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  • Sweden's first digital service for occupational healthcare is now offered by Qurant.

Sweden's first digital service for occupational healthcare is now offered by Qurant.

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By the end of 2017, Nordic Tech House and FundedByMe launched a unique industry collaboration, now the companies present their first joint venture with Qurant, an enterprise within the digital healthcare business. Both companies strongly believe that Qurant can change the future landscape for occupational health care.

Daniel Daboczy CEO and Founder of FundedByMe comments on the current campaign.

"We share the philosophy behind Isabella Löwengrip's Nordic Tech House and have been looking forward to present the first case together. The team behind Qurant operates in a very exciting market with high potential for growth, one that is also in need of innovation. This is the first partnership of many between Nordic Tech House and FundedByMe."

The Crowdfunding campaign launches on the 28th of February and will be open for 45 days.

FundedByMe connects entrepreneurs with investors, while Nordic Tech House helps companies accelerate their digital growth. Both parties see great potential in Qurant and will now actively work for the company's continued development. The health company's ambitious goal is to cut sick leave in half through a two-part focus: employee health and challenging companies to become healthier.

Viktor Lundqvist, CEO and founder of Nordic Tech House

"For us, this is really interesting, partly because we stubbornly believe in the digital transformation of health care, but also for the incredibly exciting data collection we can do. When the service scales in terms of users, we will be able to track how the most common diseases are spread and in real time be able to tell how to avoid getting infected. This will provide us with the tools needed for achieving Qurant's vision of reducing sick leave by 50%. "

Sick-leave cost the employer an average of SEK 31,000 per employee per year. In addition to the cost, the process itself is often unnecessarily cumbersome, with a lot of manual work having to be done. With Qurant's service, this is automated through smooth handling of notification of illness and health reports on mobile, tablet or computer through a health portal.

Qurant's nurses put the employee in touch with the right health-care provider without any waiting time. The service is being developed continuously and during this year, they will also launch a free-of-charge service together with Nordic Tech House. Growth goals are aggressive and you are therefore generally invited to take part in expansion. The Crowdfunding campaign will be launched on February 28th at FundedByMe.

Maria Schützer Funk, CEO and founder of Qurant states:

"During our years in the industry, we have seen a clear need to change traditional occupational healthcare. Surveys show that sick leave increased during 2017 and more importantly that 40% of it can be avoided through quick access and the right targeted efforts. At the same time, 1.5 million Swedes are without occupational health care. Qurant, Sweden's first innovative digital business health, intends to take a significant part of that market. "

Facts about sick leave: The costs for sick leave in Sweden in 2015 amounted to SEK 57 billion, according to Skandia's Founding Ideas for Life, published in 2017.

Ekonomifakta, Försäkringskassans rapport över sjukfrånvaron november 2017,

Pressmeddelande oktober 2017, Åke Brattlund, chef för sjukförsäkringen Försäkringskassan

Sveriges kommuner och landsting - Tidiga insatser för minskad sjukfrånvaro




Quick facts

By the end of 2017, Nordic Tech House and FundedByMe launched a unique industry collaboration, now the companies present their first joint venture with Qurant - Sweden's first digital service for occupational healthcare.
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For us, this is really interesting, partly because we stubbornly believe in the digital transformation of health care, but also for the incredibly exciting data collection we can do. When the service scales in terms of users, we will be able to track how the most common diseases are spread and in real time be able to tell how to avoid getting infected. This will provide us with the tools needed for achieving Qurant's vision of reducing sick leave by 50%.
Viktor Lundqvist, CEO and founder of Nordic Tech House
We share the philosophy behind Isabella Löwengrip's Nordic Tech House and have been looking forward to present the first case together. The team behind Qurant operates in a very exciting market with high potential for growth, one that is also in need of innovation. This is the first partnership of many between Nordic Tech House and FundedByMe.
Daniel Daboczy CEO and Founder of FundedByMe
During our years in the industry, we have seen a clear need to change traditional occupational healthcare. Surveys show that sick leave increased during 2017 and more importantly that 40% of it can be avoided through quick access and the right targeted efforts. At the same time, 1.5 million Swedes are without occupational health care. Qurant, Sweden's first innovative digital business health, intends to take a significant part of that market.
Maria Schützer Funk, CEO and founder of Qurant states: