimants allege that they suffered loss across Europe as a result of the
cartel and are seeking recovery from the three main defendant groups either
jointly or jointly and severally. The claimants' initial claim for alleged
losses (between the three defendant groups) is some GBP 20 million excluding
interest. Outokumpu will be challenging the jurisdiction of the UK courts to
hear this claim. In any event, Outokumpu believes that the allegations regarding
damages caused by the cartel are groundless and, if pursued, Outokumpu will
defend itself in any proceedings.

No provisions have been booked in connection with these claims.

Customs investigation of Tornio Work's exports to Russia

In March 2007, Finnish Customs authorities initiated a criminal investigation
into the Group's Tornio Works' export practices to Russia. It was suspected that
a forwarding agency based in south-eastern Finland had prepared defective and/or
forged invoices regarding the export of stainless steel to Russia. The
preliminary investigation focused on possible complicity by Outokumpu Tornio
Works in the preparation of defective and/or forged invoices by the forwarding

Immediately after the Finnish Customs authorities began their investigations in
2007, Outokumpu initiated its own investigation into the trade practices of
stainless steel exports from Tornio to Russia. In June 2007, based on its own
investigation, a leading Finnish law firm, Roschier Attorneys Ltd. concluded
that it had not found evidence that any employees of Tornio Works or the Group
would have committed any of the crimes alleged by the Finnish Customs. Roschier
has subsequently, at Outokumpu's request, examined the preliminary investigation
material produced by the Finnish Customs and concluded that it contains no
evidence that any Outokumpu employees would have committed either forgery or any
of the accounting offences alleged by the Finnish Customs. Outokumpu's Auditor,
KPMG Oy Ab, has also stated that suspicions related to the making of false
financial statements are groundless.

In June 2009, the Finnish Customs completed its preliminary investigation and
forwarded the matter to the prosecuting authorities for consideration of
possible charges. As of August 2010, the scope of investigation has included
money laundering in addition to the crimes alleged by the Finnish Customs. The
process of considering possible charges is expected to be completed in the
fourth quarter of 2010.

Outokumpu's position remains that neither the Group nor its personnel have
committed any of the alleged crimes.

Organisational changes and appointments

Some of the responsibilities of Outokumpu's Executive Committee members were
changed with effect from August 1, 2010:

Karri Kaitue, Deputy CEO, was made responsible for the Tornio Works business
unit and Hannu Hautala, SVP - Tornio Works now reports to Mr Kaitue. Legal
Affairs and IPR, previously part of Mr Kaitue's responsibilities, now report to
Juha Rantanen, CEO, and the Group's remaining brass operations to Esa Lager,

At the beginning of April, Mr Hannu Hautala, SVP - Tornio Works, took up his
duties as head of Tornio Works. Mr Kari Parvento, EVP - Group Sales and
Marketing, and a member of Outokumpu's Executive Committee, took up his position
in Outokumpu at the beginning of April. Mr Pekka Erkkilä, EVP - General
Stainless, left Outokumpu at the beginning of April.

Shares and shareholders

According to the Nordic Central Securities Depository, Outokumpu's largest
shareholders by group at the end of the third quarter were Finnish corporations
(34.9%), foreign investors (22.4%), Finnish public sector institutions (18.1%),
Finnish private households (14.9%), Finnish financial and insurance institutions
(6.9%), and Finnish non-profit organisations (2.8%). The list of largest
shareholders is updated daily on Outokumpu's Internet pages:

Shareholders that have more than 5% of the shares and votes in Outokumpu Oyj are
Solidium Oy (owned by the State of Finland) (30.85%) and the Finnish Social
Insurance Institution (8.01%).

At the end of September, Outokumpu's closing share price was EUR 14.57
(III/2009: EUR 12.86). The average share price during the first nine months of
2010 was EUR 13.95 (I-III/2009: EUR 11.26) with EUR 17.88 (I-III/2009: EUR
15.67) as the highest traded price and EUR 12.03 (I-III/2009: EUR 7.72) as the
lowest. At the end of September, the market capitalisation of Outokumpu shares
totalled EUR 2 666 million (September 30, 2009: EUR 2 341 million) including
treasury shares. Share turnover on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki exchange during the
first nine months of 2010 amounted to 258.6 million shares (I-III/2009: 279.6
million). The total value of shares traded during the first nine months was EUR
3 606 million (I-III/2009: EUR 3 149 million).

