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  • Pricer launches the first fully scalable wireless graphical ESL supported by an ESL platform

Pricer launches the first fully scalable wireless graphical ESL supported by an ESL platform

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In its capacity as issuer, Pricer AB is releasing the information in this press release in accordance with the Swedish (2007:528) Securities Exchange Act. The information was distributed to the media for publication at 2.45 p.m on Monday 25th of February, 2008.

Pricer has unveiled at Euroshop the first mainstream scalable graphical Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) supported by its existing platform. The DotMatrix (DM ESL) is capable of much more than conventional ESL devices. They display what a paper label can display, in its exact typeface and layout, including a readable barcode for store operations and self scanning needs. “The new DM ESL takes away the last hurdles for retail with electronic shelf edge display,” says Charles Jackson, Pricer CEO, “DM ESL brings together all the benefits of ESL with all the benefits of paper.”

Already, Pricer has been answering two main retail needs with the launch of its larger range of DotMatrix displays. Firstly, Pricer has been complementing its standard grocery retail offer with wireless display solutions for areas where no segment based ESLs have been adequate, such as Fruit and Vegetable and deli counters, for reasons of information flexibility or customer readability. “Every Pricer store is able to support seamlessly these new display devices,” says Charles Jackson, “and we are even making many new installations in competitor installed stores.” Pricer has also been able to extend the use of ESL into big box retail such as DIY, office supply and electronics with the combination of segment based and pixel based displays. “Our recent mix of new business includes some of the leading Europeans and US big box retailers who now can address their entire pricing needs,’ adds Mr. Jackson.

Now, on the basis of this new technology, Pricer is expanding its ESL offering to specialty retailing such as perfume stores, liquor stores and duty frees stores. The DM ESL is more expensive than the standard segment-based ESL devices and will not replace Pricers continuum ESL family. However, Pricer will introduce the DM ESL into hypermarkets, for their category specialty areas such as pharmacy and perfume areas, where information, customer comfort and operational benefit go hand in hand. “In our drive to bring down the total cost of ownership, “adds Mr. Jackson, “we are extending our offering to address all wireless store needs, clearly positioning Pricer as the leader in the industry.

The display relies on new graphical technology termed bi-stable, which is perfectly suited for retail needs. In essence it is a matrix-controlled display that has information storage at the display surface, enabling a pixel graphical representation with very low power needs. While most ESL companies only offer segment based liquid crystal Displays (LCD), today Pricer is the only ESL provider offering scalability in both solutions under one platform.

For further information, please contact:
Charles Jackson, President and CEO Pricer AB: +46 8 505 582 00


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