Planmeca Group awarded as financial Achiever 2013

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Planmeca Group has been granted an Achiever 2013 status for its financial performance by Finland’s largest financial newspaper, Kauppalehti. Companies receiving Achiever certification are stable businesses with solid growth, good financial results and profitability, a strong financial structure and liquidity to ensure continued operation.

A comparison of these key indicators has put Planmeca, one of the world’s leading dental equipment manufacturers, in the top tier of Finnish companies. The comparison was made on the basis of financial statement data from January 2013.

“We are proud to have received this status achieved by hard and innovative work, commitment and cooperation. We are also looking forward to yet another year of growth and new innovations”, says Heikki Kyöstilä, President of Planmeca Group.

Planmeca Group’s budgeted turnover for 2014 is EUR 800 million. The Group has recently made a significant strategic investment in CAD/CAM technology by investing in US based medical device company E4D Technologies. The venture establishes a new strategic partnership between the companies and will further strengthen Planmeca’s position in dental equipment and software business.

“Planmeca believes in the tremendous possibilities and growth of 3D and computer-aided dentistry. As the future of dentistry will be completely digital, we want to be at the forefront in developing new and efficient practices. We have also invested in new training, warehouse and production facilities alongside the Helsinki headquarters as we need to provide extensive CAD/CAM training for our distribution and customer network in over 120 countries. These new 10,000 sq. m. facilities will help us address the growing need for training and education in this new field of dentistry”, Kyöstilä concludes about Planmeca’s future prospects.

