Anja Holm, CEO of Panion Animal Health AB (publ), subscribes for 100.000 SEK shares in the current emission
Panion Animal Health AB (“Panion”) is currently offering existing shareholders and others the rights to subscribe for shares in the emission running from 16 – 30 May 2018. The Board of Panion has decided the issue with preference for existing shareholders of a total of approximately SEK 9.2 million.
Panion’s CEO, Anja Holm, now announces that she subscribes for 100.000 SEK shares in the current emission.
Anja Holm says: “I have spent most of my career in the field of new developmental medicines for animals, and I am very enthusiastic about the future opportunities for Panion and our gene therapy against epilepsy in dogs. The gene therapy methodology has now broken through to the authorities’ attention with two FDA-approvals in 2017. I am convinced that we will see many more approvals in the coming years.
The possibility to help animal patients that at present have no treatment available, and their owners, is for me a great driver for a longer-term investment. I continue to give my full support to Panion’s business idea and plans, both through my work and as shareholder in the company.”
Subscription period 16 May - 30 May 2018
Subscription price 1,14 SEK per share
Anja E. H. Holm, CEO
+ 45-22 94 66 00
Bolaget ska utveckla och kommersialisera genterapi för behandling av epilepsiliknande tillstånd hos hundar och andra djur, samt utveckla och kommersialisera andra veterinärmedicinska produkter och nya behandlingsformer som kan ge sjuka djur bättre livskvalitet.
Panion will develop and commercialize a gene therapy treatment for dogs with drug refractory epilepsy, and other new animal health products and treatments that improve the quality of life for animals suffering from chronic diseases.