Regulating confidential data destruction

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SECURITY experts are warning all financial and legal sector workers to beware of unregulated one man bands entering the data destruction sector and urge all businesses to use British Security Industry Association (BSIA) accredited companies.

As ID fraud and security move higher up the news agenda a plethora of companies have entered the confidential data destruction market to capitalise on this. This
coupled with the news that businesses of all sizes are trying to reduce costs, means a host of companies could be looking to employ cheaper off site companies
to destroy public confidential information.

Recent data security breaches include information losses at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) when they admitted that during the last four years, 658 of its laptops were
stolen, 89 lost, 121 USB memory sticks have been taken or misplaced since 2004, with 26 of the losses happening this year, including three that contained information classified as "secret" and 19 that were "restricted".*

Anthony Pearlgood, commercial director of PHS Datashred, a national paper shredding and security business, said:

“These non regulated one man bands may offer a cheaper service at the outset but do you know how secure your data is? Ask your data destruction company to provide you
with an on site service so you can see your waste being destroyed. Also demand a Certificate of Destruction which confirms the time and date of destruction. When you’re dealing with highly sensitive information like financial records, addresses and bank details, it’s imperative they are securely destroyed.

“I’m calling for greater recognition of accreditation in the security sector. Look out for companies who have BSIA / UKSSA / NAID certification. This ensures a high quality and reliable data destruction service that’s delivered by fully qualified businesses guaranteeing peace of mind.”

Russell Harris, head of communications and chairman of BSIA ID section, said:

“We would advise any financial and legal firms dealing with confidential data to choose a trusted information destruction supplier who will dispose of it correctly and in accordance with current laws. The BSIA is a great place to start when sourcing a reputable supplier, as all of our members meet strict criteria and adhere to high standards of quality."

Key questions to ask a data destruction company before employing them:

-         How does the company recycle the data?

-         Can you see the data being destroyed in front of you?

-         What proven quality and Security

-         Who is handling your data?

-         What checks have been carried on the operatives?

-         Can the company provide client references?



For further information or photography, please contact:

Rachael Richards    -                       0161 927 3131
