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About Us

PCI is composed of nearly 1,000 member companies, representing the broadest cross section of insurers of any national trade association. PCI members write $216 billion in annual premium, 36 percent of the nation's property casualty insurance. Member companies write 43 percent of the U.S. automobile insurance market, 29 percent of the homeowners market, 34 percent of the commercial property and liability market and 36 percent of the private workers compensation market.



The first of the year is the perfect time to get your financial house in order, and an evaluation of your insurance policies should always be part of that effort. It’s so important you’re prepared for the many risks we face today.
Bob Passmore, assistant vice president, personal lines policy at PCI
While winter storms can be very dangerous and cause significant damage for drivers and homeowners, by taking a few simple steps you can ensure you’re ready for the next Arctic blast or storm system.
Chris Hackett, senior director of personal lines for PCI
Greater awareness of how trucks and cars can safely share the road is one of the most important, but often overlooked factors that can help reduce the number of crashes this winter
David Golden, assistant vice president, commercial lines for PCI
This study helps to highlight that there is a need to improve traffic safety and road management.
Phil Renaud, executive director of The Risk Institute
Congested, urban roadways, infrastructure challenges along with the ubiquitous use of electronic devices combine to create hazardous driving conditions.
Bob Passmore, assistant vice president for PCI
Tariffs on auto parts could have a significant adverse economic impact on consumers, automobile repair providers, business, and insurers.
David Snyder, PCI Vice President
Property casualty insurers are operating in an era of unparalleled disruption and promise. Rapidly changing technology, demographics, and geopolitics will continue to present challenges and opportunities. PCI’s value proposition is to be an integral part of member companies’ enterprise risk management for legislative, regulatory, and political risk.
David Sampson
Use caution when driving on Halloween as trick-or-treaters could dart out in front of your vehicle
Christopher Hackett, PCI senior director of personal lines policy
With so many distractions, it’s important for drivers to be extra cautious and look for trick or treaters who might be dressed in darker clothing. Insurers stress the importance of staying off the phone while driving and planning your route ahead of time, so you can stay focused on the road
Christopher Hackett, PCI senior director of personal lines policy
The Emerging Leaders Conference nomination process was created to help spark internal conversations about rising stars within companies and to provide a professional development opportunity that rewards high performers.
Marguerite Tortorello, president of Tortorello Communications and one of the founding members of Insurance Careers Movement
The Insurance Careers Movement was launched to address the pending talent shortage in the insurance industry.
Jessica Hanna, PCI’s senior vice president of public affairs
Insurers’ top priority is getting checks into the hands of policyholders so that families can get back into their homes, cars back on the roads and businesses reopened.
Logan McFaddin
A storm of this magnitude causes massive disruption of people’s lives and businesses. However, insurance agents and adjusters are already cutting checks and delivering assistance to policyholders.
Chris Hackett, PCI Senior Director
Homeowners starting the rebuilding process should report all damages as soon as possible and talk with their insurance company or agent to get specific information regarding their deductibles and steps they can take to settle the claim quickly and accurately.
Chris Hackett, PCI Senior Director
As homeowners begin seeking help to clean up and repair storm damage, it’s really important that they be cautious about the contractors they hire.
Chris Hackett, PCI Senior Director
Insurers are diligently helping policyholders rebuild their lives.
Frank O’Brien, PCI Vice President
Our thoughts are with those who have been impacted by Hurricane Florence.
Chris Hackett, PCI senior director
You will save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration by checking the credentials of the businesses and individuals that you hire to repair your property.
Frank O’Brien, PCI Vice President
Distracted driving is thought to be one of the leading causes for the rise in vehicle crashes nationwide, and summer activities bring even more distracted drivers to the roads.
Bob Passmore
As states continue to liberalize marijuana laws, Americans need to be better educated about the impact of driving under the influence of marijuana. It is a hazardous activity that jeopardizes everyone’s safety on the roads.
Robert Gordon, PCI’s senior vice president of policy research and international
Each of us can make our roads safer every time we get behind the wheel. As drivers, we need to commit to driving sober, putting down our smartphones, and making an extra effort to stay focused on the road.
Bob Passmore, PCI’s assistant vice president of personal lines policy
It is mind-boggling that Florida is facing some of the most dramatic increases in distracted driving-related crashes, yet is only one of four states that hasn’t already made texting while driving a primary enforcement law.
Logan McFaddin, regional manager for PCI
No matter where you live in the country it is important that you have a severe weather plan, emergency kit, NOAA weather radio, and other emergency supplies. It is equally important homeowners, renters, and business owners conduct a review of their insurance policies and discuss coverage options with their insurance agent or company to make sure they are adequately covered.
Christopher Hackett
When you’re in a car, the smallest distraction could end much more than a drive, it could end someone’s life. Just like I refused to lose on the field, I refuse to lose someone I love to distracted driving, and you should too
Brett Favre
In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Emily, PCI encourages Floridians to take a thorough approach in assessing their property damage, whether it be to their home, business or automobile.
