New Partnership: PTV Group and VEDECOM

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Focus on MaaS, Smart Cities and Autonomous Vehicles

Karlsruhe, 12.07.2017. On April 18, 2017, the PTV Group and the French institute VEDECOM announced their collaboration on a three-year strategic initiative. VEDECOM focuses on research and development in the field of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) in Smart Cities, including the integration of autonomous vehicles and their monitoring in real-time. This is where PTV Group can provide valuable assistance, with appropriate software and know-how.

The cooperation between PTV and VEDECOM follows a first initiative in which PTV assists VEDECOM in modelling a new research area located in the Satory district near Paris. Optimal access routes to the area will be defined using PTV software for traffic and pedestrian simulation (PTV Vissim and PTV Viswalk). The new research area consists of a lab and a circuit where autonomous vehicles can be tested. In addition, PTV will take part in the CoEXist research project which aims at depicting the driving behaviour of autonomous vehicles in a realistic manner (PTV Vissim). In a second step, additional PTV software tools, such as PTV Optima and PTV xServer, may be deployed to enable the Smart City platform to supervise access to the area in real time for all transport modes, including autonomous vehicles.

"For us, the partnership with VEDECOM is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with high-ranking representatives from industry and science and actively shape the future of mobility. As we focus on the same issues, i.e. MaaS for smart mobility in smart cities, this alliance is of particular interest to us," said Florence Prybyla, PTV Vision Sales Manager of PTV France.

VEDECOM, which was set up in 2014, is one of the Institutes for Energy Transition (ITE) established by the French government as part of the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA). The ITEs are interdisciplinary platforms that engage in the low-carbon energy transition and bring together industry know-how through research. They cover the entire innovation process up to demonstration and prototype development. VEDECOM belongs to the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. Its members include companies from the automotive and aviation industries, infrastructure operators and service providers as well as researchers and scientists.

364 words. Author’s copy kindly requested.

PTV. The Mind of Movement

PTV Group takes a holistic approach that integrates all aspects of traffic, transport and logistics to create and promote sustainable mobility. Recognised as global market leader, PTV develops intelligent software solutions for transport logistics, traffic planning and traffic management. Thus cities, companies and people save time and money, enhance road safety and minimise the impact on the environment. Based on its unique expertise in every facet of mobility, PTV ensures that people and goods arrive at their destinations safe and sound, and on time.

More than 2,500 cities deploy PTV products. Trips and routes for over one million vehicles are planned with our software. The European transport model, which encompasses all passenger transport and freight movements in Europe, is developed using PTV software. We currently have more than 700 colleagues worldwide committed to driving the high performance of our products. PTV’s headquarters, located in the heart of the Karlsruhe technology region, house the company’s centre of development and innovation. From here, PTV plans and optimises everything that moves people and goods worldwide – it's the central idea which has accompanied the Group since its foundation in 1979.

The German company PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG is a member of PTV Group.

Petra Gust-Kazakos, Global Communications PTV Group
Phone: 49-721-9651-546


PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG, Haid-und-Neu-Straße 15, 76131 Karlsruhe




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