Receives first order from United Kingdom after exhibition

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In June Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) exhibited HoloMonitor® M4.5 at the CYTO 2015 conference in Glasgow.  In addition, results from the development work of HoloMonitor® M5 were presented. This work is funded by the Swedish Research Council and is conducted in collaboration with Lund University. The Swedish Research Council is an authority within the Ministry of Education and Research.

The annual CYTO conferences mainly address industry professionals. As part of PHI’s market expansion, the main objective of PHI’s presence was to raise industry awareness by showcasing the HoloMonitor products.

The PHI stand was strategically situated next to Thermo-Fisher Scientific, leading to a large number of inquisitive visits from Thermo-Fisher and other major industry stakeholders. A number of potential customers visited the PHI stand, among them the researchers from University of Edinburgh who recently ordered a HoloMonitor M4.5 instrument.

“This order is an important reference order, as it will be our first unit in operation in the UK. University of Edinburgh is one of the leading research institutions in the UK. They will be a valuable reference for our UK representative, which we currently are in the process of selecting”, says CEO Peter Egelberg.

A special lecture was given by Eric Betzig – “Imaging Life at High Spatiotemporal Resolution”. Eric Betzig was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2014 for co-inventing the super resolving fluorescent light microscope, a very advanced form of fluorescence microscopy. Notably a scientific tutorial on quantitative, non-invasive, imaging for cell analysis was held. These events demonstrate the growing interest in time-resolved and non-invasive cell analysis approaches, the cornerstones of PHI’s products and technology.

“It is very encouraging to see the industry’s increasing interest in our products and time-lapse cytometry. This is driven by a growing number of scientists realizing that quantifying over time is crucial for a full understanding of cell systems and multicellular organisms. It is not sufficient to look at some snapshots images. It is as hopeless as understanding the chain of events in a soccer game by looking at some still images the day after.”

About HoloMonitor M5

Light activated fluorescent chemical labels are commonly used by cell biologists to detect biochemical compounds. However, fluorescent labels are toxic, especially when activated. By combining HoloMonitor technology with fluorescence detection capabilities, the activation of fluorescent labels can be dramatically reduced to minimize the toxic effect on cell behavior.

About CYTO

The CYTO conferences are organized by the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry and focus on cutting-edge cytometry to open new horizons in biology on the level of individual cells. Recent developments in flow cytometry, advanced microscopy, data evaluation and fluorescent labels enable a new understanding of basic molecular mechanisms and the diseases that plague humanity.


For additional information, please contact:

Peter Egelberg, CEO

Tel: +46 703 19 42 74



Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) leads the ground-breaking development of time-lapse cytometry instrumentation and software. With the first instrument introduced in 2011, the company today offers a range of products for long-term quantitative analysis of living cell dynamics that circumvent the drawbacks of traditional methods requiring toxic stains. Headquartered in Lund, Sweden, PHI trades through a network of international distributors. Committed to promoting the science and practice of time-lapse cytometry, PHI is actively expanding its customer base and scientific collaborations in cancer research, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, stem cell biology, gene therapy, regenerative medicine and toxicological studies.


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