Excellent customer service and quality entrance mats

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Mat Service and entrance mat industry is characterized by an old-school view concerning customer service. With ProQures quick and flexible service, this gives us a great competitive advantage in comparison to our competitors. _________________

Mat Service and entrance mat industry is characterized by an old-school view concerning customer service. Innovation is long forgotten. Fast and flexible service is almost non-existent. But with a more demanding clientele, new requirements are demanded in this industry. The criterias for providing a service with high quality is per definition assessed according to total cost of ownership and the added-value to the customer. But in today's IT world speed is yet increasingly becoming more and more important factor in order to gain competitive advantage. Everything should be available in the same speed as we seek and grasp information on the Internet. "Great that you could come on short notice.", "Thank you for the quick response and your very benign service." "We appreciate the fast service!". 'These warmn words ánd feedback from current and new customers give us the extra boost to go the extra mile.' states Ryan Eriksson, ProQures Marketing and Sales Manager (Visit http://www.proQure.se and learn more about the company's offerings). The above recipe seems to show an evidence of a profitable and successful partnership with the customers and ProQure. See also the swedish news in ProQure | http://www.proqure.se/2010/02/snabba-kundsvar-mattservice-och-entremattor-leveranser/. _________________
