Year End Report Financial Year 2006

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• Net sales of SEK 409.9M (325.8), an increase of 26 percent (including Eldat)

• Loss after tax SEK -48,0M (-36.4)

• Earnings per share of SEK -0.06 (-0.05)

• Orders received SEK 303.4M (279.1)

• Gross margin of 22 (20) percent and 27 (20) percent in fourth quarter

• Operating result of SEK -40.8M (-43.5)

• Liquid funds of SEK 31.5M (69.5)

• Pricer sold its shares in Appulse Ltd, India in June 2006

• Pricer acquired the competitor Eldat Communication Ltd, Israel in August 2006

• New order from Carrefour France in February 2006 leading to deliveries exceeding SEK 150M in 2006

• Metro Cash & Carry, Germany signed in August 2006 a frame agreement worth about SEK 75M for Pricer’s new ESL generation


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