Providing Global Leaders with a Community Led Carbon Saving Solution

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Cornwall-based Climate Vision announces their crowd-funded project, showcasing the competitiveness of behavioural changes in carbon reduction to the United Nations .

Saving carbon and the wider aim to alleviate climate change needn't all be big technological solutions. Whilst world leaders debate the benefits and risks of nuclear energy and carbon capture and storage (CCS), many believe possibly the simplest solution is being overlooked.

Unlike technological quick-fixes, behavioural changes are often free and won't break down. However, one of their biggest barriers to greater deployment and support is not knowing the numerical savings behavioural changes can achieve.

A crowd-funded project from Climate Vision seeks to calculate the ‘cost-per-tonne’ of carbon savings generated by behavioural changes, analyse this data, and then take it to global leaders at the United Nations COP21 conference in Paris this year. The ‘cost-per-tonne’ of behavioural changes is expected to be extremely competitive when compared with more expensive and risky technological solutions such as Carbon Capture and Storage.

This information will be of great interest to global leaders, who are currently working out how to address this issue.

Climate Vision aims to take a 2009 Cornish project to the next level, providing a local solution to a global problem. During this previous project, 4488 individuals and organisations chose to adopt low-carbon and sustainable behaviours such as buying local food, saving energy or switching to renewable energy.

Luci Isaacson, founder of Climate Vision, sets out the need to expand on this previous research: "We think the 2009 Cornish project was a eureka moment that found a quick, effective and enjoyable solution, that can be undertaken by any community to immediately reduce their carbon emissions."

With the help of those willing to pledge their support to this crowd-funder, Climate Vision will calculate the cost of and savings of different behavioural changes. They will share their findings with global leaders, providing them with community-led and long-lasting solutions to the global climate change problem.

This climate change crowd-funder won't just leave pledgers with a warm feeling they're helping the global efforts to alleviate climate change - individuals and organisations will benefit from receiving support to implement their own behaviour changes, helping reduce their outgoings on things like transport and utility bills.

One business who benefitted from the original behaviour change pilot was Mackerel Sky Events. Their managing director, Claire Eason-Bassett, explains how the project benefited her business:

" Travel is a core part of my job and is one of the biggest expenses for our business.  It is also one of the largest environmental impacts of our audiences and attendees at our events so we undertook this pledge to explore how we could redress the balance. We have implemented partnerships with public transport providers, explore the potential for online events, and promoted car sharing as well as supporting our team to travel by train or bus wherever possible. "

The 'Providing Global Leaders With A Carbon Saving Solution' crowd-funder campaign runs from the 1st to 31st May, and seeks to raise £2,500. Climate Vision encourages people wanting to donate or find out more to visit their Crowd Funder page or just get in touch:

07909 530 730



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