Leading Provider of Endpoint Encryption Unveils Comprehensive Port Protection to Address Insider Threats
– Pointsec Expands Data Protection Portfolio with Pointsec Device Protector
Stockholm, SWEDEN – January 22, 2007 – Pointsec Mobile Technologies, the global leader in mobile data protection, today released the Pointsec Device Protector solution which extends its enter¬prise data protection to include complete port and storage device management, effectively preventing sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. Available immediately, Point¬sec Device Protector is the only product available which addresses internal threats through the powerful combination of port management, content filtering and optional media encryption.
“While organizations of all sizes are scrambling to protect their sensitive information through security solutions designed for networks, port security is one avenue of data loss at the endpoint that many IT managers are just now becoming aware of through recently reported data breaches,” said Erik Johannisson, Chief Technology Office, Pointsec Mobile Technologies.
“The risk of data loss through unprotected ports and plug and play storage devices is a serious concern among all organizations in possession of confidential data. Once this sensitive informa¬tion is copied through a port to a storage device – whether it is by a malicious insider or a well-meaning insider who is unaware of the security policy – it becomes vulnerable to loss, theft and unauthorized use.”
USBs, along with other plug and play removable media devices, can connect directly into work¬stations and function without IT authorization or knowledge. The current breed of these thumb-size devices can hold up to 8 gigabytes of data, giving an attacker the ability to easily import unauthorized data, unlicensed software, malicious code, games, screensavers and other inappropriate material. More importantly, these devices increase the risk of theft of intellectual property and proprietary information.
According to Gartner, Inc.’s June 26, 2006 report, Stolen FTC Laptops Show Extent of Lax Security Data Practices, “Organizations need to take a strategic, layered approach to data security, rather than focusing solely on one or two exposure points. To ensure that more than laptop data is protected, organizations should not allow employees to transfer sensitive data to unmanaged systems or PCs and should implement endpoint activity enforcement products to restrict USB transfers.”
Pointsec Device Protector combines port and storage device management from Reflex Magnetics’ DiskNet Pro solution with media encryption to protect both removable storage media and e-mail in transit by providing automatic real-time encryption. With Pointsec Device Protector, Pointsec’s custom¬ers will now be able to control their employees’ use of personal removable media devices such as USB drives, Bluetooth smartphones, digital cameras and music players, that have wired or wire¬less connections to their work PCs. The product effectively prevents or limits data transfers to these devices through a configurable security policy and content filtering to ensure that corporate IT infrastructure cannot be used for illegal distribution of copyrighted content or installation of malicious software.
Added Johannisson, “Pointsec is focused on protecting sensitive information where it is most vulnerable – the endpoints of the network. As the security landscape evolves with increased technology innovation, so do the risks and our customers are clearly concerned about securing all data leak points. With Pointsec Device Protector, we have responded to customer demand with a simple, reliable way to secure and protect their data with low operational costs.”