Poolia appoints managing director of international operations

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Björn Wide has been appointed managing director of international operations, a new position at Poolia AB. He joins Poolia from Intrum Justitia, where his duties included international business development and financial control.

“I look forward to welcoming Björn Wide to Poolia. This will result in a well-needed strengthening of our international activities,” says Erik Strand, Poolia’s Chief Executive Officer.

On 1 September, Björn Wide will take office as managing director of Poolia International, a newly established position which entails being head of Poolia AB’s international operations. Poolia is currently active in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany and the United Kingdom. The aim is that the Group will expand into even more European countries.

“The head of international operations will play a key role in efforts to develop existing Poolia operations and in the company’s future expansion. Björn Wide has experience of business development, acquiring new companies and building up operations from scratch. This combination of skills makes him the ideal person for this position. Initially, Björn Wide will concentrate on getting to know Poolia and on further developing the company’s Nordic operations,” says Erik Strand.

Björn Wide joins Poolia from Intrum Justitia, where for the past four years he has been Group Business Controller with responsibility for international business development and financial control. Prior to that, he spent six years building up the Observer Group, in part as managing director of a newly acquired British company.

“I really look forward to participating in the development of Poolia’s business operations. The market’s requirements for greater flexibility are increasing, in parallel with an ever-increasing focus on professional employees as the key operational resource. This means that Poolia’s services offer healthy growth potential, not least internationally,” says Björn Wide.

Björn Wide will be a member of Poolia’s Group Management.

For further information, please contact:

Erik Strand, President and Chief Executive Officer of Poolia; tel: +46-8-555 650 60, +46-73-392 98 00

Björn Wide, tel: +46-70-333 10 84

For a photo of Björn Wide, please contact:

Rickard Buch; tel: +46-8-555 650 75, e-post rickard.buch@poolia.se

Poolia is a leading player in the market for professional staffing and is active in approximately 20 locations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany and the United Kingdom. Operations include the Temporary Staffing and Permanent placement/Search service areas. Poolia offers professional staffing services in the Accounting, Bank & Finance, IT, Office, Human Resources, Payroll, Technical, Sales & Marketing, Legal, Healthcare and Life Science occupational segments.


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