Change in number of shares in Parans Solar Lighting AB (publ)

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Conversion of convertible notes into shares under the financing agreement announced on November 21st 2017 and the Amendment Agreement announced on March 9th 2018.

The date of conversion was February 14, 2019, the number of Notes converted was 65 and the conversion price was 1,35. The number of Notes remaining under the first conversion in the third tranche for future conversion is 60. The number of shares and the number of votes before the conversion was 33 757 899. Through the conversion the number of shares and the number of votes has increased by ­­481 481. The total number of shares and the total number of votes after the conversion amount to 34 239 380. Total share capital after the conversion amounts to 8 559 845.

For terms and conditions of the Notes, please visit Parans website:

For more information, please contact:

Anders Koritz, CEO at Parans Solar Lighting AB (publ), phone +46 733 211635,

About Parans Solar Lighting AB (publ) 

Parans Solar Lighting offers sunlight for indoor environments through an innovative system that captures and leads the rays of the sun. Parans, which developed and patented the technology, turns mainly to property owners, architects and larger employers worldwide. Parans Solar Lighting is quoted on the stock exchange list Aktietorget and has offices in Mölndal, Sweden.

This information is information that Parans Solar Lighting AB (publ)is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persones set out above, at February 15, 2019.  

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