PartnerTech Year-end Report 2009

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FOURTH QUARTER 2009 • Net sales were SEK 556.1 million (651.2) • Operating profit was SEK 1.5 million (19.4) • Profit after tax was SEK -4.7 million (6.6) • Earnings per share after tax totaled SEK -0.37 (0.52) • Cash flow after investments amounted to SEK 31.3 million (22.9) JANUARY-DECEMBER 2009 • Net sales were SEK 2,148.0 million (2,529.0) • Operating profit was SEK -3.5 million (28.5) • Profit after tax was SEK -21.5 million (5.2) • Earnings per share after tax totaled SEK -1.70 (0.41) • Cash flow after investments amounted to SEK 26.6 million (56.1) • The equity/assets ratio rose to 41.5% (39.6) • The Board proposes that the annual general meeting not to distribute a dividend for the 2009 fiscal year (no dividend for 2008)

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