Making A Difference

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This post is part of #GivingTuesday's #WomenWhoGive series, which celebrates women who are making a difference in their communities. We are reposting a version of it here to provide a brief insight into one of the many caring and committed PlanmecaUSA team members who are making a difference every day.

Planmeca Team Member

Robin Gathman, Tradeshow, and Special Events Manager, PlanmecaUSA, Inc.

What inspired you to start giving?

My mom always gave her time to work at my schools. I learned the value of giving back from her. As I got older and my kids were grown, I looked for opportunities and found so many in the dental field, which is where I’ve worked for the past 30 years.

What does giving mean to you? Why do you continue to give your time, talents, money or more to your community?

To me, giving is paying back and helping others. Until you get out there and share your time and talents with those who may not have the resources to better themselves, you have no idea about the real needs of others. The more I do, the more I want to do.

What would you tell others who are looking to start giving back? Share a piece of advice will help them get started.

That’s a really easy question. I would start by asking - what do you do for a living? Use your experience and skills to mentor others or you can provide your services to those who cannot otherwise afford it. Next, what associations do you belong to, or want to belong to? Most organizations usually have some sort of program for giving back. If you have small children and your time is limited, give an hour to their school. Small children are proud to have their parents at their school. Don’t forget, there’s always church and religious organizations who are seeking volunteers.

Please share a favorite moment or story from when you volunteered or donated to an organization.

Recently, I spent 3 days in Hutchinson, Kansas assisting in the radiology area of the Mission of Mercy event held there. I currently coordinate the use of our imaging machines at this type of charitable event. Our company donated the use of 4 panoramic x-ray machines. During the event over 75% of the people that came for dental work needed extractions because they had not had access to any dental care in years - if ever. We took over 700 x-rays in two days, which provided dentists with the correct information to do the necessary work easily and accurately. Speaking with the patents, hearing their stories tears your heart out. There were a few patients that also volunteered their time after they had their fillings done. This is the best ever - when they give back to the organization.



