Medical University of Vienna chooses Planmeca’s dental units

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The Finnish company Planmeca Oy, one of the world’s leading dental equipment manufacturers, has signed an agreement to deliver dental units and auxiliary equipment to Bernhard Gottlieb University in Vienna, Austria. Planmeca has a recognised tradition of equipping dental universities around the world, with recent installations including teaching institutions in the US, Australia, Denmark, and Ireland.

Planmeca will supply Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, part of the Medical University of Vienna, with 74 Planmeca Compact i dental units with balanced instrument arms, all equipped with Planmeca SingLED operating lights. The university agreement was made in cooperation with Nordwest Dental Group, Planmeca’s distributor for Austria. The installation of the units will take place in 2010 and 2011.

“With this delivery agreement, Planmeca steps into a market traditionally characterised by the strong presence of Central European equipment suppliers. We are pleased to have the opportunity to offer our leading innovations and best possible ergonomic solutions for the dental professionals of the future,” said Mr Heikki Kyöstilä, President of Planmeca Oy.

The Planmeca Compact i dental units will be operated by the Bernhard Gottlieb University’s dental students and faculty members. The clinic treats more than 20,000 patients a year, using the latest technologies and treatment methods. It is widely acknowledged for its research in odontology, and is one of the largest dental education institutions in Europe.

“The Medial University of Vienna’s decision once again underlines that dental professionals acknowledge the advantages of our equipment and services for a modern, leading dental university. The combination of our high-tech products, recognised product quality, centralised hygiene solutions and comprehensive software solutions is beneficial for both students and faculty members,” said Mr Tuomas Lokki, Vice President of Marketing and Sales.

University deliveries are of key importance for Planmeca, attesting to the company’s pioneering product development and reliable quality. During the past four years, total university contracts have added up to more than 30 million euros, corresponding to approximately 1,400 dental units and 100 X-ray units, together with nearly 300 simulation units.
