PartnerTech Year-End Report 2008

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Greater competitiveness and improved profitability

• Net sales were SEK 651.2 million (659.5)
• Operating profit rose to SEK 19.4 million (-86.6)
• Profit after tax increased to SEK 6.6 million (-66.3)
• Earnings per share after tax rose to SEK 0.52 (-5.25)
• Cash flow after investments amounted to SEK 22.9 million (43.4)

• Net sales were SEK 2,529.0 million (2,643.6)
• Operating profit rose to SEK 28.5 million (-17.7)
• Profit after tax increased to SEK 5.2 million (-24.8)
• Earnings per share after tax rose to SEK 0.41 (-1.96)
• The Board proposes that the annual general meeting not to distribute
a dividend for the 2008 fiscal year (no dividend for 2007)
• The equity/assets ratio was 39.6% (38.4)
• Long-term financial targets have been adjusted

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