Extraordinary General Meeting in Precise Biometrics AB approves rights issue for approx SEK 54 million

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At Precise Biometrics' Extraordinary General Meeting, held today on Friday August 21, 2009, the decision was made to approve a rights issue of shares proposed by the Board of Directors for SEK 54 million with preferential rights for existing shareholders. The rights issue will be implemented to finance further expansion and increase market penetration in prioritized market segments. The rights issue means that the share capital will be increased by a maximum of SEK 13 496 080 to a maximum of SEK 53 984 320 through the issue of a maximum total of 33 740 200 new shares. The terms and conditions are basically as follows: - Three (3) existing shares entitle subscription to one (1) new share - The subscription price is SEK 1.60 per share - The last day of trading in the share with the right to participate in the rights issue is August 24, 2009 - The record day for participation in the rights issue of shares is August 27, 2009 - The subscription period is from and including August 31 to September 14, 2009, or a date to be decided later by the Board of Directors - Trading in subscription rights will take place during the period from and including August 31 to and including September 9, 2009 For more information, we refer to the prospectus that the Board of Directors in Precise Biometrics has established in regards to the rights issue. The prospectus will be available in Swedish on Monday, August 24 at www.precisebiometrics.com and www.remium.com. For more information in English, please contact Precise Biometrics or Remium. Financial advisor Remium AB is acting as financial advisor to Precise Biometrics AB in conjunction with the rights issue. Lund, August 21, 2009 Precise Biometrics AB For more information: Thomas Marschall, CEO, Precise Biometrics AB Tel: +46 46 31 11 10 or +46 734 35 11 10 E-mail thomas.marschall@precisebiometrics.com Patrik Norberg, CFO, Precise Biometrics AB Tel. +46 46 31 11 47 or +46 734 35 11 47 E-mail patrik.norberg@precisebiometrics.com Precise Biometrics is a market-leading provider of products and solutions for fingerprint recognition. The technology proves people's identities in a fast and secure way, while it reduces costs related to password management, identity theft and fraud. Precise Biometrics serves business and government organizations throughout the world and its technology is licensed to close to 100 million users. Precise Biometrics is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm small cap list (PREC). For more information, please visit www.precisebiometrics.com or view an information video at www.precisebiometrics.com/share-issue-video Important information The publication or distribution of this press release may in certain jurisdictions be subject to restriction by law, and persons in the jurisdictions where this press release has been published or distributed should inform themselves of and follow such legal restrictions. This press release may not be made public, published or distributed, either directly or indirectly in the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia or any other country where such procedures are subject in full or in part to legal restrictions. Nor may the information in this press release may not be communicated, reproduced or presented in any way that is in conflict with such restrictions. Failure to follow this instruction may involve a breach of the United States Securities Act from 1933 ("Securities Act") or applicable laws in other jurisdictions. This press release does not contain or constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, subscribe to or otherwise trade with shares, subscription rights or other securities in Precise Biometrics. The invitation to the persons concerned to subscribe to shares in Precise Biometrics will only take place through the Prospectus that Precise Biometrics intends to publish around August 24, 2009, and this Prospectus will contain financial statements and other information on Precise Biometrics' board of directors and auditors. Neither the subscription rights, paid subscribed shares or the new shares will be registered in accordance with the Securities Act or any other act in Canada, and may not be transferred or offered for sale in the United States or Canada, or to persons domiciled there, or on behalf of such persons, other than in such exceptional cases where registering in accordance with the Securities Act or other act in Canada is not required.

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