Easter case report: Preventing Easter frustrations with Planmeca ProMax®

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In celebration of Easter, Planmeca presents another in vitro study revealing the secrets of a chocolate surprise egg.


We all know how important the surprise toy inside an Easter egg can be. Unfortunately finding out which surprise the egg in question holds inside is very difficult without breaking the chocolate egg. It can be very disappointing when the surprise is not the one hoped for. Our Easter case report reveals how to prevent such a disappointment from ruining your Easter.

Case report

The Planmeca ProMax® 3D Mid CBCT unit was used to take a 3D image of the chocolate egg. The 3D image was taken with a normal resolution (voxel size 200 µm), and Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging was used for a lower imaging dose to protect the precious chocolate from any unnecessary exposure.

The 3D image was then studied in the Planmeca Romexis® software. Is it a bunny? Is it a mouse? Wait a minute, it looks empty! And indeed, the chocolate egg in question turned out to be that one in a thousand that didn’t have the promised surprise inside of it. This is a great example of the benefits of imaging the egg beforehand. This unfortunate empty egg might have caused a great deal of misery for some poor kid hoping for an Easter surprise promised on the egg wrap.

Another egg was then chosen for the study. The team agreed that the beloved Finnish Moomin characters would not let us down, so a Moomin chocolate egg was then imaged with the Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid. And what was the surprise inside?

It was Stinky from Moominvalley. Stinky is a small creature who is always playing practical jokes on the other residents of Moominvalley.


In conclusion, Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid is a great diagnostic tool in studying chocolate surprise eggs. And the chocolate is as delicious as ever after the imaging process. As proved in this case report, not all surprises are good, even in the case of chocolate surprise eggs. Planmeca ProMax might indeed save your and your kid’s Easter.

Wishing you a happy Easter with good surprises!

Text by: Sanna Tolmunen