Outokumpu's fully paid-up share capital at the end of September totalled EUR
311.0 million and consisted of 182 958 249 shares. Excluding treasury shares,
the number of shares outstanding at the end of September 2010 was 181 917 361.

Annual General Meeting 2010

The 2010 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March approved a dividend of EUR 0.35
per share for 2009. Dividends totalling EUR 64 million were paid on April
13, 2010.

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide to repurchase the Group's
own shares and to issue shares and grant special rights entitling to shares. The
maximum number of shares to be repurchased is 18 000 000. These authorisations
are valid for 12 months or until the next AGM, but no longer than May 31, 2011.
To date, the authorisations have not been used.

The 2010 Annual General Meeting also decided that Outokumpu would make a
donation (a maximum of EUR 1 million) to the Aalto University Foundation.

The AGM decided on the number of the Board members, including the Chairman and
Vice Chairman, to be eight. The Outokumpu board members are: Evert Henkes, Ole
Johansson (Chairman), Victoire de Margerie, Anna Nilsson-Ehle, Jussi Pesonen,
Leena Saarinen, Anssi Soila (Vice Chairman) and Olli Vaartimo. The AGM also
resolved to form a Shareholders' Nomination Committee to prepare proposals on
the composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors for presentation to
the next AGM.


Some pick-up in demand for standard grades has occurred after the summer period
in Europe. The increasing price of nickel has also had a positive effect
primarily on distributors' buying behaviour. Distributors' inventory levels are
estimated to be close to normal levels. Demand for special grades and products
however continues to be softer and no clear recovery among investment-driven
end-use segments has taken place.

Lead times on mill-deliveries are still normal at 6-8 weeks. Outokumpu's
deliveries of stainless steel in the fourth quarter are expected to improve
compared to the third quarter and be close to volumes in the second quarter
(339 000 tonnes). Outokumpu's average base price for all flat products is
expected to decline by up to 50 EUR/tonne compared to the third quarter due to
weaker geographic and product mix. Comparable market and product specific base
prices are however expected to be relatively unchanged in the fourth quarter.
The weaker US dollar and stronger Swedish krona will have a negative impact on
Outokumpu's profitability.

Outokumpu's underlying operational result*) in the fourth quarter is expected to
be around break-even. At current metal prices, raw material-related timing gains
amounting to some tens of millions of euros are expected in the fourth quarter
as a result of the increase in metal prices after the summer. Subject to metal
price and currency developments, cash flow (before investments) is expected to
be positive in the fourth quarter as a consequence of reduced inventories.

*) Underlying operational result= Operating profit without raw material-related
inventory gains / losses and non-recurring items.

In Espoo, October 21, 2010
Board of Directors

Outokumpu is a global leader in stainless steel with the vision to be the
undisputed number one. Customers in a wide range of industries use our stainless
steel and services worldwide. Being fully recyclable, maintenance-free, as well
as very strong and durable material, stainless steel is one of the key building
blocks for sustainable future. Outokumpu employs some 7 500 people in more than
30 countries. The Group's head office is located in Espoo, Finland. Outokumpu is
listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.


STATEMENTS (unaudited)

Condensed statement of

comprehensive income

Condensed income statement

                                            Jan-   Jan-  July- July-   Jan-

                                            Sept   Sept   Sept  Sept    Dec

EUR million                                 2010   2009   2010  2009   2009
Continuing operations:

Sales                                      3 026  1 883    999   587  2 611

Cost of sales                             -2 859 -2 078 -1 005  -586 -2 764
Gross margin                                 167   -195     -6     1   -153

Other operating income                        37     17     23    16     28

Costs and expenses                          -198   -206    -64   -66   -280

Other operating expenses                      -5    -25     -2   -16    -32
Operating profit                               1   -409    -49   -65   -438

Share of results in

associated companies                         -15     -8     -5    -6    -12

Financial income and expenses

  Interest income                             12     13      3     4     17

  Interest expenses                          -37    -29    -17    -6    -38

  Market price gains and losses                3     -4    -11    -3     -2

  Other financial income                       2      4      0     0      5

  Other financial expenses                   -22     -5     -9    -5     -6
Profit before taxes                          -58   -438    -88   -81   -474

Income taxes                                  24    110     32    26    142
Net profit for the period

from continuing operations                   -34   -328    -55   -55   -332

Discontinued operations:

Net profit for the period

from discontinued operations                   0     -3     -1    -1     -4

Net profit for the period                    -33   -330    -56   -56   -336

Attributable to:

