Butte and Valley Fires: Insurance for Wildfires is Available

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Fire Prevention Week - Insurance Experts Available to Discuss Navigating the Insurance Process

SACRAMENTO, CA – With the insurance recovery process underway for the thousands of homeowners affected by the Butte and Valley Fires, there are many other residents who now may have questions about property insurance. As part of next week’s Fire Prevention Week, the Association of California Insurance Companies (ACIC) has insurance experts available to discuss what consumers need to know about the insurance environment after major wildfires. Please contact me and I will happy to arrange interview with Mark Sektnan, ACIC President or Armand Feliciano, ACIC vice president in our Sacramento office.

Wildfires such as the Butte and Valley fires are disruptive forces and as we move into the period of highest risk for major fires, we want to assure homeowners and renters throughout California that insurance is available. Wildfire has long been part of California’s landscape and this highlights the importance of the state having a competitive insurance marketplace which allows consumers to shop around for the company that can best meet their individual circumstances.  Homeowners that lost homes in the recent fires should also know state law prevents their policy from being canceled during reconstruction and the policy must be renewed following a state declared disaster.  Insurers will work with policyholders to maintain the right coverage during the rebuilding process. 

Wildfire risk may require one company to non-renew some policies to balance their risks, while other insurers are looking to compete to write that new business. The insurance environment is dynamic, so if homeowners are notified they have been non-renewed they should call other agents, brokers and companies to shop around.  With 126 homeowner insurers operating in California you just have to turn on your TV to see the competitive nature of California’s insurance market. 

Wildfire Recovery Story Ideas:

Fire Prevention Week – October 5 – 9 is Fire Prevention Week.  Remind viewers now is the time to get financially and physically prepared for fires.  Five of the largest fires in U.S. history occurred in California during the month of October. Homeowners and renters should take steps now to update their insurance and complete a home inventory.

Talk to an Adjuster – We can arrange a chance to sit down with an insurance adjuster and learn the process homeowners go through to settle a claim and rebuild their home. (subject to adjuster’s schedule and availability they are working with policyholders)

El Nino Preparation – We can talk with you about the insurance impact El Nino may have on residents in areas affected by wildfire and particularly those around the Butte and Valley Fires. It is important for residents to consider purchasing a NFIP flood policy to protect property in case the impeding El Nino brings floods or landslides.

Contractor Fraud Prevention:  Learn tips for homeowners rebuilding their homes and how to avoid common mistakes when hiring a contractor.

Learn More:

Top Ten Insurance Wildfire Disasters




Quick facts

October 5 – 9 is Fire Prevention Week - now is the time to get financially and physically prepared for fires
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Five of the largest fires in U.S. history occurred in California during the month of October
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It is important for residents to consider purchasing a NFIP flood policy to protect property in case the impeding El Nino brings floods or landslides
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