Summon to Attend the Annual General Meeting in Peab Industri AB (publ)

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Invitation to participate in Peab Industri AB’s Annual General Meeting Thursday 15 May, 2008 at 10.00 a.m. at the Sports Hall, Grevieparken, Grevie.

9:00 a.m. Registration begins
10:00 a.m. Annual General Meeting begins
12:30 p.m. Light lunch

Notification etc.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the Annual General Meeting
- be inscribed in the register of the shareholders held by The Swedish
Securities Register Office (VPC AB), on Friday 9 May 2008 and,
- notify their intent, along with any assistants, to participate no
later than 2 p.m., Friday 9 May 2008. Notification of participation can
be made via the Internet at, by telephone +46 431-
449620 or by mail to Peab Industri AB, Annual General Meeting,
1291, SE-262 24 Ängelholm, Sweden.

Name, address, telephone number, social security number or company id
number and number of shares must be included. Notice of participation in
Peab Industri AB’s Annual General Meeting, as well as information
concerning proxies and assistants will be registered in Peab Indistri’s
Annual General Meeting system in order to create a voting list for the
Power of attorney forms must be in writing and presented at the latest
at the Annual General Meeting when applicable, together with a
registration certificate. In order to simplify registration shareholders
are requested to send power of attorney forms to the company together
with the notice of participation in the Annual General Meeting. Power of
attorney forms are available at and are sent to
shareholders upon request.

Confirmation of participation
Confirmation of participation will be sent out at the beginning of the
same week the Annual General Meeting is held to shareholders who have
notified the company of their intention to participate. The confirmation
should be brought to the meeting.

Nominee registered shares
Shareholders who have nominee registered their shares through a bank’s
notary department or a fund manager must temporarily register their
shares in their own name in order to participate in the Annual General
Meeting. This temporarily reregistering must be carried out no later
than Friday 9 May 2008. This means that shareholders must notify their
nominee of this well in advance of this day.

Annual report and complete proposals
The Annual Report, accounts and audit report, the board’s complete
proposals according to points 16-20, the board’s statement regarding the
decisions in point 10 and 18 and the auditor’s statement regarding
guidelines for remuneration will be available for review by shareholders
at company headquarters, Valhall Park, Building 27, Ängelholm, and on
its website, from 30 April 2008. Copies of these
documents will be sent to those shareholders that request them.

Proposed agenda
1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting
2. Election of Meeting chairman
3. Drawing up and approval of the voting list
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Election of two minute-checkers
6. Consideration of whether the Meeting has been duly convened
7. Chief Executive Officer’s report
8. Presentation of the annual accounts, auditors’ report, the
consolidated financial statements and the consolidated auditors’ report
9. Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the
consolidated income statement and balance sheet
10. Adoption of the disposition of Group profits according to the
adopted balance sheet
11. Adoption of the discharge of Board Members and the Chief Executive
12. Adoption of the number of Board Members
13. Adoption of the remuneration of the Board of Directors and auditor
14. Election of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board
15. Election of the nominating committee
16. Approval of the decision to issue and transfer convertibles
17. Authorisation of the Board to issue B shares
18. Authorisation of the Board to buy back its own shares
19. Authorisation of the Board to transfer its own shares
20. Adoption of the remuneration policy
21. Other matters
22. Closure of the Meeting.

Shareholders´ position
Shareholders representing more than 2/3 of the total votes in the
company have announced that they intend to vote at the Meeting for the
following proposals:

Point 2 Election of meeting chairman
The nominating committee’s proposal: Jan Segerberg

Point 10 Dividend distribution
The Board of Directors has proposed a dividend of SEK 1.50 per share for
the fiscal year of 2007. The Board has proposed 20 May 2008 as the
record date for the payment of dividends. If the Annual General Meeting
approves the Board of Directors’ proposal it is estimated that The
Swedish Securities Register Office (VPC), will distribute this dividend
on 23 May 2008.

Point 12 Adoption of the number of board members
The nominating committee’s proposal:Seven (unchanged) ordinary members.

Point 13 Adoption of renumeration to board members and auditor fees
The nominating committee’s proposal: The proposal for remuneration to
the Chairman is SEK 260,000 (unchanged) and to each Board Member not
employed in the Company SEK 130,000 (unchanged). The proposal for
remuneration includes remuneration for work in the Board’s committees.
The total proposed remuneration to Board Members is SEK 910,000
(unchanged). Auditor’s fees are proposed to be those presented in an
approved statement of accounts.

