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Passport Health Offers Flu Vaccinations at the Workplace

BALTIMORE, MD – 9/27/2011—Flu season is around the corner and Passport Health, the nation’s largest private provider of travel medical services and immunizations, has already completed several on-site flu clinics for their corporate clients. “Flu season typically begins in October in the U.S.,” said Fran Lessans, the company’s founder and CEO. “It may take up to two weeks for individuals to develop an immune response to the vaccine so it is not unusual for us to begin immunization clinics in mid-September,” she added. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported influenza activity in the U.S. as early as the first week of October.

Though it’s easy to brush-off the flu as a common illness, the reality is that influenza is a serious upper respiratory disease with life-threatening complications for some individuals. Between 25,000 and 35,000 Americans die every year as a result of influenza, so taking preventive steps is important. A recent study suggests that the 2010-2011 flu season resulted in the loss of 100 million work days along with $7 billion in lost wages and 32 million missed school days.

Because every flu season is different, the CDC recommends that all individuals over the age of 6 months receive their yearly flu shot. “The flu vaccine is the best way to prevent the influenza illness,” continued Lessans. “Passport Health is committed to reducing the occurrence and impact of the flu by offering flu vaccinations at all of our 200 offices nationwide,” she noted. The Vaccine Specialists® also administer flu shots during their on-site flu clinics at schools, universities, Fortune 500 corporations and other businesses.

Guidelines and information for this year’s flu season:

  • CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine as the first and best way to protect against influenza.
  • Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine as soon as the 2011-2012 vaccines are available, even if they were vaccinated last season.
  • Get your flu vaccine now so you will be protected during flu season.
  • Although influenza is unpredictable, so far, circulating influenza viruses are well-matched with the viruses that the vaccine will protect against; therefore, this season’s vaccine should offer protection.
  • New vaccination options this season include: intradermal vaccine given with a smaller needle and the high dose vaccine for people 65 years and older.

Skipping vaccination can put you and your family at unnecessary risk. “You may carry the virus and not come down with the flu, but you could easily pass it along to your children, spouse and other members in your household. Family members, particularly if they are young, older, immune-compromised or suffering from a chronic condition like diabetes or asthma are especially at risk,” concluded Lessans.

Passport Health has flu vaccinations available in all of its offices nationwide. For more information or to learn more about flu clinics visit www.passporthealthusa.com/specialty_services/flu_clinics/

or call 1-888-499-PASS(7277).


Jorge Eduardo Castillo

