Mygeopin App is available for free download

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The Mygeopin Team are very proud to announce the release of the Mygeopin App which is now available for free download at iTunes

Mygeopin is your true address, a simple solution to a big problem!

We’ve all been there at least once: searching for a location, you type on the map app the destination address and go! When you arrive you wonder if you’re in the right place or not, because the navigator has made a mistake. It’s not simply a fault of the map but the way of thinking addresses. Addresses can be precise, but not everywhere!

Our smartphones can be extremely accurate, using GPS coordinates. But GPS coordinates are too complex to be shared among people. Mygeopin aims to change that by simplifying the complex GPS coordinate code and bringing it down to earth in the form of a more human friendly and easy to remember code. So the position 40.756002, -73.986783 which to the majority of us doesn’t mean anything, then becomes the easy Mygeopin code US,NEW YORK,7H88Z.

It’s not important that your position is in a road, because the Mygeopin code can encode any position inside or outside road networks. So - in the unfortunate event that you need assistance - you can be sure to get help even if you are in the middle of nowhere.

Get yours and start sharing now, it’s free!

Then, if you like what you see, you can get your very own personilzed Mygeopin code by making a pledge . A code that's unique to you and tells the world who you are.

 Miguel Carrasco : Tel  44 (0) 207 193 0461 :  I

Pragmasystems ltd a high-end company for software and hardware analysis, development and deployment. Specializing in technical assistance and systems including the audio recovery software & storage suite Xribus. The team at Pragmasystems come from diverse cultural backgrounds which together create a unique combination of highly skilled developers & visionary enthusiasts who are committed to making the world a more fun place to live.

We have learned throughout our careers, that user experience is primary in everything we create.