Owners of the parent                         -33   -329    -56   -55   -336

Non-controlling interests                     -0     -1     -0    -0     -0

Earnings per share for

profit attributable

to the owners of the parent:

Earnings per share, EUR                    -0.18  -1.82  -0.31 -0.31  -1.86

Diluted earnings per share, EUR            -0.18  -1.82  -0.31 -0.31  -1.86

Earnings per share from continuing

operations attributable to

the owners of the parent:

Earnings per share, EUR                    -0.18  -1.81  -0.30 -0.30  -1.83

Earnings per share from discontinued

operations attributable to

the owners of the parent:

Earnings per share, EUR                     0.00  -0.01  -0,00 -0,00  -0.02

Statement of other comprehensive income

                                            Jan-   Jan-  July- July-   Jan-

                                            Sept   Sept   Sept  Sept    Dec

EUR million                                 2010   2009   2010  2009   2009
Net profit for the period                    -33   -330    -56   -56   -336

Other comprehensive income:

Exchange differences on

translating foreign operations                18     26    -20    -6     29

Available-for-sale financial assets

  Fair value changes during the period        32     25     21     8     34

  Income tax relating to

  available-for-sale financial assets         -4     -9     -4    -1     -9

Cash flow hedges

  Fair value changes during the period        44     20     16    18     23

  Reclassification adjustments from other

  comprehensive income to profit               3      -      1     -      1

  Income tax relating to cash flow hedges    -12     -5     -4    -5     -6

Net investment hedges

  Fair value changes during the period         -      1      -    -0      1

  Income tax relating to

  net investment hedges                        -     -0      -     0     -0

Share of other comprehensive income of

associated companies                          -2      9     -1    -9      5
Other comprehensive income for

the period, net of tax                        78     66      9     5     77

Total comprehensive income for

the period                                    45   -264    -47   -51   -259

Attributable to:

Owners of the parent                          45   -263    -47   -51   -259

Non-controlling interests                     -0     -1      0    -0     -1

Condensed statement

of financial position

                              Sept 30 Sept 30 Dec 31

EUR million                      2010    2009   2009

Non-current assets

Intangible assets                 581     572    566

Property, plant and equipment   2 081   2 066  2 097

Loan receivables and other

interest-bearing assets           429     390    397

Other receivables                  56      60     55

Deferred tax assets                47      20     42

Total non-current assets        3 194   3 108  3 157

Current assets

Inventories                     1 542     937  1 016

Loan receivables and other

interest-bearing assets            75      72     39

Trade and other receivables       729     472    508

Cash and cash equivalents         142     210    112

Total current assets            2 488   1 691  1 674

Receivables related to

assets held for sale               32      16     20

TOTAL ASSETS                    5 714   4 815  4 850


Equity attributable to the

equity holders of the Company

Equity attributable to the

equity holders of the Company   2 443   2 445  2 451

Non-controlling interests           1       0      0

Total equity                    2 443   2 446  2 451

Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing liabilities    1 604   1 003  1 038

Deferred tax liabilities           77     110    100

Pension obligations                68      65     65

Provisions                         17      29     17

Trade and other payables            1       1      1

Total non-current liabilities   1 768   1 208  1 221

Current liabilities

Interest-bearing liabilities      882     690    705

Provisions                         18      25     26

Trade and other payables          592     438    439

Total current liabilities       1 492   1 154  1 170

Liabilities related to

assets held for sale               11       8      8

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES    5 714   4 815  4 850

Statement of changes

in equity

                        Attributable to the owners of the parent
                           Share       Share    Other  Fair value

                         capital     premium reserves    reserves

EUR million                             fund
Equity on

December 31, 2008            308         702       15         -28
Total comprehensive

income for the period          -           -        -          47

Transfers within equity        -           -        2           -

Dividends                      -           -        -           -

Share-based payments           -           -        -           -

Share options exercised        1           3        -           -
Equity on

September 30, 2009           309         705       17          19

Equity on

December 31, 2009            309         706       15          22
Total comprehensive

income for the period          -           -        -          64

Dividends                      -           -        -           -

Share-based payments           -           -        -           -

Share options exercised        2           8        -           -

Other change                   -           -        -           -
Equity on

September 30, 2010           311         713       15          86

                        Attributable to the

                        owners of the parent
                        Treasury  Cumulative Retained        Non-  Total

