Ovako helps customers understand the carbon footprint of its steel portfolio

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Ovako can now provide the specific carbon footprint for each one of its products. This is made possible by a new Carbon footprint calculator that enables customers to see the full picture of the CO2-footprint for the products they purchase.

“Customers increasingly want proof that they are making responsible buying choices. Therefore, we are very glad to be able to provide them with figures for the carbon footprint of our products”, says Katarina Hundermark, Head of Sustainability and Safety Ovako Group.

With the Carbon footprint calculator Ovako takes the next step in enhancing customer service. The company has already established climate declarations for all its hot-rolled bar products, from “cradle to gate” individually in its three steelworks. This was done with the assistance of the Swedish research institute RISE.

Easier to compare environmental impact

“The Life Cycle Assessment of Ovako steel shows that its CO2 emissions are significantly lower than the global average for companies that produce rolled steel products.” says Mats Zackrisson, Senior Researcher in environmental management and life cycle assessment at RISE.
Using the Carbon footprint calculator and closely monitoring each stage in the production and transportation of its hot-rolled bars, Ovako calculates the carbon footprint for each product in kg CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) per ton of steel. This figure enables customers to compare products, as well as to supply their own customers with the vital data to make a meaningful comparison between suppliers.

80 percent lower carbon footprint

The Carbon footprint calculator is one of several steps taken in Ovako’s ongoing quest for a more environmentally proactive steel industry. By using steel scrap as input material and steadily improving its production processes, Ovako’s products currently have an 80 percent lower carbon footprint than the global average for hot-rolled steel products.

In line with the company’s efforts to manufacture the most sustainable, cleanest and strongest steel solutions, Ovako continues to work with its customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to ensure the lowest possible environmental impact in product supply, most climate smart solutions in the use phase and an efficient and effective recycling.

About RISE:

RISE is an independent, state-owned research institute that offers unique expertise and about 100 testbeds and demonstration facilities, instrumental in future-proofing technologies, products and services. www.ri.se


