Year-end report 2023 – Pricer AB
High net sales of 801 MSEK – an increase of 15 percent compared to last year.Fourth quarter 2023 • Net sales amounted to SEK 800.6 M (696.1), an increase of 15.0 percent compared to the same period last year. • Of net sales, SEK 17.5 M (11.9) refers to recurring revenue. • Gross margin amounted to 17.7 percent (15.5). • Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 20.1 M (27.9), which corresponds to an operating margin of 2.5 percent (4.0). • The company initiates a cost-saving program that is burdening the quarter with SEK 19.3 M in restructuring costs and SEK 14.8 M for