                          shares translation earnings controlling equity

EUR million                      differences            interests
Equity on

December 31, 2008            -27        -138    1 961           1  2 795
Total comprehensive

income for the period          -          19     -329          -1   -264

Transfers within equity        -           -       -2           -      -

Dividends                      -           -      -90           -    -90

Share-based payments           2           -       -1           -      1

Share options exercised        -           -        -           -      4
Equity on

September 30, 2009           -25        -119    1 539           0  2 446

Equity on

December 31, 2009            -25        -110    1 534           0  2 451
Total comprehensive

income for the period          -          14      -33          -0     45

Dividends                      -           -      -64           -    -64

Share-based payments           -           -        1           -      1

Share options exercised        -           -        -           -      9

Other change                   -           -        -           1      1
Equity on

September 30, 2010           -25         -96    1 438           1  2 443

Condensed statement of cash flows

                                 Jan-       Jan- July- July- Jan-

                                 Sept       Sept  Sept  Sept  Dec

EUR million                      2010       2009  2010  2009 2009
Net profit for the period         -33       -330   -56   -56 -336


  Depreciation and amortisation   174        156    61    52  211

  Impairments                       -         15     -    15   15

  Other non-cash adjustments      -95       -215   -30   -64 -230

Change in working capital        -516        696   -71    56  548

Dividends received                  2          3     -     -    3

Interests received                  2          4     1     1    8

Interests paid                    -34        -49   -12   -15  -57

Income taxes paid                 -11         26    -5     1   36
Net cash from

operating activities             -512        306  -112   -10  198

Purchases of assets              -125       -174   -47   -55 -232

Proceeds from the sale of assets   18         12     9     5   17

Net cash from other

investing activities                1          0     0     0   -2
Net cash from

investing activities             -106       -161   -38   -50 -216

Cash flow before

financing activities             -618        145  -150   -61  -19

Share options exercised             9          4     0     -    4

Borrowings of long-term debt      695         59    41     -  130

Repayment of long-term debt      -111       -308   -11   -25 -350

Change in current debt            115        174   133    78  212

Dividends paid                    -64        -90     -     -  -90

Proceeds from the sale

of other financial assets           -          0     -     0    0

Other financing cash flow          -1          1     5    -0   -1
Net cash from

financing activities              644       -161   169    53  -97

Net change in cash

and cash equivalents               26        -16    19    -8 -115

Cash and cash equivalents at

the beginning of the period       112        224   123   218  224

Foreign exchange rate effect        4          2    -0     1    3

Discontinued operations'

net change in cash effect           0          0     0    -0    0

Net change in cash

and cash equivalents               26        -16    19    -8 -115

Cash and cash equivalents

at the end of the period          142        210   142   210  112

Cash flows presented for continuing operations.

Key figures

                                             Jan-Sept Jan-Sept Jan-Dec

EUR million                                      2010     2009    2009
Sales                                           3 026    1 883   2 611

Operating profit                                    1     -409    -438

Operating profit margin, %                        0.0    -21.7   -16.8

EBITDA                                            174     -238    -212

Return on capital employed, %                     0.0    -14.9   -11.7

Return on equity, %                              -1.8    -16.8   -12.8

Return on equity, continuing operations, %       -1.8    -16.7   -12.7

Long-term debt                                  1 558      959     997

Current debt                                      841      638     652

Other interest-bearing payables                    11        6       7

Derivative financial instruments                   23       58      63

Investments in associated companies              -136     -160    -152

Available-for-sale financial assets              -151     -107    -112

Other interest-bearing receivables               -165     -162    -149

Assets held for sale                              -21       -8     -12

Cash and cash equivalents                        -142     -210    -112
Net interest-bearing debt at end of period      1 818    1 014   1 183

Capital employed at end of period               4 261    3 459   3 634

Equity-to-assets ratio

at end of period, %                              42.8     50.8    50.6

Debt-to-equity ratio at end of period, %         74.4     41.4    48.2

Earnings per share, EUR                         -0.18    -1.82   -1.86

Earnings per share from

continuing operations, EUR                      -0.18    -1.81   -1.83

Earnings per share from

discontinued operations, EUR                     0.00    -0.01   -0.02

Average number of shares

outstanding, in thousands 1)                  181 692  180 779 180 826

Fully diluted earnings per share, EUR           -0.18    -1.82   -1.86

Fully diluted average number

of shares, in thousands 1)                    181 709  180 907 180 970

Equity per share at end

of period, EUR                                  13.43    13.51   13.54

Number of shares outstanding

at end of period,in thousands 1)              181 917  180 963 180 970

Capital expenditure,

continuing operations                             107      163     245

Depreciation, continuing operations               174      156     211

Deliveries, continuing operations,

1 000 tonnes                                      979      753   1 030

Average personnel for the

period, continuing operations                   8 014    8 047   7 941

1) The number of own shares repurchased is excluded.


