Von Kantzow resigns from Pergo

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Von Kantzow resigns from Pergo Trelleborg, Sweden (August 12, 2002). Pergo AB announced today that Lars von Kantzow has resigned as President and CEO of Pergo, Inc. to pursue other interests. Von Kantzow will leave the Pergo group on October 1, 2002. A successor has not yet been named. Von Kantzow joined Pergo AB in Sweden in 1990 and has headed up the North American operations since the launch of Pergo in the US in 1993. "We are very sorry to see Lars leave the group", said Raimo Issal, Pergo AB's President and CEO. "Lars has been instrumental in making Pergo a household name in the US and the undisputed market leader in laminate flooring. We are very grateful for his many contributions to the company". Von Kantzow has not yet decided what his next career move will be, but noted that now was the right time to move on to next chapter in his life. "I have had a great ride at Pergo during my 12 years with the group. The company has given me fantastic opportunities and I've had the privilege of working with a wonderful group of really talented people." The company has known for some time of von Kantzow's intentions to leave, but he was asked to stay on until now to oversee the successful implementation in North America of the company's worldwide action program Both von Kantzow and Issal emphasized the amicable nature of this transition. "Until Lars has decided exactly what to do in the future, I hope I can count on him for various special assignments on a consultancy basis, capitalizing on his vast knowledge of Pergo as well as the North American marketplace", said Raimo Issal. Trelleborg August, 12, 2002 Pergo AB (publ) Corporate Communications For additional information please contact Raimo Issal, CEO Pergo Group, phone number +46 410 36 31 00 Annette Kumlien, CFO Pergo Group, phone number +46 410 36 31 00 Lars von Kantzow, President, CEO of Pergo Inc. +1 919 773 5060 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/08/12/20020812BIT00540/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/08/12/20020812BIT00540/wkr0002.pdf