Business growth and customer satisfaction through Planmeca’s technology

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Ana Osorio is the founder and owner of Digylabs, a successful network of dental imaging centres in Costa Rica. She started her business with a single centre in 2016, and since then, she has expanded to four locations in the capital city of San José. She attributes her success to her passion, perseverance and the use of Planmeca imaging devices and software, which she considers the best in the market.

Born in Nicaragua, Ana Osorio emigrated to Costa Rica as a child. She graduated as a dental technician, but soon became interested in dental radiology and went on to work towards the dream of starting her own radiology centre one day.

In 2016, after working as a dental technician at a radiology centre for 15 years, she decided it was time to become independent. With no money to start her own business, she needed to find a way to arrange the funding. Thanks to a group of doctors as investors and a bank loan, she was able to start Digylabs, her own dental imaging centre, in San José, Costa Rica.

The first device she acquired was a 2D imaging unit from another manufacturer. When Planmeca entered the Costa Rican market, Ana Osorio was eager to learn what the new brand had to offer. The decisive factor was the Planmeca Romexis® all-in-one software.

“It was the complete Romexis software that made me change my equipment from another manufacturer to Planmeca,” she states. According to Ms Osorio, the range of tools Romexis included was much more extensive than any other software she had used. “But it wasn’t even about what I personally wanted; it was about what my radiology centre could offer for my doctor clients.”

With the help of the local Planmeca distributor in Costa Rica, ELEINMSA, Ms Osorio was able to sell her old 2D device and acquire her first CBCT imaging unit, Planmeca ProMax® 3D Classic. As Digylabs became more reputable among clinicians, Ana Osorio launched her second imaging centre. That's when she purchased her second Planmeca imaging unit, Planmeca ProMax® 3D Mid.

From a single centre to a global dream

Ana Osorio’s business has grown steadily over time, and she now owns four imaging centres in San José, with ambitions to expand even more. Her next big dream is to open a radiological centre in Europe.

“It’s been very gratifying to prove, mainly to myself, that I was able to accomplish this. It was always my goal to have not just one but multiple centres – hence the plural form in the company name, Digylabs.”

Ana Osorio feels that running her own imaging centre allows her to give back to society and create job opportunities for young medical and dental students. “Through Digylabs, I can support them financially so that they can work here during the day and attend university in the evening.”

Seamless integration and superior image quality

Ms Osorio believes that the Planmeca imaging devices and the Romexis software have played an important role in helping her grow her business, improving her service and satisfying her customers.

Right from the beginning, she was amazed by the compatibility of Romexis with both Windows and Mac operating systems. She says this gave her an edge over other dental imaging software that only ran on Windows: she could reach more doctors who used Mac computers and required dental imaging services.

The software’s ease of use is something Ana Osorio values highly. She compares the software to a person. “In a meeting, an antisocial person is usually not very cooperative, but Romexis is a nice person, someone who is approachable and easy to work with,” she says. Moreover, since Romexis is an open software platform that supports various file formats, she can share all patient data with doctors and specialists in different locations easily.

She also thinks that it is important that the imaging equipment and software are not only simple to use but also function well together. “The equipment may be excellent, but if you have trouble using them, it is very hard to provide your customers with the best service possible.” Ms Osorio is also impressed by the quality, resolution and sharpness of the images produced by Planmeca ProMax 3D Classic and Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid CBCT units. She finds these superior compared to other brands.

Loyalty and excellence inspired by Planmeca

Ana Osorio has made two visits to the Planmeca headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. She’s struck by the longevity of employees’ careers at the company and the service-oriented attitude of all the staff she’s encountered.

“Planmeca clearly operates distinctively from other companies, as evidenced by the employees’ desire to remain for years, if not decades. I strive to cultivate the same environment for my radiology centres. A team that embodies honesty, diligence, and loyalty is invaluable globally.”

Ana Osorio takes pride in being a Planmeca advocate within Costa Rica. She’s observed a growing interest in Planmeca’s imaging devices and the Romexis software among her dental clients, sparked by the impressive images sent from Digylabs. Her clients appreciate her integrity and expertise, often choosing to purchase identical equipment for their practices. Osorio is eager to assist and impart her insights and experiences, expressing gratitude for the chance to reciprocate the support her clients have shown over the years.

Digylabs and Osorio’s stellar reputation have also caught the attention of hospitals in the San José region. Hospital directors considering such technology for their facilities often seek Osorio’s endorsement. Following her recommendations, hospitals that have opted for Planmeca’s solutions have shared favourable reviews. “I believe this is a testament to the excellence and standing of Planmeca products,” she concludes.

Text: Hanna Lipiäinen
Images: Dino Azinur and Digylabs