This interim report is prepared in accordance with IAS 34 (Interim Financial
Reporting). The same accounting policies and methods of computation have been
followed in the interim financial statements as in the annual financial
statements for 2009, except for changes in IFRS standards, which are applicable
from the beginning of 2010. Of these, the most significant are in the following

- IFRS 3 Business Combinations
- IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements

These changes have not had material impact on the interim financial statements.

All presented figures in this interim report have been rounded and consequently
the sum of individual figures can deviate from the presented sum figure. Key
figures have been calculated using exact figures.

Use of estimates

The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities, as well as the disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities, and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the
reporting period. Accounting estimates are employed in the financial statements
to determine reported amounts, including the realisability of certain assets,
the useful lives of tangible and intangible assets, income taxes, provisions,
pension obligations, impairment of goodwill and other items. Although these
estimates are based on management's best knowledge of current events and
actions, actual results may differ from the estimates.

EUR 250 million bond

In June, Outokumpu Oyj issued an EUR 250 million five-year domestic bond with an
annual coupon of 5.125 %. The bond was listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki on
July, 14. The bond improves the structure of Outokumpu's debt portfolio and the
funds will be used for general corporate purposes.

Shares and share capital

The total number of Outokumpu Oyj shares was 182 958 249 and the share capital
amounted to EUR 311.0 million on September 30, 2010. Outokumpu Oyj held
1 040 888 treasury shares on September 30, 2010. This corresponded to 0.6% of
the share capital and the total voting rights of the Company on September
30, 2010.
Outokumpu has a stock option programme for management. The stock options have
been allocated as part of the Group's incentive programmes to key personnel of
Outokumpu. The option programme has three parts 2003A, 2003B and 2003C. On
September 30, 2010 a total of 650 881 Outokumpu Oyj shares had been subscribed
for on the basis of 2003A stock option programme, a total of 1 016 813 Outokumpu
Oyj shares on the basis of 2003B stock option programme and a total of 40 000
Outokumpu Oyj shares on the basis of 2003C stock option programme. On September
30, 2010, only stock options 2003C had remaining share subscription period and
an aggregate maximum of 60 500 shares can be subscribed with the remaining
2003C stock options. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the option
programme, the dividend adjusted share price for a stock option 2003C was EUR
10.09 on September 30, 2010. As a result of the remaining share options,
Outokumpu Oyj's share capital may be increased by a maximum of EUR 102 850 and
the number of shares by a maximum of 60 500 shares. This corresponds to 0.0% of
the Company's shares and voting rights.

Outokumpu has also two share-based incentive programmes for years 2006-2010 and
2009-2013 as part of the key employee incentive and commitment system of the
Company. The second earnings period for 2006-2010 incentive programme was ended
on December 31, 2009. The set targets for the earnings period were not met and
thus no reward was paid to the participants.

Outokumpu Board approved on February 2, 2010 134 employees to be in the scope of
the share incentive programme 2009-2013 second earnings period (2010-2012). The
amount of reward will be determined and paid to the participants on the basis of
the achievement of performance targets after the financial statements of the
last year of earnings period have been prepared. If persons covered by both
share-based incentive programmes were to receive the number of shares in
accordance with the maximum reward, currently a total of 1 050 580 shares, their
shareholding obtained via the programme would amount to 0.6% of the Company's
shares and voting rights.
Detailed information on the option programme and of the share-based incentive
programmes can be found in Outokumpu's annual report at

Discontinued operations

and assets held for sale

                             Jan-Sept Jan-Sept Jan-Dec

EUR million                      2010     2009    2009
Sales                              42       23      31

Operating profit                    1        0      -1

Net profit for the period

from discontinued operations        0       -3      -4


  Non-current                      10        4       4

  Current                          22       12      16


  Non-current                       3        3       3

  Current                           8        5       5

Operating cash flows               -3        7       3

Outokumpu Brass produces brass rods for applications in the construction,
electrical and automotive industries. The brass rod plant is located in Drünen
in the Netherlands and the unit also has a 50% stake in a brass rod company in
Gusum, Sweden. Outokumpu Brass employs some 160 employees. The assets and
liabilities of brass rod business are presented as held for sale. Outokumpu
intends to divest the brass rod business.

