Poolia: English version of interim report published on August 19, 2005

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Managing director and CEO Erik Strand´s comments on the interim report for January 1 – June 30, 2005

Poolia continues to report a positive earnings trend. The year-on-year improvement in operating profit for comparable units during the second quarter was SEK 8.5 M.

Sweden, Poolia’s largest market, is showing the strongest trend. In Sweden, sales rose 30% during the second quarter of 2005, compared with the year-earlier period, a continuation of the positive trend that started during the second half of 2004. The operating margin for the second quarter was 6.3%, compared with 1.6% a year earlier. A variable new pay model was introduced for in-house personnel in Sweden, which is expected to have a positive effect on profitability in the future.

Growth was also noted in the UK, Poolia’s second-largest market. Revenues for Poolia UK during the second quarter were lower than for the corresponding quarter of 2004, but the operating margin could still be increased as a result of reduced costs.

Operations in the Other Nordic countries showed a clear improvement compared with the first quarter, and both Finland and Denmark reported profits for the second quarter. Norway, however, continued to report very small volumes and a loss. The market trend in all of the Nordic countries is positive.

In Germany, the market is beginning to show signs of improvement, following a long period of stagnation. Poolia’s reorganisation measures in Hamburg are progressing according to plan and are expected to be concluded by the end of the year. The other German locations are showing a positive trend in terms of both sales and earnings.

The operations of Poolia Care have shown a very positive trend since the second half of 2004. Revenues for the second quarter of 2005 rose by nearly 60% compared with Q2 2004, and the operating margin for the quarter was 5.4%.

For further information, please contact:

Erik Strand, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (Tel: +46-8-555 650 60)

Mats Påhlson, Chief Financial Officer (Tel: +46-8-555 650 20)

Poolia is a leading player in the market for professional staffing and is active more than 20 locations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany and the United Kingdom. Operations include the Temporary Staffing and Permanent Placement service areas. Poolia offers professional staffing services in the Accounting, Bank & Finance, IT, Office, Human Resources, Payroll, Technology, Sales & Marketing, Legal, Care and Life Science occupational segments.


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