Planmeca equipment help to provide Top Dental Care in Costa Rica

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Top Dental Care offers cosmetic and restorative dentistry in Costa Rica’s capital city of San José. The clinic was founded in 2003 and today hosts several dentists and other staff. Leading the way are Dr. Pilar Collado and Dr. Alex Wong who have enjoyed using Planmeca equipment as part of their daily work.

With eight dentists working at Top Dental Care today, the clinic can offer a wide range of dental treatments. Above all, it specialises in high-level restorative cases – such as dental implants, crowns, dentures and full mouth restorations. In addition to its several treatment rooms, the clinic also includes a lab for its dental technicians.

“We are a clinic that does big cases. That’s why we have our team – we do the kind of cases that need many specialists,” Dr. Collado illuminates.

Everything is connected

The Top Dental Care clinic is packed with Planmeca products. It has a customised Planmeca Chair™ that is used to perform dental surgeries and three separate Planmeca Compact™ i Classic dental units for providing orthodontic and other more straightforward treatments. The clinic also has a Planmeca PlanScan® intraoral scanner and a Planmeca PlanMill® 40 S milling unit.

The Planmeca Romexis® software ties everything together.

“The Romexis software is amazing,” Dr. Wong comments.

Dr. Collado agrees and sees the level of integration Romexis provides as a huge benefit.

“Everything is connected. I can work with everything together and the patient has just one file for everything. I love how easy the software is to work with,” she states.

Like going to Disneyland

Dr. Collado and Dr. Wong both like how fast and simple their new Planmeca Compact i Classic dental units are to use.

“We use them for cleanings, orthodontic treatments and tooth whitening,” Dr. Collado says.

The new units have not gone unnoticed and other dentists visiting Top Dental Care frequently come away impressed.

“When other dentists visit our clinic, the first thing they always say is ‘I need to change my chair’,” Dr. Wong laughs.

“When they come to our clinic and see our equipment… It’s like a kid going to Disneyland. Everything is brand new, beautiful, functional,” he continues.

In turn, patients have appreciated the comfort of the dental unit chairs and especially loved the foldable foot rest that allows them to sit in a natural position.

“The design is very nice and patients love that the chair is like a seat,” Dr. Collado reveals.

“It is important for patients to see something different, to see a good clinic,” Dr. Wong comments.

“With good equipment, you get good results. That is what we want. Happy patients with good results,” he summarises.

The importance of service

In addition to the dental units themselves, Dr. Collado and Dr. Wong have been very happy with the service they have received. They even cite it as one of the reasons they initially decided to go with Planmeca products.

“Obviously the dental units are beautiful and comfortable, but the level of service we receive is also very important,” Dr. Wong comments.

With several dental units and other high tech equipment at the clinic, it is of paramount importance that everything functions as expected. In the rare cases that it doesn’t, it is good to know that the right service is readily available.

“I talked with Jonathan and Diego who represent the Planmeca brand in Costa Rica and they told me that the service is wonderful. If we need something, we immediately get it,” Dr. Wong states.

Everything is digital

Over the last several years, there has been much talk about how dentistry is heading into a new era. As is the case with many other industries, digitalisation is quickly taking over and leading to big shifts in the field.

“Dentistry is changing – everything is digital now,” Dr. Wong remarks.

It is one thing to talk about going digital and another to actually do it. As with anything, entering the digital world takes some time to get used to and also requires learning some new skills. While taking a digital impression might feel challenging at first, it gets easier with every attempt.

“Now we have started to really enjoy using the equipment,” Dr. Wong states.

It is also easy for patients to come away impressed when they see the level of technology behind their high-quality treatment.

“We want the patient to know everything that is going on. It helps them understand the treatment and commit to it,” Dr. Collado states.

“When our patients are happy, we feel happy about what we do,” Dr. Wong concludes.