Major non-recurring items

in operating profit

                                  Jan-Sept Jan-Sept Jan-Dec

EUR million                           2010     2009    2009
Write-down of Avesta

melt-shop investment                     -      -15     -15

Redundancy provisions                    -       -5      -5
                                         -      -20     -20

Property, plant and equipment

                                   Jan 1 -  Jan 1 - Jan 1 -

                                   Sept 30  Sept 30  Dec 31

EUR million                           2010     2009    2009
Historical cost at the

beginning of the period              4 309    4 021   4 021

Translation differences                150       66      69

Additions                              101      165     246

Disposals                              -27      -14     -23

Reclassifications                      -26       -2      -4
Historical cost at

the end of the period                4 506    4 235   4 309

Accumulated depreciation at

the beginning of the period         -2 212   -1 994  -1 994

Translation differences                -81      -35     -38

Disposals                               20       11      20

Reclassifications                       -0        0       0

Depreciation                          -152     -137    -185

Impairments                              -      -15     -15

Accumulated depreciation at
the end of the period               -2 425    2 169  -2 212

Carrying value at

the end of the period                2 081    2 066   2 097

Carrying value at the

beginning of the period              2 097    2 027   2 027


                                   Sept 30  Sept 30  Dec 31

EUR million                           2010     2009    2009
Mortgages and pledges

Mortgages on land                      229      186     185

Other pledges                           21        1       1


On behalf of subsidiaries

for commercial commitments              38       22      22

On behalf of associated companies

for financing                            1        5       1

Other commitments                       47       54      53

Minimum future lease payments

on operating leases                     79       61      62

Group's off-balance sheet investment commitments totalled EUR 66 million on
September 30, 2010 (September 30, 2009: EUR 81 million, Dec 31, 2009: EUR 62

Related party transactions

Outokumpu's ownership in Outokumpu Industriunderhåll AB (previously ABB
Industriunderhåll AB) increased from 49% to 51% on March 1, 2010 and since then
the company has been consolidated as a subsidiary. Non-controlling interest is
presented separately from the net profit and disclosed as a separate item in the
equity. The acquisition price for the 2% increase in the ownership was EUR
22 000.

At September 30, 2010, remaining material related party transactions were loan
receivables from associated companies totalling EUR 7 million (September
30, 2009: EUR 7 million, Dec 31, 2009: EUR 11 million).

Fair values and nominal

amounts of

derivative instruments

                            Sept 30  Sept 30 Sept 30 Dec 31 Sept 30  Dec 31

                               2010     2010    2010   2009    2010    2009

                           Positive Negative     Net    Net

                               fair     fair    fair   fair Nominal Nominal

EUR million                   value    value   value  value amounts amounts
Currency and interest

rate derivatives

  Currency forwards              49       24      24    -42   2 085   1 784

  Interest rate swaps             -        4      -4     -3     106     199

  Cross-currency swaps            -       35     -35     -8     225     212

  Currency options, bought        -        -       -      1       -      30

  Currency options, sold          -        -       -     -0       -      31

  Interest options, bought        1        -       1      2      88      78

  Interest options, sold          -        3      -3     -2      88      78

                                                             Tonnes  Tonnes
Metal derivatives

  Nickel options, bought          0        -       0      2   7 344  13 290

  Nickel options, sold            -        1      -1     -4   5 604  13 290

  Forward and futures

  nickel contracts                1        3      -2      -   1 356       -

  Forward and futures

  copper contracts                0        1      -0     -0   1 550   1 275

  Forward and futures

  zinc contracts                  0        0      -0     -0     950     400

Emission allowance

derivatives                       1        0       0      0 605 000 404 000

                                                                TWh     TWh

derivatives                       1        5      -3     -8     0.7     0.8
                                 53       76     -23    -63

Segment information

General Stainless

EUR million             I/09 II/09 III/09 IV/09  2009
Sales                    476   501    496   592 2 065

of which Tornio Works    270   300    303   420 1 292

Operating profit        -157   -52    -38   -12  -259

of which Tornio Works   -129   -33    -44    22  -183

Operating capital at

the end of period      2 390 2 379  2 355 2 421 2 421

Average personnel

for the period         3 917 3 848  3 820 3 752 3 834

Deliveries of main

products (1 000 tonnes)

