Pointsec credited with Swedish IT industry award

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Pointsec’s parent company Protect Data named ‘Swedish IT Company of the Year’

STOCKHOLM, Sweden – September 19, 2006 – Pointsec, the global leader and the provider of the de facto standard for enterprise security software for laptop and desktop PCs, PDAs and smart¬phones, through its publicly listed parent company Protect Data, has been presented with Guld¬musen, Sweden’s most prestigious Information Technology industry award. Protect Data was declared the recipient of the Guldmusen (´The Golden Mouse’) award in the ’Swedish IT company of the Year’ category, jointly presented by Swedish business weekly Affärs¬världen and lT newspaper Computer Sweden, at a gala event during the Sweden ICT Week in Stockholm, on September 18. This annual prize, awarded in four categories, honors Swedish entre¬preneurs, developers, users and others who have made the greatest contributions to advance and promote Information Technology. The jury’s quotation for the prize singles out Protect Data and Pointsec as a true success story: “Few Swedish companies can match the achievements of the Swedish IT Company of the Year during its eighteen years in business. The company has developed a global standard for mobile data security. Managing to match its growth with a solid increase in operating earnings also has pleased investors, who have enjoyed a tenfold increase in the value of their Protect Data holdings during the last three years.” ”We are proud and happy to see Pointsec’s achievements highlighted through this prestigious award, and that the jury has recognized our long-term efforts to establish leadership for Pointsec solutions in global markets,” said Thomas Bill, CEO, Protect Data. ”This award provides encouragement and recognition for our entire organization.” Pointsec is the worldwide de facto standard for mobile device security – with the most customers deployed, highest level of security certification, and an unmatched device support that includes laptops, PDAs, smartphones, and removable media. Pointsec’s solution provides protection for all stored data, automatically and transparent to the user. It is centrally managed, so that security policy changes can be effected without user intervention. For further information please contact: Thomas Bill, CEO, Protect Data. tel: +46 8 459 54 00

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