Release from Poolia AB’s Annual General Meeting on 14 April 2008

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<B>The Annual General Meeting of Poolia AB (publ) shareholders held today passed the following resolutions:</B>

<B>Election of Board Members</B>
The current Board Members Margareta Barchan, Monica Caneman, Curt Lönnström, Per Uebel and Björn Örås were re-elected as Members of the Board. Mats Sundström has declined re-election.

The Annual General Meeting resolved in line with the Board of Directors’ motion to pay a dividend to the shareholders of SEK 2.50 per share, of which SEK 1.50 per share is an extraordinary dividend. Thursday, 17 April 2008 was established as the record date for the dividend. The dividend is expected to be paid to the shareholders, under the auspices of VPC AB, on Tuesday, 22 April 2008.

<B>Acquisition of the company’s own shares</B>
In line with the Board of Directors’ motion, the Annual General Meeting resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to make decisions concerning the acquisition of the company’s own Series B shares. In total, the company may acquire so many shares that the company’s holding at any point in time does not exceed ten (10) per cent of the total number of shares in the company. The aim of the proposed buy-back authorization is to enable a continuous adjustment of the company’s shareholders’ equity and thus to contribute to an increase in shareholder value. Acquisition of the company’s own shares also provides the company with an opportunity to use treasury shares in connection with possible future acquisitions of companies.

<B>Transfer of treasury shares</B>
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors’ motion to authorize the Board of Directors to make decisions on the transfer of treasury shares. The reason for disapplying the pre-emptive rights of current shareholders when transferring treasury shares is to enable the financing of possible company acquisitions in a cost-effective manner.

<B>Transfer of shares in the subsidiary Dedicare AB</B>
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors’ motion to approve the transfer of shares in the subsidiary Dedicare AB to the Managing Director of Dedicare AB. Poolia will thus reduce its holding in Dedicare from 100% to 96% of the share capital by transferring 200 shares, corresponding to 4% of all of the company’s shares, to the Managing Director of Dedicare. The purchase consideration of SEK 1,200,000 was established on the basis of an independent valuation conducted by Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers.

<B>Number of Board Members and Deputy Board Members</B>
The Meeting resolved that the number of Board Members would be five without deputies.

<B>Director and audit fees</B>
Director fees of SEK 1,475,000 were resolved, of which the Chairman of the Board will receive SEK 800,000, the Deputy Chairman of the Board will receive SEK 225,000 and each other Board Member will receive SEK 150,000. Fees to the company’s auditors are to be paid on a current account basis in accordance with invoices received.

<B>Remuneration of senior executives</B>
The Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors’ motion to approve guidelines for the remuneration of the company’s senior executives. The Board of Directors’ motion largely matches the guidelines previously applied for remuneration of the company’s senior executives.

<B><I><U>For further information, please contact:</U></I></B>
Björn Örås, Chairman of the Board, Tel: +46-70-526 79 97
Johan Eriksson, MD/Chief Executive Officer, Tel: +46-8-555 650 60, 070-616 74 47