Cold rolled              114   132    112   128   486

White hot strip           57    64     64    62   248

Semi-finished products    39    51     45    61   196
Total deliveries

of the division          210   248    221   250   929

EUR million             I/10 II/10 III/10
Sales                    754   962    860

of which Tornio Works    481   653    565

Operating profit          -2    75    -52

of which Tornio Works     -7    63    -36

Operating capital at

the end of period      2 484 2 718  2 819

Average personnel

for the period         3 780 4 278  4 214

Deliveries of main

products (1 000 tonnes)

Cold rolled              151   160    151

White hot strip           84    74     64

Semi-finished products    70    76     67
Total deliveries

of the division          304   309    282

Specialty Stainless

EUR million             I/09 II/09 III/09 IV/09  2009
Sales                    371   278    258   332 1 239

Operating profit         -82   -37    -21   -10  -149

Operating capital at

the end of period      1 007   906    965 1 035 1 035

Average personnel

for the period         3 892 3 656  3 433 3 372 3 588

Deliveries of main

products (1 000 tonnes)

Cold rolled               25    19     19    24    86

White hot strip           23    25     21    24    92

Quarto plate              20    19     15    18    71

Tubular products          14    12     10    11    47

Long products              9     8     10    10    38
Total deliveries

of the division           92    82     75    87   335

EUR million             I/10 II/10 III/10
Sales                    367   469    397

Operating profit         -21    22    -14

Operating capital at

the end of period      1 109 1 245  1 247

Average personnel

for the period         3 319 3 412  3 517

Deliveries of main

products (1 000 tonnes)

Cold rolled               35    36     26

White hot strip           30    34     26

Quarto plate              21    22     21

Tubular products          12    12     10

Long products             13    14     14
Total deliveries

of the division          111   119     98

Other operations

EUR million             I/09 II/09 III/09 IV/09  2009
Sales                     66    58     56    62   243

Operating profit         -12    -5     -4    -9   -31

Operating capital at

the end of period        108   252    233   240   240

Average personnel

for the period           527   526    521   497   518

EUR million             I/10 II/10 III/10
Sales                     89    86     85

Operating profit           2   -15     10

Operating capital at

the end of period        172   284    234

Average personnel

for the period           503   510    511

Income statement by quarter

EUR million                   I/09 II/09 III/09 IV/09  2009
Continuing operations:


General Stainless              476   501    496   592 2 065

  of which intersegment sales   97   100    107   117   421

Specialty Stainless            371   278    258   332 1 239

  of which intersegment sales   75    67     64    87   293

Other operations                66    58     56    62   243

  of which intersegment sales   61    52     52    55   221

Intra-group sales             -233  -220   -224  -259  -935
Total sales                    679   617    587   728 2 611

Operating profit

General Stainless             -157   -52    -38   -12  -259

Specialty Stainless            -82   -37    -21   -10  -149

Other operations               -12    -5     -4    -9   -31

Intra-group items                2     0     -3     2     1
Total operating profit        -249   -94    -65   -29  -438

Share of results

in associated companies         -3    -0     -6    -3   -12

Financial income and expenses    0   -11    -11    -4   -25
Profit before taxes           -252  -105    -81   -36  -474

Income taxes                    64    20     26    32   142
Net profit for the period

from continuing operations    -188   -85    -55    -4  -332

Net profit for the period

from discontinued

operations                       0    -2     -1    -2    -4
Net profit for the period     -187   -87    -56    -6  -336

Attributable to:

The owners of the parent      -187   -87    -55    -7  -336

Non-controlling interests       -0    -0     -0     0    -0

EUR million                   I/10 II/10 III/10
Continuing operations:


General Stainless              754   962    860

  of which intersegment sales  138   214    189

Specialty Stainless            367   469    397

  of which intersegment sales   91   122     86

Other operations                89    86     85

  of which intersegment sales   65    70     67

Intra-group sales             -294  -407   -342
Total sales                    916 1 110    999

Operating profit

General Stainless               -2    75    -52

Specialty Stainless            -21    22    -14

Other operations                 2   -15     10

Intra-group items               -1   -10      8
Total operating profit         -22    71    -49

Share of results

in associated companies         -7    -3     -5

Financial income and expenses   -4    -6    -34
Profit before taxes            -33    63    -88

Income taxes                    12   -20     32
Net profit for the period

from continuing operations     -21    43    -55

Net profit for the period

from discontinued

operations                       0     1     -1
Net profit for the period      -21    44    -56

Attributable to:

