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  • E-commerce in the Nordic region increased sharply in Q2 – clear information on deliveries important

E-commerce in the Nordic region increased sharply in Q2 – clear information on deliveries important

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During the second quarter of the year, Nordic residents made online purchases for SEK 40.5 billion, an increase of SEK 7.6 billion or 23 percent compared to Q2 last year, according to PostNord’s report E-commerce in the Nordic region*. 

All Nordic e-commerce markets continued to grow significantly during the second quarter. Domestic commerce in each respective country saw particularly sharp growth: SEK 6.7 billion or 29 percent.

“Nordic e-commerce is continuing to expand substantially, and consumers are become increasingly mature and open to e-commerce. This means that they’re demanding more and more from the purchasing experience. Consumer driven logistics becomes more and more important, for example Nordic residents think that it’s almost as important to receive clear information on how and when an item will be delivered as it is to receive clear information on the actual product,” says Annemarie Gardshol, Head of E-commerce at PostNord.

A growing number of consumers are making online purchases on a regular basis. Both the proportion and number of Nordic residents who shopped online in the second quarter increased compared to last year. This trend was particularly noticeable in Finland, where the share grew by 10 percentage points. Norwegians purchased the most during the period, making them the biggest e-shoppers in the Nordic region. Mobile e-commerce grew substantially, and the number of Nordic residents that made purchases from a mobile device increased from 9 percent (Q2 2014) to 16 percent (Q2 2015). Sweden and Norway have by far the largest percentages of people making online purchases in this way.

The path to an online purchase
Nordic residents prefer to search for information prior to a possible online purchase by conducting online research. They often use Google or other search engines, but comparison websites, other online stores and customer reviews are additional common sources of information.

Over 90 percent of Nordic consumers think it is important to receive clear information on how an item purchased online will be delivered. An almost equal share think it is important to have clear information on procedures for returns.

An e-commerce company wishing to attract Nordic consumers should primarily communicate by e-mail. According to Nordic residents, this is by far the most superior channel in terms of getting them to visit an online store. Otherwise, preferences differ from country to country. In Sweden and Finland, hard copy information sent to their mail box is particularly effective. The second-best means of communication according to Danes and Norwegians is other online channels such as banners or pop-ups.

*) E-commerce in the Nordic region, published once a quarter, is based on a consumer survey conducted in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland and involving almost 5,000 respondents. The consumer survey was conducted in July 2015 with a representative national selection of the population aged 18-79 years in each country. The survey was conducted via the TNS SIFO online panel. In all, 1,122 respondents took part in Sweden, 1,205 in Denmark, 1,191 in Norway and 1,175 in Finland.

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PostNord Media Relations, tel: 46 10 436 10 10, e-mail: press@postnord.com 

We deliver. PostNord is the leading supplier of communications and logistics solutions to, from and within the Nordic region. We also ensure the postal service to households and businesses in Sweden and Denmark. With our expertise and a strong distribution network, we develop options for tomorrow’s communication, e-commerce, distribution and logistics in the Nordic region. In 2014, PostNord had 38,000 employees and sales of SEK 40 billion. The parent company is a Swedish public limited company headquartered in Solna, Sweden. Visit us at www.postnord.com