Point 14 Election of the board of directors and chairman of the board
The nominating committee’s proposal: Re-election of Mats Paulsson, Eva
Hörwing, Sara Karlsson, Fredrik Paulsson, Mats O Paulsson, Jan Segerberg
and Kjell Åkesson. Re-election of Mats Paulsson as Chairman of the

Point 15 Election of the nominating committee
Shareholders representing more than 2/3 of the total votes in the
company propose the following nominating committee: Until the Annual
General Meeting 2009 election of Karl-Axel Granlund, Erik Paulsson and
Mats Paulsson as members of the nominating committee. Erik Paulsson is
nominated as chairman of the nominating committee.

Point 16 Approval of the decision to issue and transfer convertibles
The Board proposes the Annual General Meeting to approve an issue of
maximum 800,000 convertibles at a total maximum nominal value of SEK
46,400,000 which the Board of Peab Industri AB, pending the approval of
the Annual General Meeting in Peab Industri AB, decided on 26 March
2008. The convertibles will run from 1 December 2008 to 30 November
2012. The right to subscribe for the convertibles shall be given to,
which is a deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights, a wholly
owned subsidiary to Peab Industri AB, with the right and obligation to,
in the first place, offer to all personnel employed after 15 November
2007, or employees in companies that have been acquired by Peab after 15
November 2007 the right to subscribe for convertibles from 26 November
2008 to 12 December 2008 and, in the second place, offer Peab’s Profit-
sharing Foundation the right to acquire the convertibles not subscribed
for by the employees. On account of the above the Board also proposes
the Annual General Meeting approve the transfers from the subsidiary to
the employees.
The issue price shall be a nominal amount. The convertibles will have a
fixed interest rate based in part on the conversion rate and the
estimated market value of the convertibles. Conversion of B shares may
take place during special windows of conversion in December 2010 and
2011 as well as in September 2012. The conversion rate will correspond
to 120 percent of the for B shares on the OMX Nordic Exchange
Stockholm’s official price list quoted average latest buy rate during
the period of 3 November 2008 to 14 November 2008. The conversion rate
may, however, not be lower than SEK 58. Calculated on a conversion rate
of SEK 58 share capital can increase by SEK 1,600,000 at the most. Under
these conditions this is equivalent to a dilution of around 0.94 percent
of the share capital and around 0.46 percent of the votes.

Point 17 Authorisation of the board to issue B shares
Authorisation of the Board to, on one or more occasions, until the next
Annual General Meeting, decide to issue B shares corresponding to a
maximum of 10 percent of the registered share capital at the time of
authorisation, with or without preferential rights for current

Point 18 Authorisation of the board to buy back its own shares
Authorisation of the Board to, until the next Annual General Meeting
decide to, on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm or through an offer to
buy directed to all shareholders, buy back as many Peab Indistri A or B
shares so that after the acquisition there is a maximum of 8,525,000
shares hold by the company. The purpose of this authorisation is to
finance acquisitions with shares and such like and/or to make it
possible through a later withdrawal to neutralise the dilution that can
occur when convertibles are converted.

Point 19 Authorisation of the board to transfer its own shares
Authorisation of the Board to, until the next Annual General Meeting,
decide to transfer a maximum of 8,525,000 Peab Industri A or B shares
that have been bought back by the company. The shares can be transferred
with a deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights in connection
with for example an acquisition or through a sale on the OMX Nordic
Exchange Stockholm.

Point 20 Adoption of the renumeration policy
The Board proposes the Annual General Meeting adopt guidelines for
remuneration to senior officers consisting of a basic wage, and from one
time to another, a variable remuneration of, at most, 60 percent
(unchanged) of his/her annual wage. Total remuneration and benefits
received by management in 2007 are reported in the Annual Report 2007.

Number of shares and votes
The number of registered shares on the day this summons was issued
totalled 85,254,548, of which 9,805,702 were A shares and 75,448,846
were B shares and the total number of votes amounted to 173,505,866. The
number of shares includes the B shares bought back by the company for
which the company does not have the right to vote.

Ängelholm in April 2008
Peab Industri AB (publ)
Board of Directors

For additional information, please contact:
Staffan Bremander, Corp. Comm. Mgr. Peab Industri + 46 733 37 11 10

Peab Industri AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to
the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.
The information was submitted for publication at 08.00 am on 10 April

Previous press releases from Peab Industri are available at

Peab Industri is a leading producer of products and provider of services
for the Nordic construction and civil engineering market. The net sales
exceed SEK 7 billion and the number of employees is approximately 2 400.
Business is conducted in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed
on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm. The main office is located in
Ängelholm in Skåne, Sweden.

Peab Industri AB Information Staffan Bremander
Information Phone +46 431 449606 Mobile phone +46 733 371110 Home phone +46 35 59707

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