The owners of the parent       -21    44    -56

Non-controlling interests       -0     0     -0

Major non-recurring

items in operating profit

EUR million                   I/09 II/09 III/09 IV/09  2009
Specialty Stainless

  Write-down of Avesta

  melt-shop investment           -     -    -15     -   -15

  Redundancy provisions         -5     -      -     -    -5
                                -5     -    -15     -   -20

EUR million                   I/10 II/10 III/10
Specialty Stainless

  Write-down of Avesta

  meltshop investment            -     -      -

  Redundancy provisions          -     -      -
                                 -     -      -

Key figures by quarter

EUR million                            I/09     II/09  III/09   IV/09
Sales                                   679       617     587     728

Operating profit                       -249       -94     -65     -29

Operating profit margin, %              -37       -15     -11      -4

EBITDA                                 -198       -42       2      26

Return on capital employed, %           -28       -11      -8      -3

Return on equity, %                     -28       -14      -9      -1

Return on equity,

continuing operations, %              -28.1     -13.5    -8.9    -0.7

Capital employed at end of period     3 376     3 423   3 459   3 634

Net interest-bearing

debt at end of period                   825       926   1 014   1 183

Equity-to-assets ratio

at end of period, %                    51.3      52.2    50.8    50.6

Debt-to-equity ratio

at end of period, %                    32.3      37.1    41.4    48.2

Earnings per share, EUR               -1.04     -0.48   -0.31   -0.04

Earnings per share from

continuing operations, EUR            -1.04     -0.47   -0.30   -0.03

Earnings per share from

discontinued operations, EUR           0.00     -0.01   -0,00   -0.01

Average number of shares

outstanding, in thousands 1)        180 413   180 955 180 963 180 963

Equity per share

at end of period, EUR                 14.09     13.79   13.51   13.54

Number of shares outstanding

at end of period, in thousands 1)   180 953   180 963 180 963 180 970

Capital expenditure,

continuing operations                    62        45      55      82

Depreciation, continuing operations      52        52      52      55

Deliveries, continuing operations,

1 000 tonnes                            247       268     238     277

Average personnel for the period,

continuing operations                 8 336     8 031   7 774   7 621

EUR million                            I/10     II/10  III/10
Sales                                   916     1 110     999

Operating profit                        -22        71     -49

Operating profit margin, %             -2.4       6.4    -4.9

EBITDA                                   34       128      13

Return on capital employed, %          -2.4       7.2    -4.6

Return on equity, %                    -3.4       7.1    -9.1

Return on equity,

continuing operations, %               -3.5       7.0    -9.0

Capital employed at end of period     3 709     4 173   4 261

Net interest-bearing

debt at end of period                 1 293     1 683   1 818

Equity-to-assets ratio

at end of period, %                    47.3      43.6    42.8

Debt-to-equity ratio

at end of period, %                    53.5      67.6    74.4

Earnings per share, EUR               -0.12      0.24   -0.31

Earnings per share from

continuing operations, EUR            -0.12      0.24   -0.30

Earnings per share from

discontinued operations, EUR           0.00      0.00   -0,00

Average number of shares

outstanding, in thousands 1)        181 245   181 907 181 917

Equity per share

at end of period, EUR                 13.28     13.68   13.43

Number of shares outstanding

at end of period, in thousands 1)   181 897   181 915 181 917

Capital expenditure,

continuing operations                    28        40      40

Depreciation, continuing operations      56        57      61

Deliveries, continuing operations,

1 000 tonnes                            333       339     307

Average personnel for the period,

continuing operations                 7 601     8 199   8 242

1) The number of own shares repurchased is excluded.

Definitions of key financial figures

EBITDA                 = Operating profit before depreciation,

                         amortisation and impairments

Capital employed       = Total equity + net interest-bearing debt

Operating capital      = Capital employed + net tax liability

Return on equity       = Net profit for the financial period      × 100
                         Total equity (average for the period)

Return on capital      = Operating profit                         × 100
employed (ROCE)          Capital employed (average for the period)

Net interest-            Total interest-bearing debt

bearing debt           = - total interest-bearing assets

Equity-to-assets ratio = Total equity                             × 100
                         Total assets - advances received

Debt-to-equity ratio   = Net interest-bearing debt                × 100
                         Total equity

                         Net profit for the financial period

Earnings per share     = attributable to the owners of the parent
                         Adjusted average number

                         of shares during the period

                         Equity attributable to

Equity per share       = the owners of the parent
                         Adjusted number of shares

                         at the end of the period