Svensk Morgondistribution is now a part of PostNord

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PostNord has today finalized the takeover of Svensk Morgondistribution from Mittmedia and Västerbottens-Kuriren. This agreement covers several years of distribution of the media group’s MittMedia and Västerbottens-Kuriren morning newspapers.

On April 19, 2012 PostNord’s wholly-owned subsidiary Tidningstjänst AB announced its signing of an agreement for the takeover of Svensk Morgondistribution KB operations from the media groups MittMedia and Västerbottens-Kuriren, this covers the distribution of the media group’s morning newspapers. On May 16 the Competition Authority approved the takeover.

- We welcome the employees to PostNord and look forward to distribute the morning newspapers of Mittmedia and Västerbottens-Kuriren. The operations of Tidningstjänst are characterized by high quality and a cost-efficient distribution and it is exciting that the operations now are growing, says Leif Persson, CEO of Tidningstjänst AB.

The takeover of Svensk Morgondistribution is in line with PostNord’s strategy to develop profitable new businesses that will support the mail business. Through growth within the area of morning newspaper distribution can the same vehicles bee used to distribute morning papers during nighttime hours and for mail delivery during the day, resulting in major synergies.

After the takeover of Svensk Morgondistribution, Post Nord, through the wholly-owned subsidiary Tidningstjänst AB is operating within the newspaper distribution in Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland, Dalarna, Gästrikland, Hälsingland, Jämtland/Härjedalen, Värmland, northen Dalsland, Skaraborg, Enköping, Motala and Vimmerby.

If you have any questions, please contact:
PostNord Media Relations, 46(0)10-436 10 10

PostNord was formed in 2009 through the merger of Post Danmark A/S and Posten AB. The group offers communication and logistics solutions to, from and within the Nordic region, with sales of approximately SEK 40 billion and over 40,000 employees. Operations are managed in business areas Breve Danmark (mail), Meddelande Sverige (mail) and Logistics, and in Strålfors. The parent company is a Swedish public company headquartered in Solna, Sweden. Read more about PostNord at

