LECOM students learn about residency opportunities during Hospital Day

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Physicians and administrators from 65 hospitals met with students from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine recently for LECOM’s annual Hospital Day at the Erie Shrine Club.

Physicians and administrators from 65 hospitals met with students from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine April 21 for LECOM’s annual Hospital Day at the Erie Shrine Club. The event gave LECOM students an opportunity to meet with hospital representatives, ask questions and get information about rotation, residency and fellowship opportunities at various hospitals.

Hospital Day brought together hospitals from Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, West Virginia, Michigan, Virginia, Massachusetts, Texas, Florida, Alabama and Colorado. More than 40 LECOM graduates who work at many of the hospitals were there to help current students through the process.

NicQuia Spain, D.O., a 2008 LECOM graduate, is currently a third-year resident at Washington Hospital in Washington, Pa. “I recognize how important Hospital Day is because that’s how I found my residency,” Dr. Spain said. “Hospital Day gave us, as students, a lot of information, so I hope that I can pass my experience on to other students looking to find the right residency,” she said.

Hospital Day is very beneficial for first and second year students, who are, or will soon be lining up clinical medical rotations – hands-on experience with practicing physicians in hospitals and offices.

First-year student Adam Biedny said he enjoyed having the opportunity to speak to so many physicians and medical recruiters in one place. He said he is exploring possible rotation sites for his third and fourth years and ultimately looking ahead to residency programs. “I’m really searching for the hospitals that will offer me the best learning environment, the best experience to glean the most medical education from,” Biedny said.

Second-year student Dustin Paul is setting up his elective rotations for his third and fourth years of medical school. He also received valuable information about residency programs at Hospital Day. “This is so much easier than us trying to find information on our own about different sites,” Paul said. “Everything is here in one spot so it’s very efficient.”

Second-year student Luisa Caparoula Byce spent the morning talking to physicians and hospital recruiters about elective rotations and residency programs. She liked having the hospital representatives come to Erie to meet the students. “It’s so much easier than looking them up online or trying to call hospitals to find the right person,” Caparoula Byce commented. “Here they can tell you exactly who you need to talk to, or they’re here and you can talk with them and make your planning for rotations a lot easier.”

Contact: Rob Macko, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Media Relations, (814) 860-5125, (814) 866-8408 Fax, rmacko@lecom.edu

The Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine <http://www.lecom.edu/explore.php>  and LECOM School of Pharmacy offer innovative and affordable education in osteopathic medicine <http://lecom.edu/college_medicine.php>  and pharmacy <http://lecom.edu/school_pharmacy.php> . From campuses in Erie, Pennsylvania <http://www.visiteriepa.com/> , Greensburg, Pennsylvania <http://www.city.greensburg.pa.us/>  and Bradenton, Florida <http://www.annamariaisland-longboatkey.com/> , LECOM provides student-centered pathways to prepare the next generation of healthcare professionals. Prepare yourself for medicine as your life’s profession.
