Foundation Recruitment achieves IIP Gold status

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Specialist recruiter for the real estate sector, Foundation Recruitment has been awarded an Investor in People Gold status - the highest possible status offered under the scheme. Its success in achieving this recognition of a commitment to enhancing business performance through progressive employment practices and doing so on its first application, places it alongside some of the best employers in the UK. The achievement is even more remarkable given the business is still under three years old.

Speaking of the accreditation, Julian Long, Foundation Recruitment’s Managing Director, said: “Achieving Investors in People Gold Status was never a ‘nice to have’ for Foundation Recruitment. It was always a necessity. Obtaining the ultimate people management standard entails a considerable investment, but we would never expect candidates to trust us with their careers or clients to trust us with their recruitment needs without first demonstrating our own commitment to the welfare, development and job satisfaction of our own team.

He adds: “We’ve always been advocates of how the right people with the right support can make a real difference to the success of any organisation. This understanding underpins everything we do.”

Commenting on behalf of Investors in People, assessor Mick Lynch said: “It was quickly apparent from the assessment process that Foundation Recruitment operates to the very high standards of employment excellence required for Investors in People Gold Status. This conclusion was reinforced by interviews with the team where there was clear evidence of a collaborative approach, a united vision and a shared focus on placing the needs of the client or candidate first,”

For more information on Foundation Recruitment and its unique approach to real estate recruitment, visit

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 For more information on this story, contact Wayne Mohammed or Emma Macey at PRECISION on 0161 638 8714 or e-mail:

Notes to editors:

  • Formed in 2010, Foundation Recruitment is a specialist recruitment consultancy focusing on the property, shopping centre operations, facilities management, construction and wider built environment sectors.
  • Operating out of offices in Manchester and London, the business prides itself on its ability to offer expert and pragmatic solutions delivered by highly experienced, professional consultants.
  • The services offered by Foundation Recruitment include contingency recruitment, advertised selection and executive search.
  • All of Foundation Recruitment’s activates are underpinned by four core values – Exacting Standards, Knowledge, Integrity and Professionalism.
  • Foundation Recruitment is a member of several professional trade associations including the RICS, BCSC and BIFM
  • The business works with a wide range of clients including property companies and consultancies, developers, investors, funds, banks and finance houses, major occupiers, retail and leisure operators, high net worth individuals, private practices, hotel chains, landlords, managing agents, FM services providers, construction companies and environmental and sustainability specialists.


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