PowerCell Sweden presents comprehensive product portfolio optimized for off-road electrification

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PowerCell Sweden is now presenting a complete product portfolio for hydrogen electrification for the off-road segment, enabling a transition away from diesel engine-based powertrains. The product portfolio comprises complete fuel cell systems under the PowerCellution brand with an output from 60 kW up to megawatt installations.
“Our industrialized fuel cell systems offer customers minimized technical risk, minimized time-to-market and minimized investment costs in the unavoidable transition to zero-emissions solutions. With the industrialized base products, we can offer customized solutions with the same performance as previously and that do not require customers to change their behavior,” says Richard Berkling, CEO of PowerCell Sweden.

Against the backdrop of climate change and environmental issues, and the resulting more stringent emissions requirements, a large number of leading manufacturers in the automotive industry have announced the anticipated end dates for their combustion engine production. The off-road segment, which comprises construction machinery, forklifts, terminal tractors, container hoists and various types of work vehicles, uses diesel engine-based powertrains to a large extent. Accordingly, the segment is facing an enormous challenge as the era of the combustion engine now moves toward its close and needs to be replaced by some form of electric solution.

“Several of the alternatives for electrification that are available will require the end customers in the segment to radically change their behavior, which will obviously have a negative impact on the businesses of the major manufacturers and the end customers. PowerCell Sweden’s fuel cell-based and hydrogen-electric solutions offer them an uncompromising way out of the diesel trap because our systems offer all of the benefits of the diesel engine, but none of its disadvantages,” says Richard Berkling, CEO of PowerCell Sweden AB.

PowerCell Sweden has more than 25 years of experience in developing fuel cells and fuel cell systems. Due to its early focus on the requirements of the heavy vehicle industry, the company has developed technology with industry-leading power density, combined with a high output and a very compact format. The solutions are based on industrialized base components and can be offered in standard format or customized on the basis of customer requirements with an output from 60 kW up to megawatt.

“Our customers within the segment are facing an unavoidable technology shift, but here and now we can offer then an electrification solution that minimizes their costs for research and development, their time-to-market and their technology risk,” says Richard Berkling.

Read more at www.powercellution.com/off-road/ 

For more information, please contact:

Richard Berkling                                                           Andreas Bodén
CEO, Powercell Sweden AB (publ)                                  Director Sales & Marketing
Tel +46 (0) 31 720 36 20                                                 Tel +46 (0) 31 720 36 20     
E-mail: richard.berkling @powercell.se                        E-mail: andreas.boden@powercell.se

About Powercell Sweden AB (publ)

PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) develops and produces fuel cell stacks and systems for stationary and mobile applications with a world-class energy density. The fuel cells are powered by hydrogen, pure or reformed, and produce electricity and heat with no emissions other than water. As the stacks and systems are compact, modular and scalable, they are easily adjusted to any customer need.

PowerCell was founded in 2008 as an industrial spinout from the Volvo Group. The share (PCELL) has been subject to trade at Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm since 2014. G&W Fondkommission is Certified Adviser, e-mail: ca@gwkapital.se, Tel: +46 (0) 8 503 000 50.

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