Logan McFaddin
Insurers believe this bill will save lives on Texas roads. By making texting while driving a primary offense, law enforcement can pull over drivers who are seen using their devices while driving. This law will now hold people accountable for their actions and hopefully prevent more fatal crashes.
Joe Woods
The 14 percent increase in traffic fatalities over the past two years – the largest two year increase in more than 50 years – highlights the importance of motorists, policymakers, and insurers working together to avoid unsafe driving behaviors and strengthen distracted driving laws.
Robert Passmore, PCI assistant vice president for personal lines policy
Distracted driving is thought to be one of the leading causes for the rise in vehicle accidents nationwide, and summertime activities will bring even more distracted drivers to the roads.
Bob Passmore, PCI’s assistant vice president of personal lines policy
Auto safety is a top issue for auto insurers. We hope the dialogue on distracted and impaired driving will continue, and we urge lawmakers and other industry thought leaders to continue addressing the impact of motorist behavior as an important part of the safety equation.
Bob Passmore, PCI’s assistant vice president, personal lines policy
We encourage legislators to stop the lawsuit abuses by storm-chasing lawyers while ensuring that policyholders still have all their legal rights if they feel their insurer acted in bad faith.
Joe Woods
PCI urges anyone affected by weather events to be alert for scams or other fraudulent activity and use caution when hiring a contractor for repairs
Chris Hackett, director of personal lines policy for PCI
With distracted driving becoming such a dangerous epidemic, PCI is encouraging states to review and strengthen distracted driving laws in 2017. We need to change attitudes about distracted driving in the same way public opinion shifted regarding driving under the influence of alcohol.
Joe Woods
Each of us can make our roads safer every time we get behind the wheel if we commit to driving sober, putting down our smartphones, and making an extra effort to stay focused on the road
Bob Passmore
Senate File 127 provides important consumer protections that ensure consumers get their roof fixed and fixed properly.
Kelly Campbell, vice president, state government relations for PCI
PCI is a proud supporter of the Texas Distracted Driving Coalition and supports any legislation that helps improve safety and reduce costs
Joe Woods
We encourage all drivers, not just teens, to put down their smartphones and drive responsibly. Staying focused on the road can prevent a tragedy.
Logan McFaddin
Contact your insurance company or agent as soon as possible to begin the claims process. Insurers plan for catastrophes and are prepared to assist homeowners immediately.
Joe Woods
A series of snowstorms can put stress on flat roofs, decks, and other structures to the point of collapse.
Frank O’Brien, vice president state government affairs for PCI
Another layer of wet, heavy snow has the potential to result in significant property damage.
Frank O’Brien, vice president state government affairs for PCI
Distracted driving is thought to be one of the leading causes for the rise in vehicle accidents nationwide.
Bob Passmore, PCI’s assistant vice president of personal lines policy
Connecticut has demonstrated that fighting distracted driving is a priority and increasing penalties for repeat offenders will, once again, demonstrate that distracted driving will not be tolerated in Connecticut
Kristina Baldwin vice president, state government relations for PCI
We live in time where everything we do is linked to our smartphones, and this piece of legislation allows insurers to keep up with their policyholder demands by conducting business electronically.
Oyango Snell, state government relations counsel for PCI
“Our thoughts are with those who have been impacted from these severe storms. Homeowners should first contact their insurance company or agent through their toll-free phone number, app or website to begin filing a claim. Insurers plan for catastrophes and are prepared to assist homeowners immediately. Company adjustors are now in the field helping homeowners and renters begin rebuilding in the impacted areas.
Logan McFaddin
Unfortunately, a few bad players can increase insurance costs for everyone. Fixing this problem needs to be a top priority for lawmakers this legislative session.
Logan McFaddin
While smartphones have no doubt changed the way we live, they shouldn’t be changing the way we drive or walk. It’s up to all of us to encourage each other to stop the distraction, because you might just save a life or prevent a crash.
Bob Passmore, assistant vice president, personal lines policy
The widespread flooding this year is also a reminder that consumers need to know that flood insurance is not covered by standard homeowners’ policies.
Chris Hackett, PCI senior director of personal lines policy
While it is important to prepare for the automated vehicle of the future, we must not lose sight of the auto safety challenges that face us today. There is a fundamental mismatch between the public perceptions that auto accidents and insurance costs are decreasing with the stark reality that our roads are becoming increasingly dangerous and auto repair and medical costs are increasing.
Jessica Hanna
During the holidays, parking lots can pose a major problem and lead to vehicle accidents
Bob Passmore
It’s important to pay close attention to your surroundings and use extra caution while driving or walking in parking lots.
Bob Passmore
Our industry has a rich history of helping families rebuild after a tragedy. Insurers provide peace of mind to homeowners and motorists, and helping injured workers in their time of need. There’s no question we need to tell our story better, and highlight all the good we do to help policyholders and the economy. We hope you’ll join us in this effort by being a champion of this movement
June Holmes, Chief Operating Officer and Treasurer of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America